#assume connections !
carter-harris · 2 months
open starter: @aurorabaystarter
where: choose your own adventure bby!
"Do you ever stop talking?"
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roxdelrosario · 2 months
open starter: @aurorabaystarter
where: Roxy's home
"Pizza, soda, cake from Sweet Nothings in the kitchen, and the Lord of the Rings marathon. Extended editions. Now that is what I call a good time!" Roxy told her guest as she held up the DVDs in her hands. They had made plans to watch movies, and in Roxy's opinion, there were no movies greater than these.
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drjuliasato · 3 months
Where: The diner Who: open to anyone!
Still dressed in her scrubs because the idea of changing into the more restrictive jeans just to pick up food and go home was not a particularly attractive one. Why shower in the hospital showers when she could do it at home in her own environment with french fries nearby? It was a no brainer.
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"Uh...french fries, chicken tenders, and a root beer to go please." She blurted out as soon as she got to the counter before realising there was someone else next to her, eyes widening. "Ahh shit, sorry were you waiting? I didn't mean to just jump the line." @aurorabaystarter
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arielxdavis · 4 months
where: in front of surf's up status: open for anyone
"Do you think skateboards are basically the same as surfboards? Just that surfboards are made for water?" Ariel asked, looking over the surfboards in the display window. They were all so pretty, and if she wasn't completely terrible at sports, she would probably try them out. Or if she was good at balancing just about anything. Granted, she prided herself on being able to do many things, but maybe this wasn't meant to be. "I wish there was an equivalent of that for flying. Can you imagine just hopping on a board and flying anywhere you want to?"
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driftwccds · 29 days
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OPEN starter ( @valpostart ) location : one day ill come up w/ a thread that involves him having a real life outside the boat ( not today )
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ˋˏ ꒰ 🐚 ꒱ ── “ it’s a gift, " rohan calls over the railing as the orange tabby he aptly calls " boat cat " ( a title bestowed upon her because of the multiple identities the little creature has garnered ) rests the fish carcass at the passerby's feet. normally he is the one on the receiving end of the critter's daily catch ; the small stray left plenty of bugs and mice and scavenged old fish up on the deck of the boat before rohan decided to adopt her, and that behavior hasn't changed since he finally started letting her into the cabin. but rohan can acknowledge that her form of cat affection probably comes across as abrasive. stepping off the deck onto the wooden slats of the boardwalk, he reaches his foot out to delicately knock her meal away from their feet. the cat chirps in protest but stands to follow it in that direction anyway. " i know it probably doesn't smell like one, but she means well. . . she's just trying to get your attention. "
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ford-tamblyn · 5 days
Location: Outside of Oasis Status: Open @aurorabaystarter
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There was something about most of the town being in one spot that made Ford want to spend as much time outside as possible. It just felt too crowded and he needed to nurse his nicotine addiction ASAP. He had gone just for the vibes but the longer he spent there the more he was thinking of an excuse to tell his friend he was gonna head home. Instead of coming up with any sort of answer, Ford lit up another cigarette instead. “Do you want one?” He asked as he heard someone come up to him.
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wesxevans · 17 days
open starter: @aurorabaystarter
where: tables outside of sweet nothings
It was Wes' day off and he wanted to spend the day with his daughter rather than just staying in the house all day. He was sitting at one of the tables outside of Sweet Nothings when he asked, "Do babies like aquariums? Maybe we could go to the aquarium. Would she even care?" Wes looked down at Elise. "Would you even care?" The baby responded in babbling nonsense that made Wes smile and his heart nearly burst. "I just don't want to sit around all day." He added, speaking to the adult again.
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halxwilliams · 1 year
"No calls, no text, no nothing! She basically decided to forget that I exist." Hal said in frustration to the person in front of him. "How can I get her to forgive me? I really need your help because I don't know what to do!" @ggstarterblog
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benjiaquino · 22 days
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if there was one thing that benji liked to do, it was eat and so there was no surprise to anyone that he'd be at the food truck rodeo. he'd managed to come alone but that didn't stop him from looking for a familiar face to enjoy this food with, which he managed to do as he approached the food truck he was planning on ordering his food from. grinning as he approached them, "hey, hey! i wasn't sure who was going to come around here, especially after the ocean bounty bazaar. i would've loved to go but unfortunately for me, i'm allergic to shellfish so i had to bow out. what about you? did you check that one out or?"
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mateoxgimenez · 2 months
open starter: @aurorabaystarter
where: Seascape Hotel
"Oh, if one more thing goes wrong today I'm going to lose it." Mateo muttered to himself after hanging up the phone. He smoothed out the jacket of his suit before turning to face whoever had just arrived at the counter.
