#because i'll likely be unable to resist taking pics
hzdtrees · 1 year
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a3yumeblog · 4 years
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"I just hope he likes this.." you said under your breath, finishing up your portrait of him. You stretched your arms upward as you straighten your back.
"Oh wow, it's already past noon, and my back is killing me! I have to sleep as I have a date to look forward to." and humming to yourself. You just washed your hands and plopped yourself to bed as you were painting for two (2) days. Getting the details is difficult and requires lots of layers to emphasize a portrait.
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8:00 am
*ding* (1) text message
"Good morning, my sunshine! ~♪☆"
8:02 am
*ring* incoming call
You're still half asleep as you took your phone wondering who's calling so early in the morning
"hmm.. hello? who.. is this..?" you said in a raspy tone
"It's me.. don't tell me you forgot to set your alarm again? Usually, you're not like this... are you okay?" he asked in a concerned tone over the phone.
As soon as you heard Kazunari's voice, you became fully awake and rose immediately, answering:
"Oh, no! I'm so sorry, Kazunari! I-I'll prepare now! I'll see you in a bit!"
"Sure! No rush dear, take your time to prep! See you in a bit!" he excitingly said.
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"Here we are! This is my first time going here since I asked my followers what cafe I should go to on a date." he smiled and opened the door for you.
"You first, my pretty lady~" he gestures like a butler but with a wink and you giggled at him as you enter.
"Wow, I am now in love with this cafe!" you exclaimed as you turn around slowly to see countless artworks posted on the walls, surrounding the primary entrance of the cafe.
"It has more of a vintage kinda vibe to it! ~ I can see historical ones up to modern style. I like it here too!" Kazunari added.
A cafe attendant approached the both of you and said, "Welcome to Artist cafe where you can stay here and paint all day until closing time! Do you perhaps have a reservation, dear guests?"
Kazunari hands over the reservation card to the Cafe attendant.
"As expected of our Communication Guy here~ plans ahead!" you whispered and nudge him at his side, and he winked as his response to you, "It is what I have been looking forward to, going out on a date with you!~"
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You two spend the entire day at the cafe facing and making a portrait of each other like artists do in a class, except with snacks and beverages beside both of you this time.
"Oh~! nice painting (y/n)! ~ This is my first time seeing your artwork." he said as he studies it, "I love this! Can I keep it?"
"I'm not too confident on this one, I want to improve it though before I can give this to you.." you said and sighed.
"No no no, look at how the details you got here, here and here, and the shading, you got it all right! I love it!"
You nervously laugh inside your head as you have been making a portrait of him in secret at your studio during your free time.
"But let's trade," you said
"Anything coming from you~ yay memento from my (y/n)! Let's take a pic with our artworks, I'll post this on my Instablam! Say cheese!"
"Cheese!!" you smiled as you two held your artworks below your faces.
"I'll walk you home since it's getting dark." He said with a gentle tone as he looked at you.
"Thank you, Kazunari." you said and smiled at him.
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You asked Kazunari to come over at your place in the meantime, as you have something to show to him. Unbeknownst to him, his birthday gift is waiting inside...
*At your mini studio*
Kazunari was astounded after you opened the door to your studio as countless artworks and work in progress are all over your studio, revealing to him another side of you. But there is one eye-catching artwork that stands with an easel in the center of the studio. He has been eyeing at your painting and stares at it for seconds now. You stood beside him, trying to break the silence by speaking first.
"Happy Birthday Kazunari! This is my birthday gift to you! I hope you like it." you gestured your hands at your artwork and smiled at him.
"I'm.. impressed! Wait, how did you get this? Where's your reference?"
"Aha.. that, I asked Omi some pictures he took of you. There were a ton, but I picked this out of all. I can feel that you are enjoying what you are doing there." as you said those words, you looked at your piece empathetically. He steps closer right in front of it and held it, brushing his fingers along with the same look, and you can't help but stare at him in awe.
"Your paintings feel so real! Like each of your paintings here has life in it. Somehow it pulls me in and I can't get my eyes off of them. I love all of your artworks, I love this portrait of mine..and.." he said in a serious tone and stops brushing his fingers at the portrait, "I love... you." as he said the last line, he looks at you solemnly and faces you. You thought to yourself, /Kazunari is not usually like this, he is like another person in front of me/. You back off instinctively, unable to respond because of how flustered and how bewildered you were to what Kazunari just said. He gently grabs you by the hand to stop you from backing off.
"I mean it.. I'm glad I met you and.. I love you. I want to know more about you." He reaches to brush your hair away from your face and cups your face in his hand as he leans closer. You were showing signs that you are nervous, but he assured you it will be fine as his lips are getting closer until both of you kissed. This is your first time being kissed and the euphoric feeling hits you all over your body, and as he parted his lips, he rested his palms on your waist, being wrapped up in the arms of Kazunari, you felt that his arms are warm, calming your throbbing heart instantly.
"These are the best birthday gifts ever" he said. You both smiled and giggled, standing together, holding each other closely with your foreheads touching.
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// there's really a café called "Artist Café" in Qatar, the official page followed me on IG and for a cafe hopper like me, I can't resist, so I checked their timeline.
I have been wanting to go there for years, even though I usually go to Qatar whenever there's a family vacation. So I'll let you guys know soon..? 👀
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