#aughhhh I needed to write shit down or I'd die of Thinking
mushroompoisoning · 1 month
I've been thinking about ultrakill a lot ( as per usual ) and I just gotta yap for a long while bare with me. hiding my yapping behind the readmore
I think what gets me the most out of everything in ultrakill is the little things. those small, self contained stories that have no relation to the larger story or even the game itself. you could replay infinitely and miss them every time
like. one my very first playthrough there was only one thing I remember that truly stopped me in my tracks
I was blowing through the game a million miles an hour, making sure every encounter was as batshit incomprehensible and fast as possible, right up until I got to lust. specifically the first room in 2-2
it was the skeletons in bed in that little house just to the right. when I saw them I just stopped. stared for a little. I didn't think much of it then, as I didn't really know anything about the game
but now like. I think about it. and damn. this is hell, and yet these two people - wh are supposed to be suffering for eternity - found love. or maybe just comfort. regardless they were happy
and then theres the poems in violence. the only one you're guaranteed to see is the "paint the world red" one. the one about well. indulging in violence
the other two - the gutterman and earthmover poems - are stashed away. Hell I never found either of them while playing, only know about them from posting online. but the fact that the poem about love and empathy and mercy and the poem about the consequences and cycle of war are hidden in violence layer... idk it gets to me. I don't have any articulate thoughts on it but it really gets me
and there's probably a million examples I could talk about but tbh I have a headache so I can't think too hard about them
since this is turning into a general All Current Ultrakill Thoughts post I may as well talk about blood a little. specifically relating to how its talked about
v1, the war robot, made only to kill, gets the message BLOOD IS FUEL
and then there's gabriel's "We all bleed the same" line ( I don't have the exact quote don't kill me )
I think the contrast in those two ideas of blood speaks to the anti war topics of the game. in war, blood is fuel; not just in the game but in real life. each soldier is just blood to be spilled for whatever cause they're fighting for. fuel for the war machine, in a non-literal sense
gabriel's line is the complete opposite of this idea. we all bleed the same, we're all worth the same, and we don't have to suffer for the cause of those in control of us. even though he's inciting revolution, he isn't inciting war, because he's prioritizing the value of individual life rather than throwing it away
I don't have any concluding thoughts I don't know if any of this is even right at all but as stated earlier I have a headache so I can only use so much brain power. whatever forever
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