#bc i've been playing this family for like that past month and i'm highkey hyperfixated on them
corvigae · 3 years
I didn’t know the sims had lore! What are some of your favs?
Neither did I honestly until I started following some Sims Youtubers - I was always one of those players that just made my own household (consisting of whatever ship I happened to be hyperfocused on at the time) and ignored literally everything else in the game BUT them. But there's actually a canon timeline of the games, and it goes 3, 1, 2; with 2 being a sequel to the original Sims game and 3 being a prequel (and 4 being EA saying they don't give a shit abt longtime fans of the game and just saying "4 takes place in an alternate timeline!!" to try to escape judgement for the game having absolutely no depth whatsoever BUT THAT'S A DIFFERENT RANT).
For me some of my personal favorites are the Curious brothers from Sims 2, who in short are a bunch of scientists who aliens apparently look at and go "It's free real estate," and also I have a big softspot for Agnes Crumplebottom, who in Sims 1 is a bitter old woman NPC who ruins your dates by beating the hell out of you with her purse, but in Sims 3 you see that her backstory is that she was a hopeless romantic who'd just gotten married and was ready to start a family before her new husband died unexpectedly, leaving her all alone in a big empty house with a half-finished nursery.
Fun fact - in my own current game I gave Agnes the life she deserves by giving her a wife with whom she can adopt as many kids as they want
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