#because i have a very clear concept of what the Average Interior Decorator looks like even if it's inaccurate
breerps · 7 years
Keziah 1,2,3,4,5,35,36,37,38,39,40,41
1. How do they move and carry themselves? Pace, rhythm, gestures, energy?
Kesiah is a very bright and ebullient woman, and this shows in her stride. She walks straight and tall, her 5′ 8″ frame occasionally bumped up by 1-2″ heels, and there’s always a bit of a spring in her step which causes her curls to bounce. Even if she’s not in a good mood, the spring stays in her stride, it just becomes more purposeful and makes it clear she’s not to be trifled with at that moment. She has a naturally brisk pace when walking normally, though if she’s really contemplating something she will slow down significantly, possibly to her present companion’s annoyance. She also talks with her hands a lot. Part of this is from how expressive she is (read: extremely), and part is from her fluency in sign language. It’s extremely rare to see her with closed off body language (such as crossed arms or legs), and to see that means she is VERY upset and you should be very careful as to how you proceed with her.
2. How much physical space do they use, active and at rest?
About the average amount for a person. She doesn’t rock or shift a lot when standing or sitting, and she’s always very aware of people in close proximity to her so that she doesn’t take up too much space that they might need. Her personal bubble is much smaller than say Lukas or Neve’s, so she doesn’t mind things like people sitting next to her or bumping into her. This is pretty much the same whether she’s moving or still, though her awareness rises when she’s active.
3. How do they position themselves in a group? Do they like to be the center of attention, or do they hang back at the edges of a crowd?
Kesiah isn’t an attention hog but she does have a natural charm which draws people to her. It’s easy to tell that she’s genuinely interested in what other people have to say, so people are likely to end up focusing on conversations with her because she’s a delight to talk to. She’s not a wallflower, either, so it’s common to find her moving around a room, engaging many different people and making sure everyone feels attended to and listened to. She hates leaving people feeling like they’re out of place or unwelcome.
4. What is their size and build? How does it influence how they use their body, if it does?
At 5′ 8″ and 135 lbs., Kesiah is of average build with some lovely curves as an accent. She jogs regularly and does sit-ups and push-ups most days, and most of her physical exercise comes from running around after the kids in her class five days a week. But that’s more than enough to keep her fit. Body image is not something that’s ever bothered her, nor does she see her body as an object, weapon, or tool to be used as anything other than her means of living life to the fullest.
5. How do they dress? What styles, colors, accessories, and other possessions do they favor? Why?
Kessie always dresses with two things in mind: the weather, and bright colors. You will virtually never see her in black, and in fact she only owns a Little Black Dress because a friend convinced her that she needed one just in case. White is much more prevalent in her wardrobe, and even grays are more common, though she prefers them to be lighter in shade and will mostly relegate them to winter-wear. She’s a huge fan of leggings as pants, particularly when paired with sweaters/sweater dresses, and has fought her school’s administration on that subject many times. But her favorite color schemes involve bright, light colors and happy patterns, especially lighter blues and soft yellows (her favorite colors). In the summer, you can find her wearing shorts and tank tops, sundresses, and light jumpsuits. All her other possessions and interior decor follows this same color theory: bright colors and fun, happy patterns. For accessories, she’s more of a bracelet/bangle type than a necklace type, though she has a couple sentimental necklaces she’ll put on for special occasions. Also, if she didn’t keep her earrings in literally 24/7, she’d never remember to wear earrings at all. In contrast to the rest of her style, her choice of jewelry is often very subtle and delicate, and she favors copper or silver (as opposed to gold) with small gemstones.
35. How and why do they internalize knowledge? What effect has that had on them?
Although she’s an avid reader, Kesiah is a very hands on learner. She prefers to dive in and do things herself, learning by doing. Maybe she’ll read up before going into it, but the concepts and practice all stick better if she tries it herself. Unlike some other people, she doesn’t mind failure. She’s always been taught that it’s just part of the learning experience, so she doesn’t get discouraged if she has to do something repeatedly until she gets it right. This has caused her to become a very encouraging person: if she doesn’t give up on things easily, she wants to help others do the same.
