#as good as vini is they do seem to work better together
cant-get-no-worse · 1 year
how bad are things going to look for us when real madrid inevitably signs mbappé? obviously he's a top player but how much will he bring to their team, especially against us? they already have a strong left wing (just ignore this question if i'm being obnoxious by asking lol i'm just wondering if you have any thoughts)
Aaah anon, the billion dollar question, to which I'm real not qualified to answer. I don't know jack shit about this.
All I can say is he's a phenomenal player, but as we saw before with a certain team, getting a bunch of world-talented players together doesn't equal success. You gotta balance the team. It's like if City got him; how on earth do you make Mbappé and Haaland play at the same time, when Pep hasn't even found a sure way to play Julian and Haaland yet. To me tho, I think it can be interesting what could come up with him going to Madrid. Vini has taken the left wing and I don't see him moving any time soon; he's getting better and better by the week. But you don't buy Mbappé for him to stay on the bench. So the only thing I can see would be, esp since the retirement of Benzema, for him to serve as a "striker" or a similar positionnement, esp since he can drop deep as he did in PSG. He doesn't have the experience of Benzema or such, but it's a start. Plus with the midfield they're building, the front would be served well. And, if needed, he could go on the wing. Now idk how Ancelotti could do it, idk how Mbappé would accept it (he wouldn't have the disrespect to do a pivot gang, which by the way I am still astounded he did, since Madrid is, unlike PSG a serious institution where no player whatsoever, be they Ronaldo, Hazard or Benzema, is above the club and the team.) and, most important of all, idk how the chemistry would be between him and the rest. But if it worked, then yeah, it'd be a real threat, especially on the quick counterattacks. Can you picture Vinicius and Mbappé launched together? Rodrygo too. You gotta have strong, quick, young, smart, energetic defence. Which, oh! We do!
That's why I'm not really alarmed. People make it seem worse than it is, just like this ridiculous thing with Bayern. The club held up to Zidane's Galacticos; and held up to the BBC's era. It's just another combination, and it's really exciting, actually, to push our team to be better. We had a good defence last year? Get it better, because you have no choice. How will Araújo, Koundé, Baldé, Christensen improve? How will we deal with the injuries - cause without them, it's a big no-no. How can we keep and move the ball (esp with Busquets gone), defend the counterattacks like that one against Betis, work on our own (we can't rely on Dembélé alone, and Lewandowski can't be our sole goalscorer if we want to be serious about Europe), etc. We gotta improve our mentality, cause we can't afford to crumble after taking a goal. It will also make us not take la Liga for granted, which is something that we used to do for the past decade. Madrid will def be a threat if they figure where to play Mbappé and if he adapts well, but, as we're getting back together as a team, it will be exciting, and perhaps precisely what we need to develop and strenghten those areas of our game. Once again tho, I don't know anything, I'm no coach nor tactician, and we'll just see what happens on the pitch eh?
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tlcrescuepa · 7 years
New Post has been published on To Love a Canine Rescue
New Post has been published on https://tlcrescuepa.com/week-end-update-a-beautiful-day-for-a-festival/
Week-End Update: A Beautiful Day For a Festival
We don’t know about you, but after the awesome day we had at Sproutfest today, we are exhausted and know the pups will sleep well tonight! Thanks to everyone who came by to spend some time with the dogs, and alumni who came to catch up! We suspect that some of the pups may well have met their furever families today and are hoping they’ll be starring in next week’s happy tails post but, for now there are a few dogs who are excitedly announcing that they’re off the market.
Bailey was adopted early in the week and, as you can tell from the look on his mom’s face, it was a match made in heaven! Our sweet Susie Q had a bit of a rough go for a while there but she’s come out none the worse for wear and found a great family to star in future chapters of her happy tail. Also adopted this week were: Alvin, Caramello, Chubbs, Davidson, Dixie, Huey, Kipper, Kirby, Rose (now Maya) & Sweetpea!
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Susie’s gotcha day
Rose now Maya
  We also have some updates to share too:
Calvin FKA Sam
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“Calvin is doing great and adjusting well!!!! He’s such a great dog and he’s very spoiled! He loves playing with my mom’s dog! He seems to be very afraid of water so we plan to work on that.
Thank you again so much for everything! “
   Geno FKA Eugene
“Geno and I are doing great. He is with me 24/7. He goes to the office with me every day. Perfectly housetrained. Not an accident or a territory marking yet.
He loves everybody , kids and adults alike. He also likes all dogs. Everybody loves him too. My almost 5 y.o. granddaughter adores him. When I walk him in the park near my office after lunch almost everybody talks to him and pets him. People always comment on his very unusual for a G.S.D. reddish color. I bought a doggie DNA kit to see what he might be mixed with other than GSD. 
