#bc gay ppl cannot be easily separated into large groups who won't be attracted to anyone else within the group
tyrannuspitch · 8 months
honestly... i haven't seen it in ten years but there is a small part of me that's still a little fascinated by how the world of the "imagine a world where being gay is the norm (...)" short film was meant to work. like on one hand. i like alt history i like dystopias i even like dystopias that are literally The Same As Us but with something really superficial flipped. i understand why ppl find that knd of thing trite or even offensive, but i think it CAN be done well if if you have an actual story to tell. but then on the other hand. the day to day practicalities of a cisnormative homonormative world must be SO different. like if you don't have the heterosexual/homosocial contrast is society just segregated completely? how different are men's and women's worlds? how does misogyny (or maybe misandry???) function without a hetero family stucture? there's such an incredible butterfly effect here that i don't think it practically speaking CAN look much like our world. i distinctly remember them mention a "breeding season" in the short film and the implications of that alone are massive
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