#at this point Fatin's relationship with literally anyone else is more interesting to me
mediocre-writerr · 4 years
all for us [the wilds girls]
the wilds girls x platonic fem reader
requested: I love your imagines a lot, you’re an amazing writer! I had a promt where maybe the reader is the youngest of all the girls and basically the younger sister they all never had and they all care and love for her very much (maybe short flashbacks with moments of her and the girls) and once their quarantine is over they realize she’s missing and it turns out she got internal injury or something else quite angsty and the girls do everything they can for her
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*not my gif*
“So tell me about Y/N Y/L/N.” Agent Young says.
“Y/N Y/L/N?” Leah asks and Agent Young nods, “Where do I even begin?” 
You were the youngest of the group. Not too much younger than them, but still younger. And just like regular siblings being the youngest had its perks and downfalls.
For one, you could never go anywhere alone. Even to pee, the girls would not let you out of their sight. 
But, you got away with almost everything. The girls couldn’t stay mad at you for too long, not even Toni could stay mad at you. And she could literally stay mad at anyone until the day she died. 
“I’m taking you and her were close?” Agent Fader asks.
“Yeah, she was close to pretty much everyone. She’s like a little bean we all wanted to protect. You just wanted to squish her cheeks ever time you see her.” 
“Leah? What are you doing up here?” you ask her, plopping down onto the sand further away from everyone. 
She shakes her head staring out at the sun that was just beginning to set, “Just reading the notes he left me...again. I know I’m pathetic.” 
“I wasn’t gonna say that.” you reply and she looks at you wide-eyed.
“You weren’t?” 
You shake your head, smiling at her a little bit, “You were in love. I’ve never been in love before, but when you’re in love you’re in love. And he dumped you which wasn’t cool. I don’t support your relationship with him, but it’s only natural to be heartbroken over it.” 
“You’re wise for your age.” she says, ruffling your hair.
“If I ever meet Jeffery, I’m gonna kick his ass.” you warn her, looking at her dead in the eye.
“You probably can, if I’m being honest.” Leah states and she lets out a small laugh. 
Yes, mission accomplished.
You nod with your fists up, pretending to block, “Hit him with that one, two, punch. Pow. Pow pow pow!” you mimic, punching the air in front of you.
Your fake fighting causes her to laugh a little louder and harder. So you decided to take it up a notch, get her distracted a little more.
You get up from where you were standing. And lift one leg up, like Daniel did in Karate Kid, “Finish him!” you yell, making your voice a little deeper. 
Kicking your feet up in the air, however you don’t stick the landing. You fall onto your back letting out a small groan and the sudden hit. Leah starts laughing uncontrollably, releasing a little snort.
That small snort causes you to start laughing along with her. Jeffery long forgotten. 
“We heard from Leah that Y/N was close with everyone. Is this true?” Fader asks. 
“Oh yeah 100%.” Rachel says with a nod, “It was like having yet another younger sister to take care of. Or well...them taking care of me.” 
“You think you can beat me in a swim race.” Rachel asks, staring at you like you’ve just grown two horns.
You hum in response, “Yep!” 
“Fine you’re on! From this point to those rocks.” she says, pointing at the rock figures in the middle of the ocean.
“Who you got?” Dot asks, Toni.
Toni looks at her with a small smirk on her face, “I’m gonna bet on the underdog this round. I got my Diet Coke on Squirt here!” Toni gestures to you, using your annoying nickname that the girls named you after. 
They gave you the nickname after the turtle from Finding Nemo. You pretended to hate it, but you secretly loved your embarrassing nickname.
“You’re on!” Dot says, shaking her hand.
“On your mark, get set...GO!” Martha yells sitting along next to Marcus.
The two of you take off swimming. You start off a little slow at first trying to maintain your energy, but Rachel was the opposite. She was using everything in her power to get their as fast as she could.
When she finally started slowing down, that’s when you pushed on the gas. Moving your arms and legs in a perfect motion. Slowly, but surely you started passing her just as you made it to the rocks.
“Hell yeah!” Toni yells.
Dot groans before throwing Toni a Diet Coke. 
“How the hell did you do that?” Rachel asks you, out of breath as the two of you sat on the rocks.
“Honestly, no idea.” you say with a laugh and she rolls her eyes.
“Race you back!” she yells, jumping into the ocean.
“Cheater!” you yell before diving in after her. 