He is a predator. His main goal in life is to get a squirrel or rabbit, He lunges at them and tries to chase them on our walks. He crouches down and stares at them and  tries to stalk them. He also barks and lunges at birds. He bites bees out of the air. He gets them with his teeth and has not been stung yet.
He is still skinny. He weighed 75 lbs when I had him weighed at his vet’s office a couple of weeks ago. He might be a little more now. His vet advised me to feed him puppy food. I give him Eukanuba GSD puppy chow. I always mix some kind of meat with it. He also gets something from me whenever I eat. He is skinny but very strong and otherwise healthy.
I am not sure what his prior owners did to him. He has broken teeth. I assume from biting on a metal crate or on a metal chain. Luckily it does not affect his eating. When I raise my voice to him (rarely) he crouches down and almost crawls on his belly to me for forgiveness. But when I tell him he is a good boy or that I am not mad at him or give him a pat he is so happy.
He loves his walks. When I put on his leash, he literally hops around and “talks” to me until we get outside.
Thanks again for rescuing him and approving me to adopt him.”
  Wiley Jones FKA Joseph
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“Wiley Jones aka Joseph is doing really good! The little guy is so sweet and is settling in nicely.  He was like Velcro in the beginning but I think he is starting to know this is his permanent home. I discovered he is afraid of squeaky toys so I have a product line of cutting them out and sewing his toys back together. lol.  He is a little shy with some strangers we encounter on our walks which is understandable.  Each day he gets a bit more confident. And, he is eating really well too.  I mixed some steamed peas with his dried kibble and now he seems to be in love with it!  He did well with his bath too.
  We went to my vet Tuesday night so he is all setup there and they recorded his microchip as well. I got some pet insurance for him too just in case.  
  I do want to get him some training as he has some manners he needs to improve.  We are working on sit and how to walk better on a leash.  I will likely reach out to one of the two trainers you suggested.
  Thanks again and here are some pictures of the little guy!” 
  Cassie FKA Cash (aka Jelly Bean)
“Everything is going well with Cassie (formerly Cash).  She hasn’t broken through the invisible fence in months. Her “cousin” dogs (my daughters’ dogs) have made her acquaintance and tolerate her insatiable play requests.  She is friendly to all and a good dog.  Unfortunately, my husband passed away at the end of August so she and I are both adjusting to a new routine.”
  Stanley FKA Stan
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“We decided to change his name to Stanley. We are starting to settle in. He was a bit nervous for the first few days. He is still working on letting us know when he needs to go outside to go to the bathroom, and he does not like his crate during the day, but we are adjusting. He seems to be learning his name and learning to sit and walk on a leash already.
We went to the vet yesterday and everything looked great. He got a shot for Lyme, and the vet said he is doing well and to give him a few weeks at least to adjust. So everything is going pretty well!
I think I will contact one of the trainers for a little help with crate training and with his barking at other dogs. He seems fearful of other dogs especially bigger ones, so we would like a little help with that. 
Thank you for checking up on us and for all of your help! Here are a few pictures of Stanley. He loves to sleep next to us and get his belly rubbed. We love him already!”
  Greysyn FKA Rocket
“Everything is just perfect, we love Greysyn (previously known as Rocket) so much. He amazes me everyday with how intelligent he is, he is such a sweet dog but he still is very leary of strangers. He truly makes me laugh everyday with the way he throws his toys around and runs around like a nut. He seems very happy and very eager to please. He’s my little snuggle bug! He really helped me with getting through the loss of my beloved Pomeranian and I couldn’t ask for a better fur baby. 
Thank you again for your assistance in helping me find him.”
  Noli FKA Renee
““Renee” is settling in great!  Her and my current dog Baby are getting along amazingly!  While I think Renee is a very pretty name I’ve decided to rename her “Noli” short for Cannoli.  She is scheduled for a check up with the vet. Next week and I’ll be verifying the Micro-Chip info this evening.  Crate training has been going well…though I do feel like a monster putting her in at night and when I leave for work! (She’s getting a little better with it everyday). “
  Abby FKA Kali
“Thank you for the follow-up email.  Yes, I have change her name to Kali.  She is still getting used to it, but she will get it in time.  I have a vet appointment set for tomorrow afternoon.  We verified the microchip info while I was at the center – it was wrong the first time, but is correct now.  I will look into the training, but Kali is really well behaved and may not need much.  I think since she is 3 it makes a difference or she just is a good sweet girl!  She is good with the house and made herself right at home!  Taking over my bed and pillows!!!  Still getting her used to the neighborhood.  She doesn’t like cars or trucks and living in a town, we have a lot, but she will get used to this also.  But she seems to love her enclosed backyard!”
