#at some point Hunt's gonna invest in a spyglass
soraavalon · 2 years
Mistletoe: Can I see any sign of what might be causing this effect?
DM: Yeah, go ahead and make an arcana check. Or investigation I'll say if you just want to see if there's a thing and not necessarily why.
Mistletoe: Can it be an arcana check instead of investigation?
DM: Sure.
Mistletoe: Thank you.
DM: With different information this way, but yeah.
Hunt: Can I look around 'cause I'm trying to make sense of--
Mistletoe: That's a 4!
DM: Cool. I don't know, this shit's fucked though. Hunt, how close are you getting to look?
Mistletoe: You might not want to get too close friends. There's some magic fuckery going on.
DM: Mistletoe says back.
Hunt: Not close enough that it'll affect...
DM: So I'll say go ahead and make your investigation check with disadvantage because you'd have to be at least, it seems like 60ft is where you saw them both stop at a certain point.
Hunt: *rolls* Investigation.
DM: Yep.
Hunt: Okay. *looks at character sheet* I believe that's a total of 15, but let me double-check my maths.
DM: Okay.
Hunt: *calculates* Oh nope 17. 8+9 is 17.
DM: yes indeed. *low* The prompt doesn't give me that. *normal* So, you notice as you're circling as you're trying to see what the hell's going on, you're counting the satyrs that you can see, the one that is currently wrestling with Mistletoe for their pickaxe back and just the constant 'tink' "ow" 'tink' "ow" filling the air. You start to realize that where the gums should be like between the teeth is woven this iron band of some kind it seems to have sigils in it.
Mistletoe (OOC): Bracers.
DM: Braces. These iron braces.
Tark (OOC): Like 'Oh man, he has braces.'
Nathaniel (OOC): Amazing.
Hunt: On the giant's skull?
DM: Yeah like between the teeth and they seem to have these sigils on them.
Hunt: Okay, huh. Hunt's gonna relay back to the others, "There's some iron with some sigils tucked in the gum line (between the teeth) of the skull. I think that's what they're trying to get at?"
Mistletoe: Goldilocks, what are you doing?!
Marigold: I gotta make holes in the teeth.
Nathaniel (OOC): That's terrifying.
Mistletoe: No no, no we don't. We need to go.
DM: I'll let you make that save again Marigold.
Marigold: *rolls* Nope!
Hunt (OOC): Oh my god!
DM: Okay. No, you don't get it.
Marigold (OOC): My dice won't roll higher than a 10.
DM: Mistletoe does not get it. The teeth are rotting though. This giant has been dead, clearly has not been brushing, you have to-- you have to cause cavities, it is the thing you have to do. These guys get it, these dudes around you they get it.
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