Dot was slurping down her milkshake. While the two agents waited for her to stop drinking. 
“Can I have another one of these?” Dot asks and Fader nods with a laugh. 
“Who do you think you wanted to protect most on the island?” Young asks after Dot finishes her ten course meal.
“Y/N, hands down. I think that would be every girls answer.” Dot explains, plopping another fry into her mouth.
All of you girls were relaxing on the beach. After two days of scavenging the jungle for any sorts of food and firewood. This was the first day all of you could just relax.
“I just came up with the best idea!” you exclaim. 
It was just you and Dot. The rest of the girls were scattered all over the beach, doing their own thing.
“What is it?” she asks as your eyes had that mischievous glint to them, “Oh no. I know that look!” 
“We’re already stranded on a deserted island, what if we pretended we were on an episode of Naked and Afraid?!” you say, excitedly.
She releases on of her famous hearty laughs, “You want all of us to strip down naked? You really think the girls would be up for it?” 
You nod your head, multiple times, “I bet at least 6/9 of the girls here have at least imagined one of us naked.” 
Dot raises her eyebrows at you, “Are you one of those 6?” 
“No comment...” you state.
After much convincing, you got the girls to have a pretend episode of Naked and Afraid. Everyone was stripping down of their clothes, looking at each other, trying to stifle a laugh. 
The air was awkward, yet comfortable at the same time. The only awkward part was standing there unsure of what to do next. 
“Y/N, you have a cute butt!” Fatin exclaims, giving you a high five.
Toni sidles up next to her to get a look, “Awe it looks like a little peach.” 
You throw your face in your hands, shaking your head as a chorus full of aw’s fill the air. 
Toni sat there with her arms crossed over her chest, not wanting to talk about anything to these phonies. 
“So we’ve been asking the girls their opinions on everyone else, we’re gonna go one by one on the list and you’ll say one word to describe them.” Fader says and Toni just nods.
“Leah Rilke?” 
“Over-thinker.” Toni replies.
“Rachel Reid?” 
“Dot Campbell?” 
“Shelby Goodkind?” 
There was a moment of silence, trying to find the right words to say, “Complex.” 
“Martha Blackburn?” 
“Y/N Y/L/N?” 
Toni laughs to herself softly, “Squirt.” 
You and Toni were out in the shallow waters of the ocean. Dot sent you and Toni on an experiment to see if watch she saw on TV actually works. Where you stand out in the water and catch a fish with your bare hands.
The two of you didn’t quite know the logistics on how it works, but you volunteered anyway. You were standing out, not too far away from the shore just reaching down trying to grab a fish to eat.
Each time you tried you came out short, “You look like an idiot right now.” Toni says, laughing at you flailing your arms in and out of the water.
“Shut up!” you say, splashing her with water. 
“You guys aren’t doing it right?!” Nora yells from the shore, “You need to stay still and patient so the fish will come to you.” 
“We literally picked the worst people for this job.” Shelby says and you and Toni flip her off from where you were standing, “You guys literally can not stay still for the life of you. And don’t even get me started on patience.”
“That’s rude!” you yell at her, “God can hear you! You’re supposed to be nice!” 
“I’m also supposed to be honest!” Shelby shoot back and you mock her actions, before she gives you the bird herself.
“Hey that’s not allowed!” Toni yells at her girlfriend. 
You start laughing with Toni, pushing her slightly. She pushes you back playfully, before it turns in to a full on battle to see who can get the other to fall first. But Toni being Toni decided to just tackle you. 
“Ahhhhhh!” you say letting out a little screen, “Something’s touching me!” 
“Pick it up! It could be a fish!” Toni exclaims.
You pick up the creature and yell a little louder when it bites you, tossing it in the process, “It bit me!!” 
“Y/N, it’s a baby turtle!” Toni exclaims, “You were scared of a baby turtle!” 
“Shut the fuck up.” you joke with her, but give her a serious look. 
Toni picks up the turtle examining the cute little guy. She looks at the turtles face and then back at you doing a double take. 
“It kinda looks like you.” she says, before letting it go back into the ocean.
“Fuck you.” you tease, tackling back into the ocean.
“We really picked the worst people.” Shelby says to Nora.
Both of them shaking their heads in disappointment.
“Thoughts on Y/N Y/L/N?”
“Oh intern for being the baddest bitch out there.” Fatin says with a smile on her face.
“Intern for who?” Fader asks.
