fmarkets · 7 months
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Balchem Corp Reports Decrease in Revenue, But Increases Profitability in Recent Financial Results https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=BCPC&date=2024-02-17113512&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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nuovaalta2 · 5 months
The financial results release will be on Friday, May 3, 2024. https://csimarket.com/stocks/at_glance.php?code=BCPC&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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skills-course · 10 months
Blake Bender & Preston Greene – Brain Coach Performance Certification LINK DOWNLOAD: https://skillscourse.net/blake-bender-preston-greene-brain-coach-performance-certification/?feed_id=2242&_unique_id=657c2983d7e0a Blake Bender & Preston Greene – Brain Coach Performance Certification Description of Brain Coach Performance Certification In order to set yourself apart from other conventional rehabilitation methods, you need to have a unique voice and deliver unprecedented results as a strength coach – and it starts here. The BCPC is a 5-part series, that combines the latest neuroscientific discoveries with a neurological model for assessing movement dysfunctions and the treatment of pain. Foundational Principles Learn the neurology behind movement, and how the nervous system influences biomechanics. Learn the effect of vestibular stimulation on eye-hand coordination. Understand its role in motor control and global health. Learn how the feet can affect the entire kinetic chain. Learn how to restore your body’s alignment. Learn the anatomy, central visual pathways, and ocular motor functions. Utilize these systems to improve posture and reaction time. What You'll Learn In Brain Coach Performance Certification? In-depth graphically annotated tutorials PDFs (worksheets, templates, case studies and more) All future modules and content updates, at no extra cost. Just one purchase. Detailed notes on every module Our unique drill matrixes to prevent injury More courses from the same author: Blake Bender & Preston Greene
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loopeyewearpost · 1 year
手造眼鏡品牌Boston Club
日本百年眼鏡工業重鎮福井縣鯖江市,造就了無數手工眼鏡職人,透過眼鏡再度掀起生和的熱門話題。將最頂級的日本傳統工藝邁向世界。以生產典罵、精緻、美式、潮流鏡架作品聞名於世的日本手造眼鏡品牌Boston Club ,更是箇中翹楚。當今日本傳統技藝徹底融合ˇˇ東西方現代美學,碰撞出有別於傳統日本鏡架的知性感。 這是1984 年創立的Boston Club,提到Boston Club 就會聯想到經營多年的四大產品支線JAPONSIM、BCPC、MUGGET 和GLOSS-EYES,想必對其熟悉的朋友必定不少。也因為多年的努力、及觀察與市場耕耘,從四大產品支線中汲取各種精華,累積許多眼鏡商社以及服飾製造的跨領域經驗,Boston Club 進而發展成日本目前數一數二的眼鏡品牌集團。 今年,世界眼鏡市場充滿了激烈的競爭,這也著實考驗著日本眼鏡對市場的敏銳度。Boston Club…
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meagcourses · 2 years
Blockchain Certificación Oficial BCPC de Certiprof 2023 - https://megacourses.net/blockchain-certificacion-oficial-bcpc-de-certiprof-2023/
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nejakou-investici · 2 years
Potřebuji změnit portfolio
Vzhledem k tomu, že portfolio se nezměnilo déle než 2 měsíce, je třeba změnit některé akcie v portfoliu.
Nové portfolio zahrnuje:
BCPC (4.05%) 
BILL (16.05%) 
COO (4.02%) 
ALG (16.04%) 
BURL (4.00%) 
DE (3.34%) 
CVCO (16.04%)
ADSK (15.97%) 
ABBV (16.11%) 
ACN (4.39%) 
Akcie v portfoliu jsou z amerického akciového trhu, jako je NYSE a NASDAQ.
Tyto akcie budou drženy v portfoliu po dobu 2-3 měsíců, pokud se hodnota portfolia výrazně nezmění, například -5 % nebo 3 %.
[Výše uvedené portfolio je pouze nápad a pouze pro učení a komunikaci. Obchodování tímto způsobem je na vaše vlastní riziko]
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Ich muss mein Portfolio ändern
Da sich das Portfolio seit mehr als 2 Monaten nicht geändert hat, müssen einige Aktien im Portfolio geändert werden.
