#arvio romance spoilers
jazdrawsmtas · 4 months
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POV everyone in town has a crush on you!
Wow, I can hardly believe I drew them all. Thank you everyone for the support, I had a lot of fun and seeing them all lined up like this is extremely satisfying.
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moefongo · 2 years
Sorry for using an ask, but my app wouldn't let me make a submission for some reason. Writing through the block is always the best method, take that crap head-on. If you feel like it, what about how the various bachelor's react to the supposed death of builder (after they've been romanced) from the new update.
If you feel like it, no rush, and even if you don't, thanks anyway! Have a lovely day!
Don't worry anon, tumblr is weird like that. And yeah you're right I've even worked on really old asks i had half way through because i couldn't bring myself to write anything and its worked so far! And this is right up my alley since I do love some angst, though i wont write for Fang since I have a whole fic dedicated to this and Justice since I have something related to this for him as well, so I hope its ok w you!
Oh yeah and if you want a whole fic about any of these im down to do it lol
The bachelors (romanced) reacting to the builder's death (Part 1)
I'm putting this under a cut for spoilers!
(Also trigger warning for suicidal thoughts and mentions of suicide its nothing too explicit but i just want to make sure to tag things properly! If you want me to add any other tag let me know, thanks!)
They had told him the night before that they had an important mission with the Civil Corps early in the morning and Arvio had a terrible feeling about it ever since they told him. He barely slept that night, he even prayed to the Light to keep them safe. Which is something he never does since Arvio isn't really a man of religion, but he really wanted them to be safe.
The next day, everything was normal and he hoped everything went well with the builder so he went to work as usual since he had no choice but to wait for them to visit him after the mission was over. They never really told him what it was, just that it was related to Logan. The morning passed quickly, but there was an unpleasant atmosphere in town that day. It wasn't even 1 pm when Justice told Arvio the terrible news. He had been the first to know and the town followed suit when Arvio's screaming and crying could be heard all over Sandrock. 
Arvio wanted to die in that same moment that Justice finished talking, he just wanted to run and jump off the same cliff they fell from and join them. He couldn't bear to accept the fact that they're gone. 
Things got so intense with Arvio that Fang had to go and sedate him. Fortunately the builder came back relatively unscathed aside from a few cuts and bruises and found out about what happened with Arvio and decided to stay with him until he woke up. 
Once he did, he swore that it was the builder's spirit visiting and since he was still a bit loopy he broke down to cry again despite the builder hugging him so he could feel that they were there with him. Then when he came back to his senses, Arvio refused to leave the builder alone and forbade the Civil Corps from taking them to dangerous missions again.
This surely had to be a bad joke, Burgess knew nothing could happen to the builder. He had been praying all morning for their well being so it was impossible for them to have passed.
But no matter how many times Matilda or Miguel explained it to him, the poor soul always remained optimistic on their return, hoping that the builder would prove them wrong and come back to Burgess's side. 
 However deep down, way below that denial, Burgess knew that his prayers went unheard and that the Light abandoned him just when he needed it the most. He prayed and prayed for a safe return and all he got was condolences. 
 Burgess did cry and uncharacteristically questioned the Light's reason for their passing and no matter how many times Miguel or Matilda told him that it had been the Light's purpose, Burgess refused to accept it. In fact those words angered him, how could such a loving and benevolent deity let something so awful happen, especially to someone as good as the builder. 
But since the Light works in mysterious ways, the builder managed to scramble back to town before sundown. They were exhausted, roughed up and dirty and all they wanted was to nap with Burgess for a while. And despite everyone's concern to stay home they made their way back to the church where Burgess was still praying. 
 It was kind of dramatic, the builder swung the church doors open and surprised Burgess turned around to see who it was and as soon as he realized it was them he ran up to them, enveloping them in a gentle hug. Still wrapped in his hug, the builder couldn't help but to break down in tears as they apologized over and over for making him think they were dead. But he didn't care about that anymore, the builder was back and the Light was true to its word and brought them back safe and sound. 
Then they spent the rest of the day being taken care of by Burgess, who helped them get clean and comfy and then settled in to sleep with them. 
