#aughhhhh I'm a little nervous posting this here but Whatever.
honks-n-stonks · 5 months
oh... I never posted my little CROB dragon oc here did I...?
Originally drew this fella back on April 1st! Admittedly, I'd like to go back and change the design + maybe simplify some parts so I don't die whenever I want to draw them...
I kinda tried to sorta follow along with the designs of the other dragons, but uh. Their horns are a bit too prominent. Ah whatever, it's a lot more fun to just do your own thing sometimes.
Oh, and their name is Koi Dragon Cookie! Maybe. I'm. not good with names!!! I think you can guess a bit of what their backstory is just by the name alone though, ahah.
They look a bit smug here, but I promise they're pretty chill. I think. Their whole story has just been brewing silently in my head.. I have to actually write it out sometime. Whoops!!
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