#back and im throwing mindfang at you all again
transformationstuck · 7 years
8etta than )(er
Vriska carefully crept through the red halls of Her Imperious Condescension's palace, looking for anything of value to steal. She had gotten it into her head that it'd be an excellent way of gaining fortune and prestige, and that the Empress would never be able to stop or catch her.
As of now, she had found her way into the respiteblock of the fish queen, and was rummaging through her personal effects for anything of value. And boy did she find lots. She'd have a lot of work cut out for her just trying to cram all this gaudy jewellry into her sylladex. Just to lighten that load, she worse some of it, even if it was far too big for her.
The Condesce was surely in for a sight when she made it into her respiteblock, only to find some young cerulean blood wearing lots of her gold.
Alternia's leader was briefly stunned, unable to believe that anyone would have the outright audacity to steal from her. Astonishment quickly turned to rage, however, as she stomped up to the comparatively tiny troll rummaging through all of HER precious belongings.
"an just what the S)(-ELL do you think you doin you little blue blood BITC)("
The entrance caught Vriska by surprise, and she turned to shoot a shocked expression at the Empress. For about eight seconds, she didn't even know what to do, simply kneeling in stunned silence, partly at the fact that she was even still alive. Then, she got what was either the best or the worst idea she had ever had, save for the one to rob the Empress, of course.
"Uh. I'm ro88ing you? What do you THINK I'm doing????????"
Vriska hoped refuge in audacity would save her life today.
It wouldn't.
The Condesce reached down to grab Vriska by the neck, effortlessly plucking her off the ground even with all the heavy jewelery she was wearing.
"i bet you think you funny huh, little mindfang jr here think she pullin a fast one on me"
The Condesce tightened her grip around Vriska's throat, ready and willing to snap her neck and just be done with it. Until...
"you know i got a better idea, somefin i been wantin to try for a while"
With that, HI)( promptly turned around and marched out of her block, Vriska still held in a vicegrip.
Despite being briefly flattered at the allusion to her ancestor, Vriska was far more panicked, struggling against the Empress and her grip, working frantically to free herself.
It was only after the Condesce had decided against killing her, at least on the spot, that Vriska realized she still had something at her disposal.
Coughing and attempting to get enough air to pull off a badass one-liner, she shot a strained grin at the Condesce and put her hands to her temple.
"Actually, I think you'll 8e putting me down now."
Was it beyond cocky to think she could use her mind control to bust down the will of the Empress of all trollkind? Maybe.
Did Vriska care?
Not even in the slightest.
Without breaking her stride, The Condesce glanced in Vriska's direction, her eyes briefly flashing as she easily deflected Vriska's attack, and just to show her who was in charge, shot off a psychic shockwave of her own at Vriska's.
"you aint got S)(IT on me"
Vriska screeched. She hadn't expected the attack to be very successful, but she hadn't expected such a powerful backlash, either. What the fuck had the Condesce even done to herself to be able to do that? Or was she always this powerful? It sure as shit wasn't public knowledge, either way.
"F8CK. Okay, point t8ken. G8ess that's wh8t I get for trying."
Striding through the hallways of her enormous sanctum, HIC finally arrived at what appeared to be her destination. A strange laboratory environment with all kinds of mechanics and fluids sprawled around the area.
The Condesce casually chucked Vriska into the center of the room, before locking the door behind her. Then she walked over to one of the operating tables, looking for something.
Onto the floor Vriska tumbled, as if she were a discarded ragdoll. She was still pretty hard though, and scrambled back up to her feet with little effort. To the door she went, attempting to suss out how to unlock it before the Condesce finished whatever she was doing. Surely it had to be possible, since she locked it from this side. Right?
Unconcerned, by whatever Vriska was attempting to do, HIC finally found what she was looking for. She held up a rather nasty looking syringe, filled with a greyish liquid, and grinned. Time for a little experiment. Turning to face Vriska, she slowly advanced on the troll, cackling.
"ayy blue girl you about to help me learn a lot about science, dont you go nowhere"
Vriska's frantic fiddling with the door only intensified as she heard the Condesce approach, until at last she gave up on the door and decided to do the next best thing.
She decided to run around the room and throw whatever she could get her hands on at the Empress.
Really, there were probably better things to do, including submit, but she was too panicked or too proud to consider them right now.
"oh i know you aint running when i told you not to"
Unflinching, HIC knocked aside everything that Vriska threw at her as she walked forward, drinking in the panic she could feel emanating off of her.
She entertained the chase along through the lab for a bit, enjoying toying with her prey, until she decided she had had enough and quickly seized Vriska's body with her telekinesis, forcing her to slowly float towards the queen.
