#aside from skz's levanter
skzfaker · 1 year
surprisingly not a lot of them are !! i tend to prefer skz's rap concepts over their more ballad-y ones (even though i love slower songs as well) and my fav songs are probably:
ex, tortoise and the hare, 0325, maze of memories, sorry i love u, charmer, wolfgang and for you !
what are ur fav songs ?
- 🎅
ooh you have good taste. and same -- i have a soft spot for the ballads but it's always the noisy chaotic ones that have me in a chokehold HAHAHA. hmm, i guess aside from the main tracks (thunderous, maniac, backdoor, district 9, levanter etc), i also love silent cry, boxer, TOP, victory song, charmer, sorry i love you, and wow (danceracha's wow, though 3RACHA's is also iconic AF). glad to see we have some overlap!
how long have you been a stay/what era did you start stanning?
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jeonwonwoo · 3 years
OH MAN THAT IS SO FREAKING RELATABLE LIKE NO, GTFO WATER I WANT MILK YOU CANNOT STOP ME I CANT STOP ME CANT STOP ME OOWAEOOWAE (the greatest thing about the kpop fandom is you can quote random lyrics and people will know what you're talking about. that is the singular greatest thing.) ((actually ccs are the greatest mwah 💓 you are lovelier, lovely))
IS IT REALLY A DAY IF IM NOT SINGING I CANT STOP ME?!?!?! also like imo it has one of the best english versions in the industry (aside from levanter by skz!!) but on god, i drink so much milk that my mother has frequently put me on a milk ban in the house so i don’t have a calcium overdose or smth but alas i always sulk and she gives in after a day 😭 and YOU are the greatest and the loveliest!!!! 
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xyalovegood · 4 years
ew the unholy trinity: personal shiz, sentimentality, and self-promotion 🤢
hello everyone~ i apologize for my inactivity lately—i know i’ve missed a lot of star wars goings-ons. (not that i’m usually consistent with my posting... lol... but i’ve been really bad these past few months, especially given that we’re finally getting new content in a few days.) aside from just not really being in a sw mood (idk about you but i have like life cycles for fandoms?? so like even tho tfa is still my fave movie and sp are still my favorite ship, i just haven’t been in the mood to keep up with them rn, if that makes sense? and then i’ll circle back around to them later, ya know?), i’ve been having some Sad Times which have really destroyed what little self-discipline i once had as i spend all my time just watching disney movies n jenna julien podcast episodes on my laptop in an attempt to feel some happiness again lol (which has worked to a point. i mean i’m fine; i’m not saying this so y’all will worry about me i’m just being real with you). since i used to post pictures of him, i feel like i should let you guys know that my baby bunny boy kookie has died. (just typing that out is still... big ow...) it was very sudden and unexpected and the upstairs feels a lot more sad and lifeless without my nightly cuddle buddy...
anyway... i’ve already got tickets to see tros twice this week so hopefully i’ll get myself into a star wars mood before then and you’ll start seeing some posts from me again. to anyone who’s still reading this: i’m so grateful for y’all. the stormpilot community has been my favorite fandom family, as well as my first real internet experience, given that these two were the reason i created my tumblr account way back in march 2016 when i was 15. some of y’alls’ usernames from those days still show up on my dash and my notifs; we’ve really been on a long journey together and i can’t believe the sequel trilogy is coming to an end. no matter what happens, i love you guys and i hope we can retain some of the community we built on here in the months and years to come. you guys really helped me grow from an immature teenager into a semi-wiser being who’s technically classified as an adult now in the u s of a aha. i didn’t know it then, but i was so lucky to have my first little corner of the internet be such a good and safe one, so thank you again for being my ✨internet incubator✨ lol.
now enough with all the mushy stuff; let’s end this terrible post with some good ole self-promotion. 🤪 for any interested parties: i have, in true me fashion, started another side blog (hey, it’d been a while, we were overdue). stray kids have been my Everything for the past almost two years now (which, due to the events of 191028, was the other reason for my Big Sad), but i’ve finally started a side blog because—though i love all my kids so so much—i’ve gotten tired of seeing our lovely vocal line getting slept on; the other members have always been more popular than them. it’ll just be miscellaneous things: photos, gifs, thoughts—but all vocalracha-focused (that includes woojin, always and forever ♡). even if you don’t wanna follow, can you please just take a moment to review the gifs below:
my god... they’re the most precious kids in the whole world... i’m so lucky to get to grow up alongside them... my heart is so full, solely of love for skz... i can’t believe i’m being such a soft stan on main,, i might be embarrassed if i didn’t think they were worth it and if my kids weren’t so reciprocal of all the love stays give them and if they weren’t just as embarrassing if not more so sometimes ahjdka god they’re so funny and Good and caring and talented and lovely i love them so much u don’t understand,,, listen skz are All That Matters to me okay
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seungminhos · 3 years
skz concepts could have been so much better i walk in circles thinking about it...... best mv they have for concept is levanter (to me) but why do they never have good teasers or album photobooks that fit into a story type thing or arent just like...... photos...... im not even making sense
no youre right 😭 they had their moments, i dont remember i am not album versions but concept wise those were actually pretty interesting .. i wanna say ian + levanter + in life for concepts otherwise the rest feels like a typical . Boy Group thing im not sure .. it is for sure very Stray Kids though i will tell you that
also out of topic .. i used to just accept the teaser pics but theres always smth that bothers me .. ig im a little nitpicky abt it nowadays, but looking back even the quality of the pics arent that Good .. i’m not sure if i’m explaining it right + idk the correct proper terms but aside from their kind of repetitive album concepts, the pics are so lq ??? if that makes sense
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