#autistic mannerisms are SPECIFIC they have PURPOSE they arent just 'not doing the allistic thing'
bananonbinary · 1 year
it's this moment right here.
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holmes is looking down at the pipe he's fiddling with while watson is talking, but the SECOND the client starts explaining the problem his eyes drift up to stare into space, and his head tilts so that his ear is facing the man directly. his whole body gains a tension to it as he almost leans towards the man. he continues with this for the entire conversation, only looking at the client while holmes is the one talking and he doesn't need to focus quite so hard, and only really looking down at his pipe again when the client trails off and holmes is getting impatient. the poor client almost certainly doesn't notice, but holmes is taking him deadly seriously.
it's SO subtle and perfectly demonstrates what "full attention" means for an autistic person, i've never seen anything like it in media before.
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