“Me of course.” 
Nora and Rachel were currently fighting to the death. Neither you, Leah, or Martha knew what to do.
“Y/N come over here!” Fatin says, gesturing for you to go where she was standing, “Take this bottle of lube!” 
You catch the bottle of the lube she tossed you. And you raised your eyebrow up at her. 
“Just follow my lead.” she brings her toothbrush up to her mouth, “Nora has Rachel pinned on the ground.” she mocks an announcer you would hear on ESPN.
“But Rachel is not giving up too easily folks!” you go along with your guys’ bit, “I don’t know about you Fatin, but I have never seen a girl fight this interesting in my life!” 
“Agreed, usually it’s just a bunch of-HOLY SHIT that was a knee to the tit ladies and gentlemen!” she yells out. 
“Is Rachel out for the count?!” you add on watching the fight unfold in front of you. 
It’s probably not the best time to make jokes, but you all need to let loose once in awhile.
“Wait...she’s getting up!” Fatin yells.
“Oh my gosh she’s not...OUCH! That was knee to the twat!” you yell wincing at the pain that was just brought upon Nora.
“Y/N, how do you feel about this fight?” Fatin asks.
You shake your head, “I don’t know you have two amazing fighters going head to head for the very first time. We have Rachel, olympic diver, very strong and very determined. But then we have the underdog of the hour Nora who is small and scrawny, but she’s packing quite a punch. It could be anyone’s game.” 
“You’re absolutely right Y/N! But Rachel now as Nora pinned to the ground and she can’t seem to get up! This fight might be over everyone!!” 
“Hey there.” Shelby says, sitting down at the metal table. 
“Hello Shelby, can we get you anything?” the two men ask and she just sit back in her seat, shaking her head.
Fader nods, “Well let’s get started, shall we?” 
The three of them have a long conversation before Shelby ultimately decides to stop the interview all together. 
“Wait just one question!” Fader exclaims as Shelby stands up, “How do you feel about Y/N?” 
At the sound of your name Shelby freezes in her spot, “My favorite person on the island.” fear and worry start to fill her body at why the sudden question about you, “Is she okay??” 
You were trekking in the jungle looking for some source of food. All of you ate all the food when the rescue plane was coming, but it’s not coming anytime soon so here you were.
Shelby, Toni, and Martha said they were gonna go out looking, but none of them were to be found. So you decided to go on a little expedition to find them. You heard rustling coming from the tree up ahead, so you decided to follow the noise.
Only to see Toni and Shelby basically naked under a lychee tree, “Oh my god!!!” you yell, covering your eyes with your hand.
“AHHH!” the two girls scream, but you couldn’t see what they were doing.
You turned around facing towards the direction you came from, “Sorry sorry. I was just looking for you guys and food. I uh I didn’t mean to.” you say, shaking your head.
“Jesus Y/N you scared us!” Shelby yells and you can hear rustling. 
Hopefully, they were putting their clothes back on. 
“Damn it I was getting laid!” Toni says jokingly and you could hear a smack hit her arm.
“Leave our daughter alone!” Shelby jokes and you laugh softly.
“Can I turn back around now?” you ask meekly.
“Yes.” the two girls say and you release a sigh and turn around to face the two girls.
You look at their flush faces, “You guys couldn’t have gone a little farther away?” you ask, “Thanks to you I’m more traumatized than I already was.” you joke. 
“Oh c’mon you know you liked it.” Toni nudges your shoulder as the two of you walk back to the camp.
Your face flushes as you put your head in your hands, “Stop corrupting her!” Shelby yells at her. 
“Let me see her!” Shelby yells at the two men.
“We can’t let you do that. You girls aren't allowed to see each other yet. Not for awhile.” Agent Young says.
“Can you at least tell me if she’s okay?” she asks, looking at the two men with her eyebrows raised.
“She’s fine.” 
That didn’t relieve the feeling in Shelby’s chest that something could possibly be wrong. But she couldn’t do anything, even if we tried.
The girls didn’t know how long they were quarantined. It felt like months and it probably was a couple months. They finally let all of the girls hang out together in the small courtyard.
All of them hugging one another, super glad to see each other. Knowing that everyone’s okay. Well...everyone who made it.
“Y/N? Where’s Y/N?” Leah asks, looking at all the other girls.
“She was okay when we left. She should be here.” Dot adds on. 