He really hated this Podunk town and its lack of basic commodities, but the only one who made the stay worthwhile was the builder. He had high hopes of convincing them of ditching Sandrock and moving to Atara with him; he wanted to make sure they had everything their heart desired, including the best work opportunities. 
Unfortunately this silly little dream of his would be crushed when he found out the builder had died. Ernest was dumbfounded at the level of incompetence of the Civil Corps. He wasn't angry, he was fuming and it was damn sure that there would be hell to pay in Sandrock. 
By the time Unsuur left his apartment, Ernest was already writing a hefty letter, reporting the Civil Corps for their ineptitude.  It was a hefty letter, spanning at least three pages. Once that letter was done, he packed his bags hastily as he fought back tears.
For the first time, someone liked him for who he was and not for his wealth. They were kind, sweet and genuine, and they made Ernest a better person, and most importantly, they became that light in his life they were looking for and now that light is gone.
He spent less than an hour getting everything packed and made his way to the train station. He had finished buying the ticket for the next train to Atara when he saw the builder running back to the town. At first he thought it was his mind playing tricks on him, but as they approached, Ernest was able to recognize their form and instinctively ran to them, leaving his bags at the station.
Ernest ran as fast as possible and stopped the builder dead in their tracks. They looked like they had seen better days, but that doesn't matter now, they were right there in front of him and a sense of relief washed over him as he grabbed their hand and ran back to the station, he was now intending to buy a ticket for them and take them to Atara. He wasn't going to let them get hurt again in this town. But thanks to the builder's persuasion he ended up staying in Sandrock for now. However he was still going to send that letter after he edited out the parts where he stated that the builder was dead.
Out of all the members of the church, he had to stand on the stage alongside Matilda, who gave out an eulogy for them. Miguel had to do his absolute best to keep it together as per Matilda's request but if it were for him he would've searched for their body instead. Miguel felt absolutely horrible at that moment, feeling as if his heart had been ripped right out of his chest, but perhaps it was the Light giving him the strength to stand there.
Though occasionally during the eulogy, he managed to catch on to comments others said about how he doesn't look devastated to know that his lover is dead. Fools they are, Miguel loves the builder more than anything, except the Light above. If they knew the pain he is going through right now, that ignorant bunch wouldn't dare to say such things. 
Thankfully, the Light performed a miracle in front of his eyes and the builder came in running towards the stage. Once up there they stopped to catch their breath since they had been running the whole way back. But before addressing the concerned citizens they hugged Miguel as tight as possible and in return Miguel let go of his typical decorum and simply broke down in tears as he held on to them for dear life. He didn't care if it made him look unbecoming of a minister to break down like this but his beloved builder was back and that was all that mattered.
 However he made sure to give the Civil Corps a stern lecture on safety procedures as well as on rescue procedures since he didn't want this to happen again.
How the hell did Justice allow something like this to happen? If Justice promised to keep them safe out on missions and he couldn't even do that? It was a simple request and Justice fucked it up. That day as soon as Justice came by to tell him the unfortunate news Owen broke down. He didn't know if he should cry or be angry. He didn't even let Justice finish talking and he was already screaming at Justice to leave the Blue Moon. It was rather rare to see Owen like this and even Grace who witnessed the whole thing. 
It was only a matter of seconds before Owen would start throwing things at Justice but luckily he ran off before Owen could throw a salt shaker at him. 
 Once Justice was gone, Owen dropped to his knees and began to cry inconsolably. Grace on the other hand was at a loss, she didn't know what to do with him at that moment since she obviously knew the builder was alright and she had to go meet up with them soon. So Grace suggested that they close the Blue Moon for the day since Owen wasn't in any condition to handle customers today. Somehow she managed to convince him and accompany Owen back to his place. 
Owen was silent on the way back to his house, except a few sobs here and there. Though it was a short walk he wanted to pretend he hadn't cried just moments ago, despite looking like a mess.  As soon as Grace shut the door she could hear Owen screaming and throwing things around his house. It devastated her to see him in this state but she couldn't do anything to comfort him for now. 
