saltieststar · 2 months
Reading far too much into things pt.2: Enver Gortash's genius will take us far. MAJOR SPOILERS DIA AND BG3
Gortash was just some random Banite that pursued Durge. Enver only had a plan once he met The Dark Urge; he had goals, sure, but no plan. It was like when Astarion says his plan to kill Cazador is to, uh, kill Cazador.
The Dark Urge had no actual use for Enver; what does the temple of Bhaal need with some random Banite? So Gortash does what Gortash does best: he courts The Dark Urge. The Dark Urge and Gortash have been working together for at least ten years as Durge helps Gortash get the blueprints for the auto-watch, so he has at least known Gortash for as long as Karlach has been in Avernus. However, Gortash's memoir mentions him realizing the cult of Bhaal was on the rise and acquainting himself with Durge. I believe Durge's murders during Blood in Baldur's Gate ultimately attracted Enver to him, meaning that they've known each other for closer to 15 years. Enver likely spent years trying to gain The Dark Urge's confidence, and Durge found him just intriguing enough to spare his life.
So, let's dive into the timeline of their alliance and the birth of Enver's little scheme:
The first time these two officially work together is in the Heist of the High House of Wonders and the Hall of Wonders. Enver wants into the High House of Wonders to get his hands on the blueprints for inventions they're currently working on- specifically the autowatch. He is fully aware he cannot accomplish this alone. The High House of Wonders is guarded by five golems (2 clay, a stone, and an iron golem). Not to mention, they most likely have actual guards present and someone who gives orders to the golems. This heist is not something they can easily fight their way through; Enver needs someone who can do stealth and help him get in and out without notice.
I honestly don't think Enver realized who Durge was when he first approached them. I truly think he was looking for a decent assassin and found a little more than he bargained for: The Scion of Bhaal. The Scion of Bhaal is not just some assassin for hire. They're not here to whore themselves out to some Banite. So Enver finds a way to pique their interest: The Bhaalist exhibit at the Hall of Wonders. A little, you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours: Durge helps Enver get into the High House of Wonders, and Enver will help Durge strong-arm their way into the Hall of Wonders and reclaim the Bhaalist artifacts. (I imagine the Hall is equally guarded, but without the presence of golems as golems are known to go berzerk, and they can't risk damaging the displays.)
From there, Enver and Durge began to correspond, and this is where Enver's true plan was born.
Enver's rise to Dukedom mirrors Saveroks's; Enver displaced his competitors (Zhents/Knights of Shield/etc.), created an artificial problem (the Absolute), and then offered the solution that only he had (Steel Watch). He used the funds from his arms trade to fund the rebuilding of the Iron Throne.
Step 1: Perfecting the Steel Watch
Enver sells Karlach to the hells
1) To serve as a prototype for the steel watch, which ultimately failed.
2) To open trade with Zariel, who is supplying Enver with infernal iron.
*This is my take on the Steel Watch and deviates from canon*
The autowatch is ultimately meant to be piloted by a person. Enver is initially inspired by the infernal war machines that souls fuel. He needs to find a way to utilize the technology while ensuring the construct has intelligence (something infernal war machines lack). So, he places such an engine into a person with less than satisfactory results. In the game, we are told that Karlach's engine is unstable outside the Hells, but there is little more explanation beyond its overheating. I think it makes more sense to say the engine is siphoning off Karlach's own soul and to avoid this, she needs a constant supply of soul coins (Besides, do we really need more than one character with an explosive in their chest?), and that's why Enver sold her to Zariel because Zariel can provide Karlach with the soul coins she needs- well that and for the infernal iron of course.
This brings him back to his central problem of infusing the steel watch with intelligence, essentially giving the Tin Man a brain. It also introduces the additional challenge of powering the engines outside the hells. In 'Descent into Avernus' (Hellfire weapon, pg 223), the book discusses how any soul killed with weapons crafted from infernal iron has their soul funneled to the river Styx. Building on that, it is possible that Gortash found a way to use the souls killed by the steel watch as a power source for the infernal engines within them rather than the souls being funneled into the Hells.
So, back to finding the Tin Man a brain. Putting an infernal engine into a living person is a no-go. It's too much work to keep them alive with the constant need for souls and anatomy issues such as having to install ventilating lungs. There is undoubtedly a more efficient solution. So Enver begins to dabble with necromancy.
Enver discovers that he can wire zombies into the steel watch, and someone with the ability to command the undead can control them. I headcannon that the Dark Urge introduces Enver to Leylenna Candulhallow, and this is the elaborate necromantic masterpiece she was working on. This shows some success. However, controlling the undead is a skill Enver himself lacks, and he, of course, wants to be the person in control of the Steel Watch.
Step 2: Obtain the Crown of Karsus
-Enver and The Dark Urge are named chosen-
Queue the Crown of Karsus and the alliance with Ketheric. Bane and Bhaal sorta solve this problem for Enver as they instruct their chosen to seek out Ketheric. As helpful as Leylenna was, Myrkul's necromancers would be invaluable in perfecting the necromantic magic used to control the steel watch. However, Ketheric has more to offer than just his lackeys: the Illithid colony lurking below Moonrise, and Enver knows how to bring that brain under their thrall.
