#because I am perfectly normal and just need to get myself to gether a little more I guess
virulentshadow · 6 years
*Kharinas Mate*
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We met briefly in the Quicksand. A few shared words after a passing glance. I didnt know then just how much he would mean now. As I walked out of Uldah and across that bridge I didnt expect it to change how I lived. I had accepted my life of being alone and wandering aimlessly for somewhere to eventually call home. Then they attacked and in the brief moments of my capture I saw he was also taken .. Over the next three months I was afraid and was trapped in a dungeon with this stranger and didnt know if we would ever escape. He was different and never spoke leaving me to assume the worst with each passing day. I remember the first words he spoke to me.. asking me if I was okay. I remember watching the color draining from his face..seeing him get weaker and weaker I thought we would die here in this place. I remember him struggling to speak as he told me about his past. Im still not sure why. Maybe he too thought we werent going to make it. I remember not understanding what exactly Voidsent were or what it meant to need aether to survive. I only knew it was something inside of me ... something that could help keep us alive. I remember exactly how his breath felt as it brushed across my neck. I remember the sharp pain as he bit down and the rush of fear and excitement that followed. The next days he grew stronger and eventually enough to break our "cage" I thought as we were running out they would catch us and throw us back into that place. We hid out in the shrouds. The sounds of the trees in the wind and waterfalls lulled me to sleep. One night while I woke middream to a soft kiss on my cheek. When I opened my eyes there was nothing into the  darkness he had walked away.
The two next years were lonely and filled with hunting and training. I stayed hidden unsure of my safety and didnt bother finding any long term companionship. I did only what I needed to survive. One day while in Limsa my linkshell seemed to malfunction and a voice came through. It was familiar but unrecognised. It said to meet them at a location. I entered the area undecided if it was a good idea or not. When I got closer I noticed a man standing in the middle. I stopped a ways before reaching him unsure of what his intentions were. I stood staring at the man. His voice sounded somewhat familiar but I couldnt figure out from what. The talk of Aether reminded my of a friend long ago.. but this couldnt be him. He looked so different though it was hard to tell with all the armour he wore. And then he spoke:
"I am your savior from the Imperials that time long ago. Though this may not be the reunion one may find pleasant."
I stood still unable to find my words. I had so many questions and so much to say but didnt know where to start. Instead all I could do was stand there and stare at him. I took a step back from him but froze. If I left now how would I ever get answers. Little did I know that a battle was about to commense.
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He held out his hand as dark aether would form into a ball in his palm. "Thank you for saving me in the past, but now.  You must die." His arm began bolting black electricity which began flowing into the ball making it grow slightly larger.... he feels his hand and arm get thrown back from the blast, it leaves his palm hitting its mark perfectly. As the blast hits in front of me the lightning surges and knocks me off her feet. Struggling to stand I look up at him.  "Pleasant? Why would I ever think of you and expect pleasant? You vanished! I needed you and you were gone. Where the fuck did you go?!"  Enraged I didnt wait for a response. Instead I drew her sword and ran towards him. He would begin another blast this one forming faster than the first. "You would not understand how the void calls."
I continued toward him but once again was struck by the blast. It wasnt as strong as the last but it was strong enough to knock the weapon out of my hand and the breath out of me. Hurling my shield at him I collapsed to the ground. "Why are you doing this?" I asked trying to catch my breath. He held out his arm opening his palm once more. The ball forming once again. "Why, why.." he repeats to himself. I stands slowly in front of him not bothering to pick up my sword or shield. That would be pointless. I had hoped for so long for his return and here he was in front of me. I wasnt letting him go this time without telling him how I feel. I reach out he has time to move I placed my hand in his feeling the energy from the orb.
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He looks at her hand as his orb dissipates. He shakes his head again. "Why are you so forgiving. I've abandoned most of my Auri side and leaned towards the void."  His other hand comes to my neck, but he does not squeeze hard enough to stop my speech.
I stood silent for a moment giving myself time to gether thoughts wonding what was running through his mind. "Then perhaps it is you..that doesnt truly understand. I.. accepted the voidscent part of you long ago and while you may not have seen it. I was yours. When you disappeared something broke inside of me. I have spent the last two years going from place to place in search of something. While my excuse has been a necklace..that wasnt what it was really about. I have hunted and trained and traveled in hopes that one day I would run into you again...and just when I gave up here you are... and I want to know why. To kill me? No i dont accept that. Tell me why."
He releases my neck and takes his hand from mine as he took a few steps back. "You have grown stronger. In my studies i've reached a conclusion. Feeding off other sources of aether has not sated me as much as yours, that might be because you were the first i've drained from." He holds up his hand as his armor disappears into a cloud and the red ripples around him disapate into nothing. "I was going to kill you, oddly enough. I cannot bring myself to do it." he eyes my neck where he just had his hand. It had a bruised outline of a handprint.  Bringing his hand to the mark he brushes it slightly, "and now i've hurt you, for some reason, I feel guilty."
Shaking my head I walked over to him and slowly unbuttoned the top of my blouse pulling it slightly open. Tilting my head back to expose it more to him I said softly "Then feed on me. I was and still am yours" and closed my eyes waiting. I could feel his hand trail to my shoulder tightened as he began too lean forward, he paused and removed his hand. He huffed. "Very well then, Do you know what it means to be in a contract with a voidsent?"
Shaking my head I replied. "I do not.. you are the only one that i have met."
"I'm not a full voidsent, so my contract is slightly different. I'll protect you and in turn you'll offer yourself to me."
"Then I agree. As long as you dont disappear again. and if at some point you must go.. least say goodbye before you leave. Until then I am yours.
"I've achieved what I came for, in time you will understand."  He reaches for my unbuttoned shurt and opens it up wider. He looks at the scar he left from the last time he fed off of me. "Hmph." He huffs taking a few steps from me turning his back. "There is much to be done, I still have much to do."
Watching him walk away I ran towards him not wanting him to leave.. "Where will you go from here? I dont want to spend another two years looking for you.. " I spoke softly but clear. "What are you going to do?" . "There is an extremely powerful sucuubus that has had her eye on me, the moment i began my journey. My first task is to rid the world of her.""Well is there anything that I can do to help you?" I asked now standing next to his side. He held out a linkshell to me it was different than the normal brown link shells handed out. This one was black and when held to the ear had small static sounds. "With this you will always have direct contact with me. From now on you will be by my side indefinitely."
I took the linkshell from him and put it away stepping closer and wrapping my arms around him burrying my face into his chest smiling. "Good .. where do we go from here?"
TO BE CONTINUED @follower-of-the-void
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