#because of his bad behavior (maybe he misbehaved on purpose because he didn't want to go back home to angry aunt agatha)
cfffrk · 4 months
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What if Jeeves had worked as a page boy at a private boys' school in his youth?
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Yandere Obito Headcanons
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Warnings- Physical Abuse, Some Sexual Abuse, Obsession, Toxic and Abusive Relationship, Death, delusions, lack of self control, manipulation, mood swings
Authors note- let's start writing about the yandere side of my blog, my favorite part.
Links: Masterlist
Firstly, it's no secret that Obito would be a very delusional, possessive and obsessive kind of yandere.
Since Obito didn't really get to heal and properly cope with Rin's death, you're gonna be her replacement!
Despite what others may think, I don't see him as seeing you as Rin, he just wants someone to fill that empty spot in his soul that Rin originally filled.
This man is so fucking touch starved. He's all over you all the damn time, especially when he's doing the Tobi act. He likes touching you and never lets you go, and if you try he'll threaten you with his sharingan. Touching and feeling you let's him know your there, and that you can't leave.
I can see Obito having these massive mood swings. Obito never really wants to hurt you, but his emotions always sometimes gets the better of him and he ends up hurting you, and when he hurts you, it's really fucking bad.
Obito is low key insecure about his face. He heavily relies on your validation, but if you think he'll let you boss him around and take advantage of him, you're a fool.
When he's really mad you better fucking hide. He'll lock ever single door in the house and walk around, calling out to you in low and menacing voice. He'll tell you all the things he'll do to you in extreme detail before he figures out where you were.
Normally when you misbehave he'll put you under a Genjutsu, and you're under Genjutsu a lot, because you keep fighting him and he just wants to be happy, and maybe you can be happy as well if you just accept it.
He doesn't really want to start a family, since he doesn't think he'll be good enough or be a good dad, and by how he treats you, he doesn't want his kids to be impacted by his abusive behavior. But if you can have kids, there's a high chance of you two have 1 or 2 because Haha, Uchiha breeding kink and lack of self control!
Avoid mentioning or talking about Rin, he'll have a mental breakdown destroy the entire house and leaving you covered in your own blood, and then make you clean it all while he silently cried in his room
If you're a Shinobi and let's say you were with Kakashi, he's going to kidnap you in front of Kakashi. You and Kakashi were going in a mission because there was some disturbance in a small village nearby. While coming back from the mission you both ran into Obito, and when Obito saw you and Kakashi were holding hands before you guys noticed him, he lost it. He'd grab you and throw you far away from Kakashi, you hitting your head on a tree and passing out. Obito would attack Kakashi over and over again in a blind rage before he slowly started to come back to his senses. He kick Kakashi far away from him before walking up to you, him rubbing your cheek with a small smile on his face and his face covered in blush. He'd pick you up leave the area.
Since you're a Shinobi you definitely have some skill and know how to fight, so making you submit to him will take a while.
He's the kind of yandere that'll stalk you from the shadows and steal your things. Watching you in your sleep, taking your dirty clothes, making a shrine out of your clothes and other creepy stuff.
If he's known you since childhood (let's say Rin didn't exist), when he was a kid he'd always try to impress and get your attention. He'd get jealous when he saw you talking with Kakashi and he'd feel insecure. When he was gone all he could think about was you. He'd sneak off really late at night and go to your house and watch you. He'd take pictures of you before running off (Madara was lowkey concerned on why pictures of you were all over Obito's room, all over the walls and even kn the floor.)
He'd cause chaos on purpose just to see you again. If he heard you're assigned for a certain mission, he'll purposefully be an obstacle in your way just to see you. He's hardly controlling himself and wants to kidnap you and lock you away forever and ever, but he knows he can't do it just yet.
As much as I don't wanna admit it, but Obito forcing himself onto you will most likely happen the first week you're with him. He lacks self control and not to mention his delusions. He'd take pictures of you after it before using tsukoyomi on you, so you'll experience it for as long as he wants as he goes to hang the pictures in his room.
He's actually really affectionate. Always giving you gifts, kissing you, comforting you if you're scared or having nightmares, cuddles everyday, and a lot of random pick up hugs.
He tries his best, he really does, but the grief of losing Rin and Madara's Manipulation is too much for him to bear, which explains his abusive behavior. He'll use you as his little comfort animal and he can't stand the thought of you dying, so you're locked in his house 24/7.
The two white Zetsus (the one that looks like Obito's mask and another one with spikes) have openly mocked and judged Obito for his actions, claiming that you only despise him and that he can't rely on Genjutsu, as something Obito would yell at them for before they tell him that he's just proving then right.
Obito dreams of marrying you one day, but he knows it may never happen due to you're extreme hatred towards him.
If you ever escape he'll go full on mad man on you. He'll rip your clothes to shreds before beating the shit out of you, breaking down and asking why you wanted to leave him. He'd put you into a Genjutsu and chain you to his bed as he hugs you as he cries himself to sleep. You'll be in that Genjutsu for months as Obito lives out his little fantasy, but once the white Zetsus get to him he'll put you out of it with tears in his eyes.
Obito will use his insecurities and trauma against you and he uses it as an excuse. So he'll say stuff like "I'm sorry... I'm so ugly you can't even look at me, is that it?!" Or "Are you going to leave me too... Just like everyone else?!"
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