Das neue Portfolio umfasst:
BCPC (4.05%) 
BILL (16.05%) 
COO (4.02%) 
ALG (16.04%) 
BURL (4.00%) 
DE (3.34%) 
CVCO (16.04%)
ADSK (15.97%) 
ABBV (16.11%) 
ACN (4.39%) 
Die Aktien im Portfolio stammen vom US-Aktienmarkt, wie NYSE und NASDAQ.
Diese Aktien werden 2-3 Monate im Portfolio gehalten, es sei denn, der Wert des Portfolios ändert sich stark, z. B. -5 % oder 3 %.
[Das obige Portfolio ist nur eine Idee und nur zum Lernen und zur Kommunikation. Der Handel auf diese Weise erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr]
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un-investissement · 2 years
Je dois changer de portefeuille
Le portefeuille n'ayant pas changé depuis plus de 2 mois, certaines valeurs du portefeuille doivent être changées.
Le nouveau portefeuille comprend :
BCPC (4.05%) 
BILL (16.05%) 
COO (4.02%) 
ALG (16.04%) 
BURL (4.00%) 
DE (3.34%) 
CVCO (16.04%)
ADSK (15.97%) 
ABBV (16.11%) 
ACN (4.39%) 
Les actions en portefeuille proviennent du marché boursier américain, comme le NYSE et le NASDAQ.
Ces actions seront détenues dans le portefeuille pendant 2 à 3 mois, à moins que la valeur du portefeuille ne change beaucoup, comme -5 % ou 3 %.
[Le portfolio ci-dessus n'est qu'une idée et uniquement pour l'apprentissage et la communication. Trader de cette façon est à vos risques et périls]
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Du skal ændre din portefølje
Da porteføljen ikke har ændret sig i mere end 2 måneder, skal nogle aktier i porteføljen ændres.
Den nye portefølje indeholder:
BCPC (4.05%) 
BILL (16.05%) 
COO (4.02%) 
ALG (16.04%) 
BURL (4.00%) 
DE (3.34%) 
CVCO (16.04%)
ADSK (15.97%) 
ABBV (16.11%) 
ACN (4.39%) 
Aktierne i porteføljen er fra det amerikanske aktiemarked, som NYSE og NASDAQ.
Disse aktier vil blive holdt i porteføljen i 2-3 måneder, medmindre værdien af ​​porteføljen ændrer sig meget, såsom -5% eller 3%.
[Ovenstående portfolio er kun en idé og kun til læring og kommunikation. Handel på denne måde er på eget ansvar]
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jakas-inwestycja · 2 years
Musisz zmienić swoje portfolio.
Ponieważ portfel nie zmienił się od ponad 2 miesięcy, niektóre akcje w portfelu wymagają zmiany.
W nowym portfolio znajdują się:
BCPC (4.05%) 
BILL (16.05%) 
COO (4.02%) 
ALG (16.04%) 
BURL (4.00%) 
DE (3.34%) 
CVCO (16.04%)
ADSK (15.97%) 
ABBV (16.11%) 
ACN (4.39%) 
Akcje w portfelu pochodzą z giełd amerykańskich, takich jak NYSE i NASDAQ.
Akcje te będą utrzymywane w portfelu przez 2-3 miesiące, chyba że wartość portfela bardzo się zmieni, np. -5% lub 3%.
[Powyższe portfolio to tylko pomysł i tylko do nauki i komunikacji. Handel w ten sposób odbywa się na własne ryzyko]
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someinvestment · 2 years
포트폴리오를 변경해야 합니다.
포트폴리오가 2개월 이상 변경되지 않았기 때문에 포트폴리오의 일부 주식을 변경해야 합니다.
새로운 포트폴리오는 다음과 같습니다.
