#basically it's the water seven arc from one piece and Mob is Nico Robin
irl-gengar-13 · 7 years
Alrighty buckle up let’s do some speculating for the next Mob Psycho 100 Arc - chapter 101 if you would.
tl:dr : The Water Seven Arc from One Piece (Mob is Nico Robin)
So, there’s been rampant destruction, and a lot of people have seen that it was Mob that was causing it all. No denying it here, not ‘it was a sudden series of earthquakes’ no nothing.
People know.
SO! because I am under the opinion that the story is NOT in fact coming to an end - because I don’t think that makes any logical sense from a story telling perspective and it wouldn’t fit with the narrative themes AT ALL -
Let’s talk about what the next part of this Arc might entail shall we?
First of all - I believe that this is the start of the Government Arc that was hinted at may, many, many chapters ago.
So - Mob’s either gonna be stopped by force or ???% is gonna burn out and peace the fuck off back to reassesses of Mob’s mind or wherever the fuck they live idk that’s a different can o’ worms for another post.
Either way Mob’s gonna come back - feel even MORE guilty than he already does and promptly freak the fuck out - I’m picturing a Serizawa like scenario where he locks himself in his room and won’t come out for anyone - Ristu can’t convince him, Hanazawa can’t convince him - hell even REIGEN can’t talk him out. 
Then the Government shows up. They send over their strongest espers who are still probably weaker than Shigeo because come on that the whole POINT. Anyways, they’re there to take Mob to the same facility (read PRISON) as Touichirou cause they know he’s a threat and they gotta look after the rest of the population of Japan/The World. Ristu and Co. probably try to fight them off for a bit - get rekt (cause you gotta show us that these new esper are STRONK) then Mob walks over and just gives himself up to them. 
Look the poor boy was asking for Teru to straight up KILL HIM - you can’t convince me otherwise here - guys been hating himself for yeARS after what happened to Ristu. Mob knows he’s dangerous when he loses control, and this last disaster just made everything even worse because people got hurt - maybe even died and no one was able to stop him. No one. 
So Mob says his goodbye and heads off with the government people. They take him to their TOTALLY SECERT BASE and lock him up or whatever (basically this is the realisation of all those One Punch Man fanfics where Saitama gets locked up voluntarily because’s he just too strong)
anyways the rest of the arc doesn’t feature Mob - just Ristu and the others going about life and realising how much it genuinely SUCKS that Mob’s not their - Reigen’s business still does fine because Seizawa is there - but it’s not the same without his student. Ristu is a fucking mess - forever and always. Teru’s having like six different crises because he’s done so many similar things on PURPOSE and he wasn’t taken away but Mob, kindest person on the planet was. Hell the Body Improvement Club are visibly drooping without their inspirational teammate.
So a decision is reached - They’re gonna get Mob back - Shou comes along as well cause Ristu helped him stop his dad so it’s only fair he helps save Mob.
The gang do some SERIOUS TRAINING - like months and months of planning, research, practising, stopping all the other threats that show up (and since Mob isn’t there to take care of them the other’s level by fighting in his place) Reigen’s office becomes their HQ. Everyone bonds, it’s great. 
They bust their way through the Government’s super secret esper holding facility or whatever - Shou and Serizawa see Touichirou again - it’s kinda awkward but Shou busts his dad out and he joins the fight to break Mob out because he knows what goes on he and he knows’ Mob doesn’t really deserve any of that.
So they finally get to were Mob is - and he’s just chillin reading a book or something - and he’s super confused as to why everyone’s there. Caused he’d convinced himself that they’d all be much better off without him - so Ristu and co have this big emotional speech where they tell Mob how much he means to all of them and no matter how many times he loses control they know it’s not really him doing any of the damage when he’s unconscious - and they manage to convince Mob to let them break him out 
But while making their way back out the Government Espers show up again for a final showdown and Mob get knockout again and ???% shows up. But it’s not attacking anyone - just kinda staring - and the government esper are using it as a reason as to why Mob is obvious this danger to everyone and they should just kill him ect ect ect - and go to attack Mob and stuff but ???% doesn’t do anything - just put up a barrier and waits. 
Then you switch to Mob’s perspective inside his own head and he and ???% are having a conversation - you find out what ???% is and why it’s inside of Mob (personal head cannon is it’s this eldritch entity that latches on to powerful psychics to hide from all the spirits that wanna eat it for it’s power ect - but it actually really likes Mob because who doesn’t like Mob which is why it tries to protect him whenever he goes unconscious). Mob and ???% make a deal and achieve full synchronisation or whatever and become this god like being that fucks EVERYONE’S SHIT UP - it even fully restores the city and wipes the memories of everyone who saw Mob lose it so everything can go back to normal (save for Ristu and Co cause Mob knows now they aren’t scared of him)
Then everyone goes home and has ice cream or something cause dear god they need a fucking break at this point
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