#bc it's very late and I have school tmrw 😔
illumiiiz · 4 years
AHHH EVIEEEE :( I actually replied yesterday and wrote something pretty long but my phone just died on me and everything got deleted QwQ I feel 💔💔💔
but omg hearing about snow makes me feel so happy, I truly truly hope I can experience it someday too, and ajdjsksksm that sounds so adorable, having fun in it with your dad and siblings :> and snow angels akdjsksk AHHH precious precious. I've seen many Pinterest doodles of people adding features onto their snow angel outlines, it's seriously so adorable -w-
OMG EVE-CHAN, I think I'm definitely gonna be remembering your birthday every year, because my little brother is born on the 11th of may as well. Mine is on the 29th of November lol >.< I guess it would be wintertime where you are during my birthday, but here it's just very rainy and cooling (which is great too, since Malaysia is on the equator and usually v v hot) +_+
I agree!! Everything uncle Rick writes is just BEYOND amazing, and I also rather love the Magnus Chase series (it's just so hilarious). But ahhh yes Nico and Will have the cutest dynamics in the entire series, just seeing a bubbly adorable Will with a darkness shrouded Nico makes me want to cry they're so precious. I love Leo too 😤😤😤💖 he's a cutie, and a dork, and he's so so so smart! Oh and Percy himself, just being so done™ with the gods will never not be funny. Juniper is a unique choice, but I totally understand it!! She seems so delicately beautiful, ahhh I'm melting.
Oh that's so wonderful to hear, it's lucky that your friendship didn't die out, and I'm so happy that the two of you get to meet often :> I did! I called her yesterday and asked her if she'd like to meet up at Starbucks on Thursday, and so we'll be seeing each other then :)))
how was your day Eve?? Mine was okay, I went for work in the morning, and now I'm just joining a club zoom call :D (it's not my club, but my friend is the president of it, and he invited me). It's this virtual fellowship thing to get closer to the club members, and we're all watching anime together via Netflix party 😭😭 I'm sobbing the first episode of AOT is literally killing me, I love it. Do you watch AOT? :>
Sending you all my love, Eve! Thank you for always replying and making me so happy. I love you :]
Snowww oh gosh I hope we get some more soon!! Hopefully it’ll snow over the weekend a bit but I guess we’ll see how accurate the weather forecast is! 😅 I really like winter here but it’s just not the same without some snow :( 
OMG REALLY?? I HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY AS YOUR BROTHER THAT’S SO COOL!! :0  (I only know one other guy with the same birthday as me, I met him on Twitter a few years ago. We dont talk much now though sadly..) I’ll be remembering your and your brother’s birthdays too!! ^^  Aaah that’s nice that it’s cool and rainy on your birthday usually, since it’s hot where you live! I’ve never been down that far south, to the equator, but I imagine it is very, very hot x-x I don’t like hot weather very much lol
AAA yes I really like the Magnus Chase series too!!! It’s been a while since I’ve read it though 🤔 Oh and I really enjoyed the Kane Chronicles books too, they’re really different from the other series but still really entertaining! (I’ve read them twice ^^ Carter is my favorite I think, he’s a very precious smart boi)  Oh my gosh yes, Nico and Will are just 🥺🥺 so so precious. And yesss Leo is such a dork omg 😂 But indeed he is a smart little cutie 🥺 Omg Percy tho,, yes. Like every time someone mentions a god he’s just like “😒 Are you kidding me, this dude again. Really.”
Oh good I'm glad you were able to meet up with your friend!! How did it go? I hope you two enjoyed yourselves!! 💕💕  And yeah I'm really glad our friendship didn't die out too. I actually get to see him all three days this weekend so I'm very excited for that!! 😁
My day today was kinda ehh... not as good as it could've been. Just very busy. I’ve had a lot of schoolwork recently and it’s been piling up :/ But thankfully I'm just about finished up before I get a break for the holiday season! 😌 I’m ready for it lol. And plus I have a lot of things to get done for the holidays... mainly gifts for my friends and things like that. Stuff that I haven't had much time to work on bc of school grrr... >:/  How was your day today, Ari-san? ♡ Omg that zoom fellowship thing sounds really fun!! And that’s so cool that you’re all watching anime!! Aah no I haven’t started AOT yet, but I'd really like to, even though I know I'll cry a lot watching it 😂😭 I've been this close to starting it like four times over the past week, but I'm trying to finish haikyuu first lol. I don’t wanna ruin my haikyuu phase yet 😭😂
Sending you lots of love too, Ari!! 💕💕 Aww you’re welcome 🥺💖 Thank you for sending me messages so much, even if I reply to them super late haha 👉👈 It makes me really happy to read your messages. I love you too, I hope you're having a good day!! <3 ^^
- Eve
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illumiiiz · 4 years
Hello, Eve-chan!! (Now that I'm reading that out loud, it feels like I'm saying "Iwa-chan" ebjrjsjeja) How are you? How did you sleep? How's school going?? I hope everything's alright!! I'm sorry I havent messaged you! I couldnt pick up the phone yesterday(Q^Q)
I woke up at 12 pm yesterday, I guess I got two nights sleep in one(─‿‿─) I felt well rested, though my neck hurt a bit but it's fine now!!!