  Gracie FKA Jannece
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“I just wanted to update you on my adoption of “Gracie”.  We got past the beginning car sickness and tapeworm and she is doing quite well. I couldn’t be happier with her and I think she loves me (I love her, too) and is very affectionate to my husband & family members, as well.   She is SO AFFECTIONATE!  We take long walks every day and she gets plenty of attention and treats.  Thank you for all you and your rescue do.   If you all did not save these dogs, they would never get a loving life – or any life at all!  I cannot imagine this dog being put down – she is so loving and always wagging her tail!  She deserved a good home and I think I gave her one (with your hard work)!
Thanks again!”
“Thank you for checking in! Higgins is settling in very well so far, it has been almost a best case scenario with how him and Cappi have been getting along. “
  Vini FKA Vincent
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  “Hi! Vincent is settling in quite nicely! We’re keeping his name, but i think he responds to Vini so that will be what we use. He went to the vet Monday and tested positive for giardia so he started medicine for that today. I left a message with someone to contact his foster family, as they have other dogs there who may be affected. Vini has been a little shadow to our Doberman Kavi. They are adjusting to each other well.  I’ll attach a pic. Thanks for checking in. He is an absolute sweetheart! “
  Skyler FKA Marley
Skyler FKA Marley
“Thanks, all is well with Skyler (marley)! She is a great pup.”
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“Max had a great time on his first camping trip!”
  We also caught up with Piper FKA Maggie May & Lucy FKA Daphne (who met her mom at last year’s Sproutfest)!
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Piper FKA Maggie May
Piper FKA Maggie May
Lucy FKA Daphne
0 notes
rueur · 8 years
Morning Pages #30 (09.02.2017)
Thursday 9th February - 10:05 a.m.
I am actually writing in the a.m. now, I know! It has been a while, I know. Yesterday was a very taxing day though, so I fell asleep almost immediately. The only issue was that I got home to Anthony’s parents having dinner with my parents, and whenever they get together, the meal always takes place at a quarter to midnight (give or take a half hour), so I ate a few of their appetizers before the main meal despite the fact that between the hours of 11 a.m. and 10 p.m. yesterday, I had literally nothing to eat at all. I survived off of some warm garlic bread until my parents were ready to serve the dhosa and the eggplant and potato curry, which was just the most warm and sustaining meal I’ve had since Gong De Lin, considering how long I had to wait for it. That and the eggplant curry is always just magical going down your throat. It’s generous tomato texture, and the warm flavour of the spices, and the delicately lingering chilli to top it all off, all carried by the smooth, milky dhosa - simply put, it was the right thing to be eating at that given time.
But enough about my meal! My day was astounding. The meeting with Marcus went very well, with cameo appearances from Mark and Hector. Hector arrived at around 3 p.m., I should say, and immediately went upstairs to have a shower because it was excruciatingly hot yesterday. Then he hung out whilst Marcus and I caught up (after the business of the day was done). I told them both about Ikaros and I, and confided in them that not only had Ikaros called me and asked me to come and see him later that day, but that I was going to use the opportunity to come and see him, to tell him once and for all what I really needed from him right now. Which was plenty of space. I told Marcus and Hector that neither of us were getting what we needed from the relationship and that we had both begun to realise this over the past four months in particular, but that I still wasn’t sure how to make the break-up seem official to either of us, considering that counting yesterday, Ikaros and I have broken up four times over the span of four months. Three of those times were in January-February alone. It’s chaotic. But now it’s over. It was incredibly emotional, and I’m not entirely sure why because I feel like the drama has passed for me. I already went through my heartbreak, and now I’m on the other side. It’s his turn now. He was in denial for this long, otherwise he would’ve gone through this with me. Then again, he has been infamously emotionally immature. I shouldn’t talk about him like this, but these pages are for honesty.
Ikaros also admitted yesterday evening that he knew he’d been treating me badly. Even though he swore he would protect me from my family abuse, because he said he didn’t want anybody shitting on me, he admitted to shitting on me himself. Then he asked me again, if I didn’t want to keep trying with him. I simply said that he had just admitted he had been treating me badly, so what would it say about my self-respect if I were to allow him to be with me after all of this. Thankfully, he understood this. He also began to (for the first time in a LONG TIME) regret the way he had treated me. He was the one who would say no to plans, who would end phone calls and skype calls and days spent together. He was the one who didn’t buy presents and didn’t offer emotional support when it was most needed. He was the one who was keen for an open relationship before it was even appropriate, like three months into our dating! He was the one who made comments about other people, and made deprecating comments about me, and thus, made me end up being very unhappy in my own skin (an insecurity only often softened by him subsequently fucking me and then me being glad that somebody could possibly be attracted to me at all enough to fuck me). He was the one who didn’t say ‘I love you’ back! WHEN HE DID. And even though he failed to do all of these things, it was at least nice to hear that he was aware of this. Even so, I felt really bad for him when he was sitting with his hands on his knees in the Rosanna Parklands, saying ‘I fucked up’ over and over again to himself or to me.
