#babygirl said i've had enough time to commit some violence
loriane-elmuerto · 2 years
—something something sentence Thursday
Got tagged by @dihardys and @indorilnerevarine to share a WIP I'm working on, thank you! Surprise surprise, it's not cod, it's jjba, in honour of stone ocean ending today (guys I'm so not ready you cannot believe)
Gonna tag @chuckhansen, @queennymeria, @countessrooster, @lucky-107, @cryptcombat, @florbelles, @unholymilf, @jendoe, @jennystahl, @shellibisshe, @cobb-vanthss, @heroofpenamstan, @cptcassian, @jackiesarch, @risingsh0t, @roofgeese, and @prometheas, only if you want to! ❤️
Putting this under a
Caroline doesn't know how long she has been on her feet, her hands never once leaving her husband's chest. Not even the long hours of the hospital that have trained her can keep her up for much more, but the sheer fucking will that has been instilled in her screams that if she moves away for even a moment, she will lose Jotaro for good.
Golden Saint, always the realist, keeps reminding her that Caroline is only exhausting her own life force for nothing, that all they can do now is wait, but Caroline can't wait. Apparently, she's been sitting and waiting for disaster to strike for almost twenty years now, which, in her own humble opinion, is just insulting.
Twenty years. That's how long their friends knew that Dio was alive, and nobody had said anything to her. As if she was a precious fucking porcelain doll that would break at the mere touch. Twenty years of silence had now destroyed the family she had worked so hard to create and maintain, the family she sacrificed her own dreams for. Her firstborn daughter, the girl that had endured too much for such a young age, now in prison for a crime she did not commit. The man she saved time and again, the one who always put his life on the line to protect her, now dead in her arms. Their youngest boy, only ten years old, but already exposed to old horrors that follow their family like a shadow, hidden away in Avdol's care, all alone on the other side of world.
Oh, how she wishes that she was still 29 years old, sitting with Jotaro on the front porch of his old home, watching Jolyne play with little Sherry as the sun was setting behind the children's backs. Where they were still happy, still in love—
"You're losing focus, Caroline." Saint's voice never failed to bring her back to reality. The Stand with the plague doctor mask was standing on the opposite side of Jotaro's bed, plague doctor mask in hand. Caroline hated at that particular moment that her and Saint had the same face.
Her throat was still raw from screaming and crying over her losses. "What do you want me to do? Pace around the room like a caged animal, driving myself insane as I watch my husband's body rots with each passing minute?" The mere thought forced her to press her palms down even harder, continuing the healing process.
"What you're doing is feeling sorry for yourself over the current situation. Your mourning the future, a future which won't even happen. You're focusing only on here and now, which, by the way, is slowly killing us both."
"You don't—"
"Shut up and listen already. You and I both know that Rejuvenation will not work, he needs both of the disks back. So focus on that. You, standing here, wasting your life? That's exactly what Pucci and Dio want. Do you want to give them the fucking satisfaction? Do you want Jotaro to wake up to your smiling face, or do you want him and the kids to find out you drained yourself to the point of death?"
She was right. She was right.
"You're Caroline Becker. When life decides to kick you down, you don't cry and feel sorry for yourself the entire time. You get angry, and you take matters into your own hands. So get angry already, and do something about it. You left a fucking dent in that psycho vampire's chest, you can rip his head off, and we both have the means to do it."
The Arrow. Truth be told, Caroline always hoped she would not have to touch the thing again, not after what happened at Morioh, to Kira.
But Saint was right. It was time Dio and Pucci were dealt with once and for all.
Saint didn't fail to notice Caroline's hands moving away from Jotaro's chest. Nor how her back straightened, how the look in her eyes changed. The Stand merely smiled as she put the mask back on her face.
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