#b/allmastrz is the big fixation rn but even for that it's just. so many ideas & so little energy/time!!
cuppa-ale · 1 year
It does bother me that I can't seem to stay focused on 1 thing for an extended time like I used to. In the span of 1 day my brain can cycle through several different fixations but it never seems to last long enough for me to do anything substantial, or I wind up doubting myself.
It's frustrating when I have a lot of ideas for different things but can't seem to do any of them, as they all require their own time and commitment.
Having limited time and energy makes me have to weigh what is "worth" working on, and what is most important to me. Even then, I'm just so tired that I can barely do that.
I've thought about making super rough sketches just to get out ideas while they're on my mind- but I'm such a perfectionist that I'd want to spend more time on doing something I can be proud of, but then I just spend the whole time thinking about other things I could be doing instead and I feel bad. X_x
It's an awful cycle that I'm not sure how to break out of yet. I feel like the obvious answer is "do the thing you have the most skill and information for at this time", but it's still easier said than done… not to mention all the WIPs that accumulate, lol.
Even things that should be small or "self indulgent" actually take a lot of energy & I run into the same conundrum of feeling guilty because I could be doing something more "productive" when I actually have free time, grrrrrrr
And the awful irony(?) is that this guilt creates a stalemate where I wind up doing nothing at all.
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