#autumn is coming to y'all and i'm so happy you'll get to wear boots again <3
purplejan · 2 years
season change is upon us, is there any outfit you're excited to bring back into rotation? colors you are partial to? how about accessories/shoes? If you don't live in a place with seasons (or a place with negligible seasonal change/just feel like answering smth else), what is your favorite outfit lately?
this question is so fitting💕 we've been having these wonderful sunny days lately!! and the perfect opportunity to wear my fave clothes, i just really don't feel comfortable with bulky clothes or too many layers of clothing which means winter is a struggle for me, so now i'm really looking forward to wear my warm weather clothes again and feel like myself again kcjwekjcnwek
i actually just got to wear this new mini skirt i got, it's like a deep pink satin. i wore it to sasha's show and to the afterparty and like 3 people came up to me saying they loved my outfit so i consider it a success😌 it was also so damn comfy to dance with it!! and in terms of colors it's gonna be pretty much the usual pinks and purples, but i really want to incorporate green into my wardrobe more.
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