BCPC (4.05%) 
BILL (16.05%) 
COO (4.02%) 
ALG (16.04%) 
BURL (4.00%) 
DE (3.34%) 
CVCO (16.04%)
ADSK (15.97%) 
ABBV (16.11%) 
ACN (4.39%) 
포트폴리오의 주식은 NYSE 및 NASDAQ과 같은 미국 주식 시장의 주식입니다.
이 주식은 포트폴리오 가치가 -5% 또는 3%와 같이 크게 변하지 않는 한 2-3개월 동안 포트폴리오에 보유됩니다. [위의 포트폴리오는 아이디어일 뿐이며 학습과 소통만을 위한 것입니다. 이 방법으로 거래하는 것은 귀하의 책임입니다.]
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fmarkets · 10 months
$BCPC #Dividend #NASDAQ #StockMarket Balchem Corporation Surges Ahead with Increased Dividend and Promising Stock Performance
MONTVALE, N.J., Dec. 05, 2023 - Balchem Corporation (NASDAQ: BCPC) has recently made an exciting announcement regarding its dividend. On December 4, 2023, the company*s Board of Directors declared a dividend on its shares of common stock, raising it to $0.79 per share. This represents an 11.3% increase from the previous year*s annual dividend. Coupled with recent stock performance, Balchem Corporation is demonstrating its commitment to providing value to its shareholders. Balchem Corporation, a leading provider of specialty ingredients and solutions, has recently declared a dividend on its common stock as a testament to its financial strength and shareholder value. The dividend, set at $0.79 per share, will be paid on January 19, 2024, to stockholders of record as of December 27, 2023. This latest dividend increase represents an impressive 11.3% boost compared to last year, highlighting the company*s continued growth and profitability. Balchem Corporation has consistently focused on enhancing shareholder value, and this dividend announcement is evidence of their commitment. https://csimarket.com/news/balchem-corporation-surges-ahead-with-increased-dividend-and-promising-stock-performance2023-12-05211565?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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cartera-de-acciones · 2 years
La cartera cambió
Algunas acciones de la cartera deben cambiarse, porque la cartera no ha cambiado durante más de 2 meses.
Puede hacer clic aquí para ver el portafolio anterior.
La nueva cartera es la siguiente,
BCPC (4.05%)  BILL (16.05%)  COO (4.02%)  ALG (16.04%)  BURL (4.00%)  DE (3.34%)  CVCO (16.04%) ADSK (15.97%)  ABBV (16.11%)  ACN (4.39%) 
Estas acciones se mantendrán en cartera durante 2-3 meses, a menos que el valor de la cartera cambie mucho, como -5% o 3%.
[El portafolio anterior es solo una idea y solo para el aprendizaje y la comuni-cación. Operar de esta manera es bajo su propio riesgo]
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djrugzkyanghelsutil · 2 years
Catarman Northern Samar///December 23, 2022-An BCPCs -Barangay Council for the Protection of Children san mga Brgys Langob, Inamlan ngan Rawis Municiplidad sa Laoang an may highest functionality rating nga mao an top winners san award. Sugad man an BCPCs sa Brgys. Simora, Little Venice, SMH, La Perla, Calomotan ngan Canyomanao igin rekognisar liwat dida sa hitsado nga implememtasyon sito naglabay…
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stockschance · 2 years
The portfolio changed
Some stocks in the portfolio changed when the value of the portfolio reached the limit of ------(3%)----- increase. We've already talked.
The stocks in new portfolio is as follows,
CHDN (17.76%)  
AVLR (0.10%)  
BR (2.55%)  
ABG (3.04%)  
BDX (13.92%)  
ABC (3.90%)
ALG (17.71%)
BCPC (5.37%)
EFX (17.87%)  
APD (17.78%)
These shares are held in the portfolio for 2-3 months, unless the value of the portfolio changes significantly, e.g. for example -5% or 3%. [The above portfolio is just an idea and only for learning and communication. Trading this way is at your own risk]
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meagcourses · 2 years
Blockchain Certificación Oficial BCPC de Certiprof 2023 - https://megacourses.net/blockchain-certificacion-oficial-bcpc-de-certiprof-2023/
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