This shouldn’t be important anymore, though. I should start thinking about other things. And I have. For instance, Marcus really loved my script, and so did Mark and Hector. Marcus said it was very ‘non-white-male’ which made me quite happy, and he also said that with a little fine-tuning, he doesn’t doubt that we can get funding from SBS. He just believes that Kali should be given a more concrete goal, to juxtapose her life with her mother’s. Vini’s dream was taken from her, so Kali should be shown making full claims to her passion and achieving everything her mother was forced to let go. I totally agreed with this, and my current task is to rework the script a little to place more emphasis on Kali achieving her dreams. The beach trip scenes between Kali and Adam are growing less and less prevalent with every draft, and I love it. The whole idea of the ‘rock pool’ is supposed to be more symbolic than literal anyway. My only qualm with this is purely that I feel like the beach scenes would be so beautiful to shoot. But after seeing Assassin’s Creed, I guess I am now more than aware of the dangers of prioritising cinematography over the actual plotline when one is tasked with making a storyboard.
I will say this though. I have never felt more of a writer than I have over these last two months, and this is making me increasingly excited for the rest of 2017. I also feel like these pages have had a lot to do with that too, and of course my time in Northcote too. I’ve been thinking about my time in Northcote, and have realised that it has drastically improved my life for the better. Not only did I come across ‘The Artist’s Way’ and begin on my creative rehabilitation, but I was also given time away from everyone and everything and was just allowed to be a human existing alone. Taking care of the cats also kept me anchored, kept me waking up at a sensible hour every morning and returning home at a sensible hour too (except on weekends). Furthermore, living in Northcote and being that close to everything, allowed me to go out on weekends in a way that I’ve never gone before. It allowed me to meet Evan too. Evan asked me, I think on Monday, whether or not I would’ve gone to Laundry if I hadn’t been living in Northcote. I answered very honestly, saying that I actually might not have gone out at all if I had never taken the housesitting job. Because I had gone out alone that night, and the only reason I felt safe enough going out alone that night was because I knew it would be easy enough for me to get back home to the apartment (one tram for like fifteen minutes, it was too easy). I feel like maybe I should tell Emily exactly how much minding the boys has positively impacted me. But she might stop paying me to do the job if she knows how fantastic it’s been for me! No, she wouldn’t, that was a joke.
I really miss Evan right now. My phone plan just ended and I’m switching to something a little cheaper ($5 cheaper a month, yet still way out of my budget), hopefully today. I don’t know what to do if he texts me though! I don’t know if it’ll send. I was tempted (I still am, actually) to send him the photo that was taken of us at Laundry the night that we met. Actually, fuck it. I’m going to do that right now. It’s only 10:36 a.m. and I am probably more than a quarter of the way through this final page. I am making excellent time. I am, however, a little nervous about getting started on the next draft of my script. It’s just been endless, and even Marcus said that it’s SO SO tight as it is right now, like it’s going to take a lot of frustration and editing to get it to where it needs to be. That, and screenwriting is so weird! It’s a very new medium, naturally, and nobody really knows how to do it as Marcus said (but regardless, my uni course was very focused on teaching us the layout and formatting of film scripts over actually writing them), but I feel that it’s infinitely harder for people who are actually traditional writers, or come from a writing background. It’s odd, but I think it’s safe to say that I feel like it’s easier for actors to write screenplays than it would be for writers. Marcus also noted that I had a tendency to indulge in description when I was writing action in my script. He said that sometimes my inclinations to write prose seeped through, and made my script naturally a lot more lovely to read, but a lot less easy to be interpreted by directors and actors, and everyone else who must work off of your script. It is a deceptively simple medium, I’ll just leave it at that. I can’t wait to be finished with this project! And it really hasn’t even started yet!
Okay, I sent the photo. He’s at work right now. Sometimes I worry about him being at work, honestly. Like whenever the weather’s bad. Yesterday, for example, was ridiculously hot, and I was only really only outside in the high sun for about an hour or two. But for him, it would’ve been all day! Even today, it’s supposed to be quite hot and ALSO quite windy too. And I know he finished up early on Monday because some equipment wasn’t available or something, so I can assume that the rest of this week or at least the next few days after Monday, would’ve been a lot longer and a lot more productive. If he’s been working hard both yesterday and today, I can’t help but imagine he’d be feeling rather physically exhausted by the end of today. I know that he really can’t wait till school starts again for him, but honestly neither can I. I’ll be glad to see him taking it easy for a while and studying something he’s passionate about rather than spending all of his time landscaping, waking up at ungodly hours and working in extreme conditions for so long. Goodness, I think I really like this boy.
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