-Up until this point, I believe he was mainly using and manipulating Durge, telling him whatever would persuade him to assist in his schemes. Not that he isn't attempting to manipulate and control Durge afterward, but their partnership seems more genuine.-
The Elder Brain is Enver's path to glory. Together, the Chosen have the means to pave Enver's way for the subjugation of the entire Sword Coast and beyond. The plan is simple and plays to each of their strengths: Ketheric will build an army, while the Dark Urge causes mass panic and helps to destabilize Baldur's Gate. Finally, Gortash will swoop in as the hero. The other Chosen agree to Enver's plan because they plan to betray one another and take control of the nether stones for themselves once the brain is enslaved and the army has been amassed. In the meantime, their gods are still benefiting from this plan by increasing their followers while simultaneously destroying the followers of other gods.
There is still quite a bit of planning and preparation that has to go into successfully stealing the Crown from Mephistopheles' Vault, as they only get one shot of this. While they iron out the details of the heist, Gortash weasels his way into power, starting with rebranding himself as a Lord. He blackmails his way into becoming the director of the High House of Wonder, most likely using Brinn's unsanctioned studies against her. Once in place as director, Gortash enslaves the Gondian gnomes and puts them to work building the steel watch.
Gortash and The Dark Urge heist the House of Hope to test Helsik's ability. Additionally, Gortash really wanted to add those Helldusk boots to his evil boot collection. Jokes aside, I think it served to help Gortash traverse Mephistar. This is followed by the Heist of Mephistopheles' vault, where they successfully steal the crown and a document entailing the Illithid Grand Design, which is what they use to persuade the brain to allow them to place the Crown of Karsus on it.
Step 3: Dominate the Brain
Gortash and The Dark Urge return to Moonrise, where, along with Ketheric, they carry out their plan to dominate the Elder Brain. I think The Dark Urge brought Orin along to Moonrise so she could try to figure out the secret to Ketheric's immortality while he was occupied down in the mindflayer colony. Unfortunately, she takes this as an opportunity to usurp The Dark Urge with the help of Ketheric (Because where'd this girl get an Illithid tadpole?). Ketheric mistakenly believed he'd be better off with Orin as an ally as The Dark Urge and Gortash were sure to betray him as soon as his usefulness ceased, whereas they were less likely to betray each other given their close relationship. On the other hand, Orin absolutely despises Gortash and has very little self-control; all Ketheric has to do is wait for one of them to dispose of the other.
Gortash doesn't realize what has happened until it's too late. Orin leaves Moonrise disguised as The Dark Urge and carries out the ruse for as long as possible. Each Chosen is left to carry out their part of the plan.
Step 4: Absolute Authority
Gortash takes advantage of the events occurring during the Descent into Avernus. Gortash, aided by the Dark Urge, utilizes their lower-level followers to assist Duke Vanthampur in her bid for Grand Duke and to plot to drag Baldur's Gate into the Hells. The reasoning behind this is: (1) Duke Vanthampur's attempt to discredit the Flaming Fist supports Gortash's argument to implement a steel watch; (2) it leads to the kidnapping of the Grand Duke, creating an opening; (3) Vanthampur's plot is eventually discovered, resulting in the removal of another Duke from the council. 4) They were also being paid a lot of gold, and Gortash had a campaign to fund. This plot ultimately destabilizes Baldur's Gate and causes a complete loss of faith in the Flaming Fist and the Council. Furthermore, the people of Baldur's Gate believe the last of the Dead Three Cultists have been weeded out, rather than the truth that they are just undergoing a rebrand as the absolute.
And we all know what follows. Gortash kidnaps rescues the Grand Duke, prevents the Absolute army from breaching the city, and becomes the Archduke.
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fish-emoji · 8 months
1: hi how are you?
2: the kingdom I once called my home has officially fallen today. It was a brittle kingdom, in the shadow of many great towers. The years were not kind to it so it has fallen now. And yet I morn my fellow citymen, even though our home was an ergot we had a bond that will last five lifetimes atleast. You: I think that's it, just around the bend I think I can see it, that gargoyle I have been seeing in my dreams, quite strange dreams, the ones with the farms in the court house. So that in 100 years time one will feel a strange attachment to another who they see walking just behind a hill, and never see again. But for now we all must go our separate ways and mourn alone, else our bond also fall...
1: you're room number is 241, you will find it furnished with all the necessary things. Chair, stool, bench, bed, frame, curtain, cage, wall, ceiling, switch, remote, Me: I don't understand why you are so fixated on this thing, sure it's strange that you saw it in a dream but its just a lump of stone at the end of the day, no more special then those skipping stones I collect. radio, refrigerator, desk, etagere, floorboard, and complementary WiFi. You'll find a plesent view overlooking the grand highway where I'm sure you'll spend your time autowatching.
You: you know how important this is for me, I just feel like I have a connection with it for some reason... I just need to see it in person atleast once. We don't have to come back here if you don't want, I know well you would rather be painting the classified ads like you always do when we find a newspaper.
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ghostalarmessex · 11 months
Bespoke Vehicle Security is a family-run business with 30+ years of experience in the industry. We offer a huge variety of the latest highly tested state-of-the-art vehicle security and upgrades, including: Locks Alarms The Ghost II Immobiliser Trackers Dash Cams Reverse Sensors The Power Bolt Locking System and much more. We are Meta Trak, and Autowatch approved who are two of the biggest companies in vehicle technology. Our years of combined knowledge and experience mean that we are able to offer very competitive prices and customer services to our customers.
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codehunter · 1 year
"module not found : Error: Cannot resolve module 'react/lib/ReactMount' "
I used Reactjs and webpack to start a project, and when I run the "node server" in the command prompt, there is an error like this:
Tumblr media
And the chrome explorer opened successful but also have problems as follows:
Tumblr media
The github is: (github.com/Yangqin0607/gallery)
Here is the package.json
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