About half an hour later, Burgess knocks on Owen's door and surprisingly Owen opens the door telling the poor Burgess to leave without even hearing what he has to say. Still he insisted Owen came by the outdoor stage because Matilda would be giving an eulogy for them soon. Owen remained quiet as he closed the door on Burgess's face. 
After some consideration he washed his face and fixed himself to look presentable enough and headed out. Matilda's eulogy was lovely and Owen couldn't help but sob the whole time. Coincidentally Grace came back and stood next to him. She tried to cryptically let him know that the builder was on their way but he was too distraught to catch on and simply dismissed her comments as words of comfort. 
Thankfully the builder didn't take too long in coming back to town, and they were going to head to the stage but before that, the builder felt a pair of strong arms take hold of them and wrap them in a hug. It was Owen, and he was crying of joy seeing that the builder was there with him. Him being happy was an understatement, Owen was beyond ecstatic. He was holding the builder in his arms and refused to let them go, despite the builder trying to break free from his grip. 
Still though he was mad at Justice for what happened and if it weren't for Owen's busy schedule he would've gone and accompanied them in future Civil Corps missions just as a safety precaution. Or more likely Owen carried the builder so they don't get tired or hurt in any way. But he has to handle the Blue Moon so that only can happen in his dreams.
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my sandrock ocs and their pairings  :)
also a wip doodle of sonia and fang lmao
(current patch spoilers under cut)
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Sonia and Fang, main save and also the one I care the most about lmao
Completely opposite personalities: Sonia has pretty much limitless energy, can talk for hours off of one tangent, very extroverted, just really excited to be around people and likes getting to know all sorts of folks, while Fang is... not any of that.
Both are the type to get absorbed into their work, but Fang gets in his own head over whether or not he's done something wrong to make Sonia stay away, but in reality Sonia kinda just forgot that she existed for a week lol
Tangentially related to the above: Sonia is so incredibly clumsy in day to day life. She trips over her own feet, falls out of chairs, stumbles when she stands in the same spot for too long, walks into walls, stubs her toes, etc. Fang first saw this after Sonia fell off of the observation table at his clinic, and thought that she had some type of balancing issue, but in actuality she just doesn't pay attention when she feels comfortable.
Because of this Fang is understandably Very Anxious about Sonia being involved with the Civil Corps, even though she is very much capable of keeping herself alive in combat situations
Sonia is usually the one making date plans, which both parties are happy about, though Sonia would like Fang to be more open about his needs.
sonia, preparing for a dangerous event: "nah dude, dude, dude i'm fine, i have hella plot armor i'm aight dude trust me"  
fang, remembering their last date at the saloon where sonia dunked her hand into blazing hot coffee after being warned that it was in fact boiling hot not once, not twice, but five times by owen: "...no."
As far as Fang's canon romance storyline goes: Fang slowly comes out of his shell over the course of Sonia's time at Sandrock, and their friendship (and eventual romance) is a very slow burn (that I still have to outline but I'll get to it when I get to it)
Sonia could not cook at all before coming to Sandrock. She ate raw potatoes out of the ground, dirt and all, "that's where the REAL nutrients are!" she would say. It was really only after Arvio's comedic failure with the Spicy Bean Paste that she gave cooking a genuine try. 
Fang was not aware of this until Juno joked about it during their first wedding anniversary. Something about Sonia putting in the time to develop a completely new skill on the off chance it could make him happy... made him emotional for a bit.  
There's one particular line from "Words to Betray the Heart" that say something about the Builder being so perfect and how Fang would be a burden on someone like that etc etc etc, and uh. Man. Can't really articulate it rn but in short it's rather important of a trigger for Sonia, so there's absolutely self esteem issues in both parties that have to get ironed out if this relationship can be healthy
Sonia did do the medical trials, and it went something like:
sonia: hm.
fang: ...
sonia: hey.
fang: ...?
sonia: i'm gonna drink all three of these at once.
fang: ?!?! 
sonia: *devours all contents of the bottles faster than lightning and passes out immediately*
fang: ?????????????? 
