#axel && shivani 01
axelhughes · 2 months
AXEL: u think ur sooo smart figring out my plans. Well gues what, I'm gonna destroy this stupid city n theres nothng u can do abt it!
AXEL: I'll burn it ALL down, even that cofee shop where u spilled ur drink on tht guy. Remeber? 5 MINUTES LATER... AXEL: Wait. That's New York... But WHATEVER. Don't try to stop me or I'll… I'll… buy all the coffee in the city and dump it in the ocean! Take that, Wilmingtea! I mean Wilmington! Whatever, u know what I mean.
AXEL: Don't text me back, I'm busy being evil and stuff.
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shivanixrao · 5 months
location: at the beach for the starlight viewing party closed for @axelhughes
As she walked along the beach towards the starlight viewing party, she was glad to have Axel by her side. She loved all things astronomy and living in New York for most of her life meant that she hardly ever got to see the stars so clearly. But here in North Carolina it was so much easier to see the vast night sky and tonight was going to be even more special given how they'd use the telescopes to get an even closer look at them. "I'm so excited for tonight, but also--how was your day? Did you do anything fun earlier for the springtide bash?" Shivani had been in town for five years now and so she'd seen the event before and truly looked forward to it but this was Axel's first time so yes she was quite excited to hear how he felt about it. "I was at the food truck rodeo earlier and honestly think I ate too much food..." she chuckled softly before leaning her head gently against his shoulder.
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