Vriska thought she'd at least be able to keep up the game for awhile longer. Might've tired out soon, and definitely first, but she expected to be reduced to pulling shit out of her sylladex before she was captured. And when she was, it was via... Telekinesis? Since when could the Empress use telekinesis? This bitch had secrets up the wazoo, apparently. Not that Vriska could blame her, but she still hated it.
At length, she struggled against the psychic hold, to no real avail.
"Ugh, fuck! H8w are you DO8NG this???????? And what 8s that? Some kind of n8w super poison?"
"psh if ida wanted to kill you youd be dead already, naw think i can use you better when you alive"
With Vriska floating just in front of her, HIC held the syringe just up against her neck, to taunt her, to take in as much of her fear as she could.
"i hope you ready for a brand new you"
Though there was fear, Vriska attempted to mask it with a sneer and a glare. Still she struggled to move, struggled to reach out for a nearby mind, struggled to do ANYTHING.
"8rand new me? What the fuck are you 8la88ing a8out?"
"you just wait an see"
With that, she plunged the syringe directly into Vriska's thigh, injecting all of whatever the strange fluid was.
She dropped Vriska to the floor in a heap, her legs shaking from... something.
Down to the floor Vriska went again. She was getting pretty sick of that.
"Stop DROPPING me like that!!!!!!!! Yeesh."
Grumbling, she attempted to pull herself to her feet, hoping she could at least do this with dignity. Simultaneously, she attempted to steady her legs, and watched them carefully for any further developments.
A silence fell over the room as both trolls stared at Vriska's legs. Nothing seemed to be happening, even after a minute of the standoff.
The Condesce sighed. Another failure. Guess she'd just have to kill this little thief after all.
She lifted her hand to grab Vriska by the throat again until she heard a small crackling noise and looked down again. Vriska's comparatively little legs seemed to be... expanding.
"W8, hold on, l8ts talk a8out this!"
Vriska reeled back, too little too late, and held out her hands defensively. Only for her to notice that her legs were... Changing? She looked down at her expanding limbs and blinked.
That was all she could say at the moment as confusion and fear wracked her. Where was this even going?
The Condesce cackled.
"oh we done talkin, now i get to play wit my new toy"
She grabbed one of Vriska's outstretched arms and yanked her up to the air yet again. Suspended in the air, she watched as Vriska's legs continued to grow, not just in height, but also changing shape, becoming tight and curvy and shapely, not unlike HIC's own. The legs were about twice as long as Vriska's torso by this point, having shredded her pants and giving her a bizarre set of proportions.
Vriska didn't really struggle much anymore. Perhaps realizing the futility of it. Or, perhaps, she was far more concerned with how her legs were developing, going from short and lanky to thick, long, shapely legs. Not too dissimilar at all to...
Well, that didn't scan at the moment. She didn't imagine the Empress would do anything like that intentionally. A length, she could only imagine she was being made older.
"Okay, lemme guess. Some kind of growth acceler8ion thing? Real effective at skipping over that childhood 8ullshit. I can sort of understand it. Not really liking it, 8ut fuck, not like you care a8out my opinion, right?"
"why would i wanna older version of you inna first place, you already a knockoff a mindfang an i damn sure dont need another her"
HIC reached another hand to wrap around Vriska's waist and hips, which paradoxically, both seemed to be expanding and shrinking at the same time, growing outward to match her legs, yet tightening up into an hourglass figure. Vriska felt the squeeze both from the change and HIC's hand.
"Sides, im way hotter then she eva was"
The pieces clicked together with those last words, and Vriska shook her head.
"What. Seriously? You're making me some shitty 8ody dou8le of you? I mean, not like I'm not flattered, really! 8ut that seems really stupid."
She was hardly flattered, of course. She didn't mind the new figure, and honestly, she kind of enjoyed the feeling of her flesh expanding and contracting. It was almost sensual. Exotic. But everything that came with it? Fuck no.
She only hoped the body would be all there was to it.
"you undaestimate how useful you gonna be to me, imma busy troll i cant do everyfin myself,
you gonna be a good me an help out, but dont get any ideas, im still the bass around here"
That said, it was getting harder to hold Vriska as her size continued to increase, but Hic managed to cup her hands around the blue-bloods tits and ass, squeezing and prodding them as they inflated out to match her own endowments.
Being let loose, if only slightly, Vriska redoubled her efforts to wriggle free. This didn't come before her chest and rear were enhanced, however. The feeling of flesh expanding, well disposing of what was left of her clothes, and growing all the more sensitive, brought a small moan to her lips.
"Oh my G8D, The whole 8ody dou8le thing was one thing 8ut this is just getting perverse!"
The slightest change in her tone went, for the moment, unnoticed to her.
"its all part a the show for me, you comin along just fine"
As Vriska continued to grow, she finally got too big for for HIC to carry in her hands. The Condesce once again dropped her to the floor, although this time she had less length to fall. Vriska's still oddly-proportioned frame scrambled slightly, only to stop once more as her arms stretched out on either side, growing into strong slender copies of HIC's own appendages. As all this continued, Vriska only grew taller and taller, as well.
