#bc his attitude is 'why wouldn't you want to help??? we can do something productive so why not????'
talentforlying · 8 months
what's been a shocking realization for constantine about HIMSELF? has he come to terms with this yet?
i think he is continually surprising himself with how self-centric his view of the world actually is. he always wants to help people, but it never really occurs to him that he is not the be-all end-all of providing solutions until someone whacks him over the head with it.
a lot of it comes down to the fact that he's been in survival mode for so long that to him, every problem is an urgent one, large or small: he sees someone in need, he jumps, even if he's already in the middle of helping someone else. he feels like he has to solve things quickly, because the next problem might already be coming down the pipe. but in doing so, he'll inevitably mix crayons from his non-magic and batshit-magic boxes, and it doesn't end well when those two intermingle. he'll step on a bunch of toes, call in a lot of favors, and inevitably piss someone off in his haste to get something solved, and it usually just endangers the people he was trying to help. but he doesn't consider that, because he's in get-it-done mode. magic and batshit weirdness is how he knows how to help the best, so that's what he'll rely on.
so inevitably, things go fuck-up because he was in a hurry when he didn't necessarily have to be, and it always shocks him to realize that it was him trying to help that made things worse. not everyone exists in the same world of magic and mayhem as he does, not everyone lives their lives in 24-hour blocks of not-dead-yet, and he's never really going to come to terms with the concept that most people want to prepare for their futures, not just survive the next hour. they want permanent, long-term solutions, not band-aid fixes, and his methods of helping aren't healthy, or long-lasting.
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skadren · 1 year
I keep seeing a bunch of live and let go, boundaries are personal and not moral stances posts about writing and i largely agree ppl should be able to explore what they want in fic but also. Is there a way to balance or talk about "hi um white author so you kinda reinvented racism/blood eugenics and unilaterally present sex work as inherently degrading and etc etc etc for Shipping Angst Drama fodder, when the text is like. None of that" in fandom or even just in like. A server community. Maybe I'm a bit sensitive bc i feel constructed/projected misery is kind of tacky to begin with and i wouldn't do it with a complete stranger but idk my guy. I don't want to alienate myself but it's weird to go completely uncritical here
i think there are a couple items you need to check off the list before you can go "yes talking to internet stranger #37461239 about a highly sensitive topic is a good idea"
is it tagged appropriately? if it's tagged trust me the writer knows. they have probably gotten way more unsolicited feedback than they would really like
is the portrayal you're concerned about reinforcing an unhealthy or discriminatory predominant social narrative? if it is and you think the writer is genuinely unaware, then yeah, it might be worth bringing up. the emphasis here is on predominant please i am begging on my hands and knees
will this result in a productive conversation? if the intent behind this is to get people to reconsider, it isn't helping anyone if you know it will just lead to them doubling down and doing it even worse. at that point you're only making a performative statement to validate your own stance
if it really is bothering you that much, is there a compelling reason why you can't just block and move on? it isn't your responsibility nor is it feasible to fix how a fandom is doing things, especially if it's a group of people you don't really know. your own mental health always comes first, and a bit of salty venting in private with your friends never hurts anyone
if it IS a friend or acquaintance who is doing this and you think they would be open to discussing it with nuance, then you can probably bring it up. if that person has a basic level of consideration and respect for you it tends to go well, but i've also seen people double down because they already know there's something wrong with their attitudes but get mad at you for wanting them to change, and then it creates a whole ton of drama and people get hurt and it's not pretty. so. ymmv
ultimately, someone's views on racism or sex work or whatever is reflective of a broader social norm, and fandom is not the best space to try to fix that through confrontation-- it's usually someone's "safe space" where they want to retreat from the world, not come face-to-face with any sort of personal reckonings. do i think it's a mark of privilege that some people have the luxury of ignoring these issues when they "just want to have fun"? yes, but again, this is about being able to have productive discussion, not about what's "fair". unfortunately.
my two cents: if you're in a server community or some other space that makes you uncomfortable there's really nothing wrong with going "hey, we have fundamentally different standards when it comes to [x], and i don't think i want to be here" and moving on. the best way to challenge these things is quite literally to make your own food. there's a much better chance of the people you're worried about coming across it and realizing they like it than magically being able to argue them down with well-placed logic and reasonable points or whatever
EDIT: OH ALSO IM STUPID if you mean talking about it in general. not naming writer names but trends in the fandom. yes absolutely-- not in a public space like social media but definitely find a group of people who you trust who you can talk about these things with!! it is good and healthy. just make sure it isn't just a discord server open to the public or smth tho so you personally know and trust everyone who can see it (and you don't accidentally shit talk someone who is in that space lmao)
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