36. How much do they rely on their minds and intellect, versus other approaches like relying on instinct, intuition, faith and spirituality, or emotions? What is their opinion on this?
Kesiah keeps a pretty even balance for the most part, but she does tend to make most of her decisions based on her instinct and intuition. If something feels wrong to her, she reasons that there’s got to be a good explanation for that and trusts her gut. However, as a TA and aspiring teacher, she does try to lead by example and remind her students that you should try to use both logic and feeling when making decisions on how to act and treat others. Even if that’s sometimes a little hard for her personally—she has been known to offer up such passionate arguments as “just… because! It’s mean!” as a reason she’s against things. In her mind, only following cold logic will leave the world cold as well, and she wants to make the world a better, warmer place where people treat each other right because it’s the kind thing to do.
37. Have they had any special education or training that colors their means of learning about or understanding the world? Conversely, do they lack some kind of education considered essential in their world? What kind of impact has this addition or lack had on them?
She went to university for a teaching degree and is currently finishing up her in-classroom TA experience so that she can finally put that Master’s to good use. If this has colored her understanding of the world, it’s likely it made her an even more patient person and a more empathetic one. Her studies included a great deal of psychology, particularly child psychology, so she knows how to relate to kids and adults alike in more effective ways. As for a lack of essential education, her one great weakness there is that she does not have a driver’s license. Where she lives, she’s never needed it because public transport is so good and driving gives her a lot of anxiety within the city. But the only real impact this has on her is that she can’t be a designated driver or a driver for school trips, and while this has been a small setback, she makes up for it by remaining a dutiful chaperone on party nights and taking her students on fun transit and walking field trips.
38. Is there anything they wish they could change about their worldview or thought processes? What, and why?
For all that she is a very positive and sunny person, Kesiah has been through some rough shit that she never talks about with anyone. She managed to come out of that a better, more compassionate person, but she definitely wishes that she’d never had to go through that stuff in the first place because it’s made her more suspicious. She fights that, and for the most part succeeds in still being an open, welcoming person. But she’s got a little hard spot in her heart now that she wishes wasn’t there to make her a more wary person.
39. What sort of questions or thoughts recur in their lives, either specifically or as a theme? Why are these never answered, or answered permanently to their satisfaction?
The main theme of Kessie’s life is whether or not she’ll be able to make a positive impact on those around her. It’s best exemplified in contrast to Lukas’s primary motivations: Lukas wishes to change the world mainly as a means of altering how people see him (as well as to make it better for people like himself), while Kesiah is very comfortable with who she is and just wants the world to be better for the sake of others. Because the world is vast and full of problems, it’s unlikely that she will ever permanently achieve happiness for everyone around her. But she’s aware of this and just tries to do what she can where she can.
40. What do they wonder about? What sparks their curiosity and imagination, and why? How is this expressed, if it is?
Different things day-to-day. Not big things like what’s the meaning of life or are we alone in the universe, but little things like whether plants understand our tone and meaning when we talk to them. Or what squirrels have conversations about. Often, if a kid in class poses an interesting question to her, she’ll ponder it until she has an answer to give them, even if it’s “I’m afraid I don’t know, but maybe someday you’ll find out!” She’s very taken with small, everyday wonders, and even something as innocuous as a ladybug landing on her knee will capture her imagination.
41. What associations do they bring to mind? Words or phrases, images, metaphors or motifs? Why?
Sunshine and sunsets, smiles, small beautiful flowers and plants, forgiveness, patience, learning, compassion, sacrifice, nightingales, rabbits, copper, aquamarine, ivy, holly, second sight, looking to the future, warm embraces, laying with your head in your lover’s lap while reading, Sunday brunch in bed, visiting dog parks to see cute dogs, day trip self-guided tours of the city, “It’s going to be alright,” “We can do this!”, a gentle hand on your face, the gleam of copper in the sunlight, rich genuine laughter, hummingbird feeders, sitting by ponds to watch fish and frogs, “I’m here”, long hugs and deep, sensitive kisses after time apart.
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