#as a side note If you saw a suspicious email with a link DON'T OPEN IT AT ALL cuz this is how they hijack your channel
zemoiii · 5 months
I hope Zanyash is doing well.
Zanyash was an animator who had a YouTube channel where she posted her art, you may recognize her from a "crush song" pmv that posted back in 2018 and got millions of views. The thing is, about a month ago I learned her channel disappeared; lots of people say she sold it to a crypto dude, which is probably true as when I searched her channel on chrome the top result was a channel with foreign language.
What makes it even worrying is she's Ukranian and I don't kow if she stayed or immigrated. Not to mention her long battle with mental health issues that she expressed publicy in her art.
I really hope she's fine and well. I posted this because I never saw anyone talking about her after the channel deletion. I have huge respect for her as she inspired many young artists, including me.
Thanks for everything, Zanyash.
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