#bc it tastes gros when its hot
valen-dreth · 7 years
food preferences
by request ahzrukhal - liked rich foods prewar, kinda bitter he can't get anything like that now. thinks things like iguana and squirrel are gros barrows - not too picky, prefers to take quicker meals than actually sit down and eat. kinda forgets to eat regularly, he gets too wrapped up in working and graves has to remind him to take a break. he can cook but its nothing impressive carol - prefers baking over cooking, makes rllllly good fruit tarts but good luck getting some bc they sell out in minutes. she often goes for comfort foods and tried to teach greta how to make soup but there arent really... good ingredients for it around charon - he won't eat insects but most anything else is fine. he can cook pretty well also, he's best w meats. makes a damn fine brahmin roast crowley - picky but tbh he complains about anything. prefers desserts but nothing overly sweet. cant cook to save his life and he complains about that too. appreciates anything he can keep down tho gob - he also likes comfort foods, but he can only get things that are quick to eat if he's on duty. ends up taking a lot of snacks instead of proper meals, likes jerkies best greta - she's actually brave enough to eat her own cooking, lost her sense of smell when she became a ghoul. likes carol's cooking but will only let her know that griffon - horrible.... probably eats raw pasta... drinks chili sauce.... can be easily bribed with gumdrops tho patchwork - likes prewar food best! makes weird combinations sometimes but he doesn't mind them. likes the look of prepared food more than the taste quinn - whatever he can get but won't eat insects, dogs, or molerats. misses ice cream. likes the nuka cola flavors in the commonwealth. wishes he could have a coffee maker snowflake - used to subsisting mostly on mirelurk and fresh produce in rivet city, severely disappointed in the selection in underworld. really weak for sweets tho and will appreciate it immensely if you can sneak him a snack cake once in a while tulip - she has a couple regular orders at carol's, usually keeps a couple bread rolls behind the counter to nibble on when she works. likes nuka cola but hates when its flat. likes to make tea out of flowers willow - not really picky so long as she gets something to eat. really appreciates a hot meal once in a while tho, nurse graves brings her hot drinks sometimes winthrop - also gets too involved with work to take regular meals. it's all he can do to keep hydrated most of the time but he does keeps small things on hand, most of the time he's making sandwiches out of leftover brahmin steak from carol's
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