#awwww... I found another wonderful gifs... there's one with his hair down... OMG
white-queen-lacus · 2 years
One moment of silence for poor Ricciardi who:
harbors quiet, deep, and secret feelings for his longtime neighbor, sweet Enrica (the young teacher who loves him back but the story is long);
is deeply loved and desired by the former soprano Livia whose case he solved brilliantly... and so far, if I'm not wrong, she's the only one with whom he shared some intimacy;
seems unexpectedly on the same wavelength as Countess Bianca di Roccaspina, who - I read - will be a very important character in the last books. Also, both are from nobility, but Ricciardi appears to have returned his title, choosing a civilian life and his job as a Police Commissioner (aaaaw, I love you being and an ancestor of Cagliostro and Vanessa 👍);
shared a deep bond with his late mother, from whom he inherited what he considers a curse, the ability to see and hear the last words said by the dead, to the point of keeping everybody at distance and to the point of avoiding personal relationships because he's frightened that a child of his own could inherit the gift/curse.
The Party Police: you don't have a family, you aren't nor married nor engaged, you even don't attend brothels... you are a very good friend with the M.D. Modo and you even went home with him... You're gay!
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