^ repeated for a comical amount of time until Fang finally bans her from FREE MED WEDNESDAY/FRIDAYS (TM)
Juno and Logan, the secondary save and heavily dependent on main story updates AND romance update in june/may :))))) so this is going to be rewritten without a question when the proper romance quests come out
so how normal are we about logan :)
Surface level: Juno is a Civil Corps monster hunter, Logan’s Pa was a monster hunter (and Logan is too lol) so they bond over sharing knowledge of the desert’s beasties and train together in remote areas of the desert.
Very early on, Juno develops a keen sense of... secrecy around Logan and the real nature of his departure and relationship to Sandrock as a whole, and ends up confiding in Elsie about his suspicions, but not much is really going on until Water Tower Moment (Gone Wrong)
Juno is, in short, the truest definition of orphan you can get. There is no one that ever knew his family, nor his parents’ names, or if he had any siblings. His memory only really starts around the time that he met Sonia, and being in Sandrock is only distressing him further about his lack of memories
That’s part of the reason that Juno is so drawn to Logan. The plot just doesn’t make sense to him. 
Can someone really love their Pa so much that the grief destroys everything they once loved? Can Juno ever know that type of love? (and other hurty questions)
Logan is tied to Sandrock, and keeps his hometown so near and dear to his heart. Juno... doesn’t have anything like that. If he died tomorrow, only Sonia would notice and care. No one else would even bat an eye. 
During the Duvos invasion, Juno goes missing. Logan is concerned, but quickly realizes that his concern is based in something more than simple comradery, and makes the super duper mega healthy decision to suppress his feelings. 
oh what’s this? oh boy oh boy! work in progress ocs!
Lily and Mi-an, the planned save for full release and a Builder power couple (and admittedly Mi-an the one I know the least about romance wise, but builder power couple cute)
With Yan arrested and awaiting trial in Atara, Sandrock is down a Workshop and Builder, which is especially bad news for the more remote villages around Sandrock. Sonia writes to her old friend Lily (her godparents’ daughter) and invites her to fill the position on behalf of City Hall. Lily is ecstatic and jumps on the opportunity.
Lily and Mi-an immediately hit it off and spend hours talking about various builder nerd stuff.
Out of the relationships I’m writing, this one is definitely the most casually, normally paced. 
Romance wise, they present a Heart Knot to each other at the same time, so they are on the same wavelength most of the time.
Mi-an has bouts of self confidence issues, but Lily is rather quick to hype her up and comfort her if needed
Similarly, Lily sometimes needs scheduling help, so Mi-an is happy to help coordinate commissions for Ultimate Productivity (So We Have Time To Watch Old World Romance Movies)
Armaros (they/she) and Owen, Schrodinger’s save (as in I have renamed this oc like 7 times and will probably rename her another 5 times) as well as the bachelor that I am going to take the most creative liberties with edit 4/23: mhm, i did in fact change their name an eighth time lmaoooo
Rose is completely, totally mute. They never spoken a word and never will, as it is physiologically impossible for them to verbalize their thoughts. No amount of “encouragement” will change this and they are very exhausted arguing this. 
Rose visited Sonia (former coworkers) in Sandrock about a couple months or so into her contract, and stayed at the Blue Moon during her week long visit.
Owen and Rose’s initial meeting is, well, awkward to say the least. It took Owen a little bit to catch on to why the blond wasn’t saying anything in response to him and only pointing to menu items, and he was very apologetic once Rose passed a note to him explaining themself.
Owen wouldn’t exactly admit that it was immediate love, but he was captivated by their general vibe and wanted to get to know them better
Of course, Rose did go back home to Highwind, but the two stayed in contact via letters. Owen writes very kind, cordial letters, and Rose writes in an elegant, poetic style. Soon the content of their letters would turn more romantic and emotional.
Rose has the special, unparalleled ability to quickly get people comfortable with them. Owen and Rose have similar warm vibes, but accomplish this through different ways. Owen talks to you like you’ve known each other forever, and Rose is a gentle attentive listener that takes her time responding/giving advice to someone.
Rose is pretty Church of Light religious in comparison to other ocs, so they do utilize some scripture and similar sentiments in their letters to Owen.
Until there is more Owen content, there’s not much else canon I can play with, so I will probably rewrite portions, but the general idea is going to be the same.
Bonus: a Rose and Fang interaction
Rose: :)
fang: ...Have needs, query X.