(Fun fact from mod, everything i write here actually happened, though in a different setting;D)
It snowed a lot yesterdayy so after practice our team had a snowball fight!!! I was on Suga-san's team:)) I wont get sick this time I promise hehe("TヮT) Practice was as usual, though I felt like something was off the whole day. I'm not sure what? It felt like something was out of place, it's so weird (@_@)
Has it snowed for you?? I'm still not sure where you're from so I have no idea.... It was really hard to get out of the house today because of the snow, but me and mom cleared our yard and it's alright now!!
We went to a small diner today after the snowball fight!! Not everyone though, some people had things to do or didnt want to go, but it was still nice:)) the hot tea really helped me warm up a little^-^ Do you like green tea?? Or do you prefer coffee maybe? I dont like coffee because it makes my heartbeat go wild, and it's so uncomfortable!! And scary(。><)
Nothing really happened today, though, practice got called off so I stayed at home~~
I really hope you had a good day and rest well!! I love you!!(^з^) ♡
fun fact, everything I told you now and before has actually happened, but in a different setting!!(i dont play volleyball but I do meet up with the art club gang, and the kid I introduced as Natsu-chan is my niece irl:D)
SHOYO-SAANNN OMG I’VE MISSED YOU!!! (I think San is the right one to use..? I’m not really sure (・・;)ゞ correct me if I'm wrong) HOW ARE YOU?? ARE YOU STAYING HEALTHY AND EATING AND DRINKING AND SLEEPING ENOUGH?? 🥺🥺💖💕💗💞 aaahh I could tackle you in a hug rn!! And I'm so sorry for answering this a few days late!! > <  also omg you’re right XD hey I'll take it
I’ve been okay!! I’ve been sleeping less than I probably should be actually.. which would explain why I've been getting so tired -_-  (Also I know I should be asleep right now... but I promise I will, right after I answer you ; ; I felt bad about not doing it yet)  I just have a lot of stuff to do hdgdj... But school hasn’t been bad, thankfully!! I’m almost to Christmas break too!! :D Do you get a break for the holiday season? Ooh I haven’t slept until noon before, but that sounds amazing 😌☺  The latest I've ever woken up is about 9:30am haha.
(MOD THATS SO COOL YOU DID ALL THIS STUFF!!? Or kind of, at least?? :o) AAH that’s so cool that you guys had a snowball fight!!! Did anyone win? Who else was on your team? And good, I'm glad you didn’t get sick! (^з^)  Ohh yeah I have those days sometimes too, where everything happens like it always does, but something still doesn’t feel right? It’s so weird. I wonder why that happens..
I had just a little bit of snow where I live a couple weeks ago, but it’s all melted now T-T I miss it. But it might snow again this weekend!! So maybe I'll be able to get a couple pictures for you to see if you want!! :D And I live in the northern part of my country, so normally we have a lot of snow by this time of year ‘cause it still gets really cold and stuff, but for some reason it’s been kinda warmish this past week? So we just get sleet and then it melts :( I hope that changes soon, I love snow so much
Ooh I'm glad you guys got your yard cleared!! One time there was a huge ice storm where I live and all the trees had ice coating the branches and EVERYTHING was sooo icy and it was really gorgeous, but it broke a lot of branches off the trees because the ice made them too heavy and it was windy so the just broke off :((  That was a few years ago tho so they’re all grown back now! ^^  But we lost power from that storm too skfhks- I hope if you get a snowstorm your power stays on!! Otherwise it gets really cold 😅 (but then you can snuggle up in a blanket burrito and it’s very comfy (˶ᵕᴗᵕ˶) esp if you have someone you can snuggle with hehe)
Ooh that sounds really nice!! I like tea better too, although I've only had coffee once. Maybe if it had cream in it I would like it better though? But right now I like tea the best! I’ve never had green tea though, I always drink black tea, sometimes with a little honey in it ^^ It’s very nice on a cold day or if you have a sore throat, it’s really soothing
I hope you had a good day at home!! <3  Sometimes staying home is more fun than going out even, although then you don’t get to see your friends if you’re at home :/  But I’m glad you got a day to rest a bit!! ^^ ♡  And thank you too, my day was pretty good! My sister and I went to the store and got groceries for my dad, and we also did some Christmas shopping while we were there ^v^ Nothing too exciting happened though. Tomorrow I have a piano lesson though, and then I get to see some of my friends at a dinner my family is going to afterwards! So I'm excited for that!!
I hope you have a good day too!! 💕💕 Love youuu!! (kith)
- Eve
aah that’s cool!! YOU’RE IN ART CLUB AAA THATS AWESOME, I've always wanted to be in one but I never could, and now I'm almost done with school so I probably never will 😔 And your niece sounds like such a cutie omg 🥺🥺 Give her a hug from me if you can ♡ 
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