#as for being a silly mascot.... yeah I'm more or less fine with that
friend-crow · 4 months
Hey, please know that I say this from a place of love and compassion:
Sometimes what looks like a clique is just a group of friends having fun together and not actually like an exclusive club. As somebody with horrible social anxiety, I can understand feeling left out and frustrated when you see a tight knit group that you aren't part of, but sometimes these things are really not all that exclusive. There is room for more friends.
With that said, I do think that when you have posts that end up being circulated a lot, it's hard not to put on blinders for some of the interactions coming from strangers. Sometimes this means literally muting notifications for a week or two when something breaches containment, or just deciding that you can't put the time and energy into replying to every response to one of your posts. I'm genuinely sorry if I've made people feel like they're being purposely ignored or excluded. In the vast majority of cases it's not personal. It's just a matter of bandwidth.
Believe it or not there are other prominent tumblr friend groups that I'm too intimidated to interact with much. They are not deliberately excluding me, I'm just awkward and don't really know how to initiate friendships.
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