Rose: :|
fang: ...
Rose, holding up her notepad: (I’m mute. Please be patient with me. -w-)
fang: ...oh. (internally: thank you, peach...)
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sandrockbandit · 2 years
What's your opinions about Haru?
i can't wait to see more of him! haru is a super interesting character to me because you get to know a relative ton about him compared to the, what. three? moments? of actual screentime he gets (the poster, the menu, and the actual train scene iirc)?
of course, spoilers ahead, but just from his belongings and other characters' descriptions alone, you can paint a pretty good picture of him. like, just based on his belongings and others' descriptions of him, you can get that:
He is incredibly clever and dexterous, with a notable background in chemistry - the flavor text on his worktable makes it clear that not just anyone can craft the bombs he does; he is also the technical mind behind the beauty products Arvio sells (which have an excellent formula if Mi-an is anything to go by, so good for him!).
He is a decent, if morally ambiguous, person with few personal enemies - when Arvio talks about him, it's with a genuine sense of fondness and hope that he'll come back one day; he was a good enough business partner that Arvio is still holding on to his cut. his lower bounty shows that he isn't nearly as aggressive or troublesome as Logan is - it doesn't even have the "dead or alive" caveat. a lot of the characters will talk about how dastardly those bandits are, but Haru mostly just tends to get lumped in with Logan when it comes to character. of course, as the driving force behind Logan's firepower, he's got a destructive touch when he wants to and he Shows it (and you Have to have some measure of moral ambiguity to do half the nonsense he pulls!) but overall, my guy seems to be very polite and unassuming on the whole.
He is loyal (to a fault?) - like i say, it seems like no one has personal beef with Haru. all the specific ire lands on Logan, and Logan's impulsiveness, and Logan's aggression and treason and unreasonable behavior; it doesn't seem like Haru had to cut and run with him after the temple bombing at all. certainly he'd be more welcome than his buddy if he were to come back; it doesn't even seem like there was much in it for him to begin with. he has a good thing going for him and everything - unique skillset, successful product line. and yet, he's down to throw everything away just to help Logan chase his white whale? up to and including attacking his town and fleeing into the desert? Haru's ride-or-die on another level, man.
he's just incredibly fascinating to me. i look at him and i have so many questions. why was he rooming with logan in the first place. was he a childhood friend or what. he must have been pretty fond of howlett too. where did he learn such a complex branch of science. is he from or did he study at vega 5. everyone always goes Hhhh Why Isn't [X Character] Romanceable and while mostly i find it just charming and a little funny. you know what. maybe it's time i start asking this abt haru, Contractually. he seems like a stand-up guy. do i think he would be a great LI? yeah actually. do i think anyone deserves him? no
this is a Haru Appreciation Zone
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jazdrawsmtas · 4 months
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POV everyone in town has a crush on you (01/??)
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moefongo · 1 year
I want to bite my phone (in a good way)
Btw spoilers
I'll add more to this post as i go playing thru the update
I am fucking fan girling so hard i am squealing harder than me in my weeb fase back in 2012 this is very promising
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moefongo · 2 years
Some Arvio x builder headcanons
Yeah so it's my first time writing for My time at Sandrock so im still trying to get the feel for writitng for them so please be patient lol
Im also gonna put them under a cut just in case of spoilers if you haven't romanced Arvio since I'm going to base myself off of that
Arvio is very very clingy, and if it weren't for the fact that he has a store to run he would be with the builder every where they go.
He also adores taking as many pictures of them, especially when they go out on dates. His favorite ones are when the builder doesn't realize he's taking pictures of them. Some of them he sends to his parents alongside lengthy letters recalling their dates and how much he loves them.
Though his mother brags about Arvio's S/O to everyone in Barnarock, its Arvio who brags about dating the builder even more to everyone who stops by his store.
Generally he isn't one to be jealous often, but sometimes it gets to him and can't help but make snappy comments if anyone gets too close to the builder for his comfort. Usually this is reserved for tourists, which ends up in him remembering their face and if they come to his store he will over charge them.
Arvio uses a lot of pet names for the builder but prefers to call them 'baby'.
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