#as opposed to 'gaster-pilled'
hazmatmaid · 16 days
Have you ever gone into detail on what your view of Spamton and Jevil’s relationship was like? Do you think they met before either of them was Gaster-pilled or afterwards?
I could've sworn I did, but just in case I haven't actually:
I suppose it might depend on how you might define "Gaster-pilled," between something like Spamton getting the magic phone calls that gave him success, or what broke both their senses of reality.
But generally I see their relationship as having met like once, a decade or two ago, and while Spamton was forever traumatized by the experience (severe coulrophobia, hates anything clown- and carnival-related), Jevil's thoughts on him probably range from not remembering this encounter whatsoever to "OH, HIM, HIM. WHAT A DOUCHE, DOUCHE."
Seeing how Seam also knows who Spamton is (if you give them the Shadow Crystal from Spamton NEO's fight, they'll mention he found it in the NEO body, as opposed to having had it the whole time like Jevil), and Tasque Manager also seems to remember Jevil (she'll comment on if you have any of Jevil's items equipped in her fight), they were probably traveling with their respective ruler(s) on royal business to have crossed paths.
As for the encounter itself, Jevil probably invited Spamton to play a few of his games, in a good-natured, fun-loving clown way, only for Spamton to be a sore loser every time, eventually cheating to win, which for someone as genuinely freaking strong as Jevil (whose only worthy opponent thus far was Seam), is a grievous sin. He may be Mr. Chaos Chaos, but I suppose even he plays games by the rules. It's not his fault if you're just bad at the game.
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Honestly thinking about it, this probably hit a little too close to home for Spamton, seeing how his success wasn't truly his own, and only really came about because someone else was feeding him directions over the phone. Did the clown have a point? Did he need to work on himself and improve as a person, so he would be able to claim a win of his own? Hell no, he's just wrong like everyone else who didn't believe in him!
tl;dr: Spamton holds grudges, but Jevil probably forgot.
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