Shelby face was flushed with worry, “They wouldn’t let me see her when I asked about her. I asked if she was okay, but they said she was fine.” 
Fader was standing there with a guilty look on his face. Toni’s blood was boiling at the look on his face. She runs up to him, pushing him against the wall, holding onto him by the collar. 
“Where the fuck is she?!” she yells.
Which causes Agent Young to burst into the room, “What’s going on here?” 
“Where is Y/N?!” Toni yells again, but at the other man.
Agent Young locks eyes with Fade and he subtly nods, “She’s in the infirmary. Her heart was in bad condition, so she needed open heart surgery. The surgeons are working on her right now.” 
“You told me she was fine when I was being interrogated.” Shelby says in between gritted teeth, “Did you lie?” 
The two men don’t answer. They just stare anywhere, but at the other girls. The silence spoke louder than any words did. Fatin scoffs at the men’s actions.
“That’s why you wanted to know huh?” Leah asks, her imagination running wild, “You wanted to know about her because you were wondering if she was worth saving. Isn’t that right?” 
Neither of the men decided to speak again.
“Let us see her.” Rachel says, staring at them intensely.
“We can’t do that. She’s in surgery right now.” Young says.
Toni pushes Fader up against the wall yet again, “You’re gonna let us see her when she’s out. No excuses. No bullshit. You’re gonna let us see our friend.” Toni threatens.
The girls sat in the waiting room of the infirmary. Leah paced back and forth chewing on her fingernail. Toni was trying to console a worried Shelby. While Dot, Rachel, and Fatin sat in the seats waiting impatiently.
Agent Young filled the girls in on your condition. You had a heart disease before you came onto the island. And your parents gave you a little trip to help because of the depressive state you were in. Little did they know you would be trapped on an island with none of the medication that was needed to help you survive.
All of the rigorous activity brought your heart to a weaker state than ever before. When the girls got saved, you were already experiencing symptoms of heart failure. And you were put under immediate watch when you reached the facility. You were getting better, but then your heart gave out and you needed to get an artery reconstructed.
“We already lost too much.” Fatin whispers in the tense silence of the waiting room. 
“Nora, Martha...” Rachel draws out.
“We can’t lose Y/N.” Toni adds. 
“The girl who loved the most has a heart condition. How ironic is that?” Dot asks.
“I’m scared guys.” Leah whispers.
“She’s strong, she’ll pull through.” Shelby says, trying to boost their hope, but she’s losing faith herself.
After God knows how long the doctor finally came out. All of the girls looking up at her. Tears brimming all of their eyes, scared for the answer they were about to get.
“She’s okay. We managed to repair it without too much trouble. You guys can see her now.” the doctor says and everyone lets out this huge breath.
A smile breaks out on Fatin’s face as tears spill from her face. The six girls walk into your hospital room where you were laying peacefully. Your eyes somewhat open, you had a soft smile on your face as you stared at the girls.
“Hey guys!” you exclaim, as excited as you can.
Dot lets out a small sniffle, “You scared us, asshole!” 
“Why didn’t you tell us about your condition?” Fatin asks, tears still streaming down her face.
You shrug, “We already were going through too much. I didn’t want to worry everyone more or get treated any differently. Rachel, if I told you about my heart would you have raced me?” 
She shakes her head, “No.” 
Rachel, Dot, and Fatin take a seat on the foot of the rock-hard hospital bed. You scooted over so Leah could cuddle in next to you. While Shelby and Toni pulled up a chair right by your side.
Leah rests her head on your shoulder, “We thought we were gonna lose you Squirt.” Toni says, ruffling your hair. 
Shelby was still crying, looking at you full of worry. You look at the blonde beauty who was now bald, but she still looked beautiful.
“Come here.” you whisper to her. You scoot over closer to her Leah, making room for her.
She sits next to you, crying into your chest, “Hey. I’m okay Shelby.” you look at all of the other girls who still had worry on their face, “I’m okay guys. We’re all okay.”
But the girls don’t look convinced.
“Listen to my heart Shelby, it’s still beating. Just focus on that okay?” you tell her and she nods. Even Leah could hear your heart beating from here. 
“You’re really okay?” Shelby asks and you nod.
“I’m okay. I promise.” you say, giving each of the girls a look, They all nod with small smiles, “Now how the hell do we get out of here?” you whisper.
And each of you give each other a small smirk, “Time for the Great Escape.” 
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