#as would world in which the prior set of circumstances hadn't *effectively* kept women from voting when they were not explicitly barred
loki-zen · 1 year
It's not quite as xenofic as Homestuck, but one thing I particularly enjoy is exploring alternate ways that our own sexual/gender norms might have developed in alternate histories. It can still get kind of reversal-y (the two I've spent the most time thinking about can be summarized as "world where transgender issues hit mainstream acceptance first, not sexuality issues" and "world where feminism is clearly a right-wing movement and vice versa"), but I think trying to construct a scenario where such a reversal is plausible, and looking at the nuances that would flow out of that, still makes it worthwhile.
it can be! My post was ambiguous on this front, but I don't think that scenarios that aren't some kind of flipping or playing with our normas are strictly superior as writing per se. There's lots of interesting stuff that can come of that, as you say.
I just think that most takes on fantastical/spec-fic sexuality & gender normas are that, and so I find it pleasing and interesting when something is not.
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