#bathypterois juvenile
darksilvania · 2 years
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ANGLEFISH, TELESKEYE & ASTROLAZE (Water/Psychic) The stargazing pokemon
This family of fish pokemon have gained psychic powers after spending their whole lives gazing at the stars, basking in their cosmic energy, opening their minds to the powers of the universe. They know the movement of the stars up to hundres of years into the future and navigate around the seas following the star charts imprinted in their mind.
ANGLEFISH (Angelfish/Angle) is based on the juvenile of the Orbicular Batfish (Platax orbicularis) and a Sextant, a navigational instrument used for determining the angle between the horizon and a celestial body such as the Sun, the Moon, or a star, used in celestial navigation to determine latitude and longitude
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TELESKEYE (Telescope/Eye/Sky) is based on the Tripod Fish (Bathypterois grallator) and a Nautical Telescope with its tripod
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ASTROLAZE (Astrolabe/Gaze) is based on the Stargazers, a family of fish (Uranoscopidae) with eyes on top of their heads and an Astrolabe, an ancient astronomical instrument that was a handheld model of the universe used to help determine the ship's latitude from the height of the Pole Star or of the sun
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In ASTROLAZE's back there are 3 markings, these markings actually represent 3 different constellations, this are Pisces (The Fishes), Sextans (The Sextant) and Telescopium (The Telescope), making them references the line inspiration in stars and to its previous forms
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