"Hello!" He began, his entire demeaner and tone changing to something chipper a polite. "Welcome to the Seascape Hotel."
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duttonremington · 1 year
where: silver dollar
open: @saltflatsstarters
Remington would never understand the idea of having one of these things at a bar. However, yes it did involve some entertainment. But that usually came from the laughter- the aftermath of someone face planting after way too many drinks. "Mechanical bulls are for drunk shit-heads at the county fair." This was only going to end in disaster and for the man he himself was way too sober to watch this willingly. But seemingly enough it was like a car crash and all the passerby's couldn't look away. "10 bucks says this chump lasts three seconds before knocking himself out cold."
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maccaulayblake · 4 months
Who: Open. (@bhqextras) Where: Glow, Brooklyn
The power was going out on and off but the place was still riding on, for a Tuesday with expected bad weather the Drag Queens still showed and Glow drew a decent-sized crowd. The show must go on - as was the theme of the night, and lucky enough (for now) the generator was proving a worthy investment. Was it smart? No, probably not. Was he out there shoveling the main entrance every half hour? Also no. That much was clear when he stepped outside. Left with minimal staff, choosing to stay or go much earlier. The snow still beating down as hard as it was a couple hours ago when one of the only few people within eyesight came near, catcalling out "Ow ow, lookin' fucking fly. Fly and frozen. Should come in...strong drinks. Got a generator..."
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rollercoasterush · 6 months
beckett and a friend were supposed to go to a hockey game together later that night but her friend bailed. she was trying her best to find someone else go with. beck turned to the person next to her and held up the tickets. "i have an extra ticket to the rangers game tonight. you interested?" @corneliastarters
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reneeoconnors · 1 year
For: @hailisopen
When: 29th of April, 2023.
Where: Nooks & Crannies Bookstore.
With a graceful twist of her wrist, she inserted the key into the lock, pushing the open the door, a gentle breeze wafted in, carrying with it the intoxicating scent of paper and ink. The familiar creak of the wooden floorboards greeted her, and she smiled to herself, reveling in the sense of comfort and belonging that emanated from every corner of the store.
This place was meant to be her punishment, but over time, it'd become her fortress, her solitude. Renée made her way to the front counter, fingers trailing across the spines of the books as she passed by. Each volume seemed to call out to her, begging to be read, savored, and loved. She couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence and awe for the written word, for the way it had the power to transport readers to different worlds, to evoke emotions and inspire passions.
However, when the door bell rang it snapped her out of her illusion, whirling around with parted lips and a startled expression painted upon her skin. ''Oh, I'm sorry. We, um, we're not open for another-- another half hour.'' She stumbled, offering a weak smile. But when she thought of turning someone away from something as magical as books, she offered a sweet smile.
''If there's something you need, I can still help you though.''
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tierneydev · 10 months
who: open
where: the daily drip
“Listen,” Tierney said, pulling the straw out of her iced matcha and holding it up, “I’m all for saving the turtles. Mother Gaia or whatever. However! I’m getting real sick of these flaccid-ass paper straws. Couldn’t kill a turtle with this if you tried. Which I guess is the point, but the turtles aren’t the ones paying $6 for a latte. You’d think you’d be getting quality straws for a price like that.”
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ricardovivaldi · 1 year
FOR: @hailisopen WHEN: 1st of May, 2023. WHERE: Main Town Street, Hail.
Pitiful town, he thought with a sneer, encased in the deep expensive leather interior of the sleek black Lexus that was parked on the main street of Hail, Canada. People went about their usual day, the afternoon sun beating down upon his skin, an oddity. But on the scale of things this place looked like a disaster movie after what had happened. His business partner wanted a good price on the land, and a much more condescend one seeing the condition it'd been left in.
Stepping out, he smoothed down the lapels of his jacket an re-did his button. Always a picture of pristine calm and dominance as he spotted the figure beside him, a grin etching onto his pearly whites.
''Smell that, Jorge---'' Ricardo started, pulling on his leather gloves.
His associate took the spot beside him, although he presented at least six inches shorter than Ricardo. He reached up and sniffed the air around him, brows furrowing as he tried to place the scent that Ricardo had been talking about as he gave a shake of his head. ''Not quite sure what you mean, Mr Vivaldi.''
Instantly Ricardo's head threw back and laughed.
''No, you fucking idiot-- '' They'd been friends long enough that they could joke from time to time, albeit, a rarity. ''I meant money. I can smell the amount of cash we're going to make off this place.'' They had work to do though, turning on his spot, he spotted someone walking passed.
''Excuse me --- '' He called, throwing on that business-man persona. ''Where can I find the Council for this...'' Shit hole? ''Beautiful town.''
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