#bcuw u can't save your entire route in this game ? just the ending and i don't wanna undo everything to just play an another route and just
necrogfie · 5 months
i hate dating sim/otome game where you have no clear way of checking the targets affection for u .. the one im playing right confuse the hell out of me and idk what I'm doing ??
bcuz i obvi went for the emotionally unavailable musican and like, one instance he tease the hell out of the mc and is like very close to her and the next he filrt like hell w an another girl and im like ?? who do u want (also often he filrt w this one girl that we/the mc know has feeling for him, if she isn't lying and it's like urgh !!)
and then the next, when ur spying on a private chat between him and another girl with whom he filrt too soemtime, she is like haha ur so silly x3 but also ... im jealous that [the dude she's interested in and it's painfully obvious] doesn't look my way and look at mc ... she rlly is popular isn't she? he's like lol wdym, and she is like it's so obvious [her crush] like her and he's so over the top .. but aren't u jealous, don't u like her ? he's like lol noo and poof u can't spy on them anymore like BABE u do not know im here, she told u who she like and ur willing to do the same ??
aaand also it feel very confusing when the girls crush literally wasn't talked to us since the first episode of the game when we go on a date w him bcuz it just doesn't work and when we finally talk a bit it's bcuz u girlie are here and is his old friend he meet will traveling the world and u both have like a very close relationship??? how tf am i stealing ur spot, ive been trying to either get in the musican or the sea guy pant, not ur man !! not sicne the beginning at least !! (and i haven't tried w the business mam bcuz a third girlie has her claim on him and hell no i am not fighting her for ... mr business)
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