Now on terra firma, (Alternia firma?) Vriska slowly pulled herself to her knees, looking over her new arms, slim and soft, but muscled and bearing strength. The stretching and cracking in her body was almost empowering, really. She could feel her physical strength mounting by the minute. She couldn't help but feel over her naked body, admiring the contours and size of it.
"I mean I GU-----ESS you're right, Though... Ugh, get O8T OF MY H8AD!!!!!!!!"
Feeling a creeping specter of the Empress passing over her, she sets her hands to her temples again, now applying psychic pressure to... Herself? Unorthodox, but it seemed to fight things back, if only temporarily.
"ayyy you likin that new power huh"
The Condesce grabbed Vriska by the mouth and forced her to look at her. HIC had to admire the Serket's determination. None of her other experiments had fought even half this hard against their fate. Still, the inevitable would come eventually, and she would be consumed.
"you gonna like bein me"
Vriska's horns, still relatively tiny on her much larger body, suddenly shot straight up matching the massive prongs that HIC proudly displayed, as her body continued to bulk up.
Their eyes met, and despite herself, Vriska couldn't look away. There was a strange twinge of familiarity in that gaze. Like looking into a mirror. Indeed, as her horns reshaped and grew, that'd only amplify. The pressure on her scalp, the dull ache of her muscles as they grew and strengthened.
All this culminated in a series of grunts and groans, as Vriska's control over herself began to rapidly decline.
"I........ yeah i guess youre right, its feeling nice already, not too different actually, but different enough, where it counts"
Vriska's already bushy hair grew out in a flash to resemble The Condesce's billowing mane. The Condesce grinned, as Vriska's face was all that remained.
"i wanna get a close look at this"
Lightly, being gentle for the first time of the whole experience, HIC used her telekinesis to bring Vriska to a standing position.
"i wanna sea 'you' fade away"
Vriska's face, the last vestige of her former identity, began to morph and reshape before the Condesce's eyes.
Slowly but surely, the change took place. Vriska's bone structure cracked and shifted. Lips plumped out. Eye color changed. Soon enough, her face was a mirror image of the Condesce's. A familiar smirk came to the clone's features.
"Whale, hope you enjoyed the show o g me, cause blueblood thief bitch is outta here"
The Condesce crossed her arms and laughed. What a success! Now she had effectively double the muscle behind her throne.
"good shit,turns out imma genius and beautiful as fuck both, good thing you know who the alpha whale is round here tho, wouldnt want us havin a problem"
The new Condesce scoffed, as if the suggestion were absurd.
"bitch please, you dont go makin another one a yourself an not expect her to turn into competition, fortunately i got the perfect cure for this predicament, sea not all a this bitch is gone, some thinkpan shit is still sittin around, and guess what i can do with it"
With a wicked grin, she combined Vriska's psychic acumen with her own, and attempted to force her way inside the alpha article's mind.
Old school HIC reeled back, not expecting the power that suddenly slammed into her brain. This was impossible! She was the real deal, not this copy she made herself.
"fuckin slick ass glubberfucker, thinkin you can take M-E!? you gotta nother, thing….urk"
Despite the psychic energy she was expending to fight back, The Condesce was being slowly surrounded by an unfamiliar feeling: helplessness.
The cloned Empress grinned, slowly moving toward her soon-to-be thrall, hips swaying almost hypnotically.
"shhh its aight gill, its ocray to admit you fucked up, youll be mine to do whatebber with soon, and youre gonna LOV-E it"
A well-manicured hand was put to the original's chin, and her gaze was tilted to meet her creation's.
The original stared at her oppressor as she struggled to maintain control of herself. There she was, herself, in the nude, taunting her, forcing her down in a way she had never even thought possible.
Reduced to begging as she felt her body fail her, she gave off one final plea:
"Please… stop… this aint how it was sposed to be"
Said oppressor simply shook her head and tsked in disapproval at this.
"man how pathetic, thought we were betta than this, ah whale~. ILL be betta than you ever were, dont you worry"
With a final kiss on the forehead, she gave her progenitor the final push into total obedience.
Drained of her power, and overwhelmed by her opponent, The first Condesce stood silently at attention. Internally she was screaming, agonizing over the fact that she had lost everything because of her own stupid pride. On the outside, however, she was stoic, waiting for her next order.
With that, the new Empress of Alternia snapped her fingers authoritatively.
"aight slave, first order a business is gettin me some jams to wear, cant go out naked like this no more, then were gonna plot out makin this empire bigger and betta than eva, or i am, you just be a good slave an do what i say"
With that, she confidently strode out to meet her new future.
-Discord Writers (an RP log between one of the discord users - transcribed.)
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