#because they are both his besties and they shouldn't leave him out and he's toxic af
averrse · 1 year
love that, when kaz is mad at jesper for telling inej about their job to get the neshyener sword, he sarcastically calls him jes.
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broadwayfangirl222 · 1 month
Saw you post about the similarities between Bill & Ford and Gideon & Mabel, and wanted to know what are your thoughts on Giffany & Soos also bearing similarities to these pairs?
Gideon & Mabel/Giffany & Soos:
- GD /GF held unhealthy/possesive romantic feelings for Mabel/Soos, wanting them to be together forever and seeing Mabel and Soos as belonging to them
- GD and GF didn't take the break up well, and their actions after it was to attack the people Mabel and Soos cared about (Dipper/Melody & the twins)
- both fights end with Mabel and Soos stopping GD and GF, ending things between the two (Mabel destroys the magic rock/Soos destroys the disk)
Bill & Ford/Giffany & Soos:
- relationships between a human and non-human (Bill is a being from a 2nd dimmension/Giffany is a sentiant game made on earth)
- after being found by Ford and Soos, Bill and GF help them with their problems (F - where the weirdness comes from & other stuff/ S - getting a date for his cousin's engagement party)
- at some point Ford/Soos discover their true motives/personalities which strains their relationship
- Bill/Giffany use manipulative words to keep Ford/Soos in the relationship (GF - tells Soos that other girls wouldn't like him & Melody would leave him/ B - tells Ford he likes being special and only he can truly appreciate him (tbh dont remember the words exactly)
- in the fights, Bill/GF offer Ford/Soos a last chance to join them, which both Ford and Soos reject
- Bill and GF have limited ways they can go around Gravity Falls
- Bill's glitchy "death" reminds me of Giffany
So thoughts?
Ohhhh this is an extremely interesting comparison! I adore the comparisons you already made and I really think you're onto something with this and completely agree with everything. To expand on this line of thought:
There were warnings before they all met Gideon, Bill, Giffany
Soos, Ford and Mabel were very lonely and wanted to make connections with others
All three of them have this cutesy and harmless look to them
1. There were active warnings about Giffany, Bill and Gideon and the three of them technically went against those warnings
A bunch of people returning it & there's a note saying the game should be destroyed
Ford summoned Bill despite all the cryptic warnings in the cave
Dipper & Mabel went to the tent of telepathy despite what Stan said about Gideon & that they shouldn't go
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Not to say any of them were at fault for getting into these toxic relationships but there's still warnings from people who've dealt with Bill, Giffany, Gideon in the past.
2. they were all lonely and wanted a connection with others
Mabel - before she met her besties Candy & Grenda, she excited to finally have someone who actually enjoys doing girly stuff with her. Before Candy & Grenda, no one she currently spent time with got that side of her. Even Wendy, the other girl™ of the group isn't exactly a girly girl who'd be super into things like makeovers or dressing up like she is
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Soos - Sure it was technically for his cousin's wedding & because of his Abuelita asked him to, but he likely wanted a relationship before all that and this whole wedding thing probably pushed an already sensitive issue for him. Like he clearly struggled a lot talking to women and he has a lot of anxiety with this and feeling like he'll always be alone
Ford - He's actually the one I can say the most on when it comes to loneliness. He says why he fell for all of Bill's lies was because of both flattery and being promised answers to the mysteries of the universe. And yeah that's very true, but the Book of Bill, Journal 3 and part of the show itself kinda shows it was also because he was super lonely too. Ford himself talks about how he's never felt lonelier than he had in Gravity Falls, he literally thinks Bill was initially a hallucination caused from his loneliness/isolation and Bill flat out says he picked Ford partly because of how isolated & lonely he was
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3. All three of them have this cutesy, harmless look to them
Gideon literally uses his cuteness to manipulate the town
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Giffany, both in and out of universe by the animators, is designed to be an adorable anime girl. even Alex Hirsch was shocked at how people reacted to Giffany and how they still seemed to be sympathetic to her despite murdering all these people and telling Soos no one but her could actually love him
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Bill's a triangle in a top hat and bowtie. If you didn't know the horrible stuff he's capable of and you saw him, would you think he's a threat? He's just a silly little dorito with a top hat!
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verystrxxwberry · 3 months
ALEXANDER, HELP ME, IM DYING-😭😭😭 my bestie just said to me: hear me out, and im like, "what kind of abomination is your crush now?" and im fr, after she told me she liked Adam(HH) wITHOUT THE MASK I thought nothing could be worst. spoiler, IT CAN💀 she's like, "no, is a ship" and i just go "fuck" (she's the kind of person who shipps TojixGojo) ... im just going to copy-paste our conversation in here:
(i love her but bitch you r crazyyy):
Lili: it's a Moonlight Lovers ship
Me: If this is your Ethan x Ivan again I'm gonna punch you
Lili: it is not, hear me out😭
Me: u don't deserve me hearing you out after your James Potter x Severus Snape bullshit of the other day reading marauder's fanfiction but ok
Lili: ok, i realized that Vlad is an interesting character
Me: what do you mean by interesting💀?
Lili: that he just is such a cutie patootie that can be shipped with anyone in the manor except Ivan☺️✨
Lili: like Rapha x Vlad is such a cute couple, or Aaron x Vlad. is like a safe place.
Me: u r mad af
Lili: no, pls. like, Ethan x Vlad is just right. they can heal each other!
Me: u said this exact shit a week ago during the HP marathon in the scene Hermione punched Draco. wich im tempted to do rn, but we are, sadly, online
Lili: and Beliath x Vlad is just the perfect enemies to lovers! or rivals to lovers, better said. is my (second) personal favorite
Lili: waittt, there is one more. THE one, with Vladiath. or the name is Belimir?
Me: NO💀 Lili, DON'T YOU Dare
Lili: 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Me: d-o-n-t s-a-y i-t
Lili: my top tier: Neil x Vladimir
Lili: but is just right 😭😭!
Me: make it have sense!!!! IT'S IMPOSSIBLE
Lili: it is not!!!
Me: ur parents shouldn't be ashamed of you being trans, they should be ashamed for this. u little fuck, whyyyy. just leave Vladimir alone!
Me: ur parents shouldn't be ashamed of you being trans, they should be ashamed for this. u little fuck, whyyyy. just leave Vladimir alone!
Lili: hsgajshkahsj, bitch🤣 ily, but i don't get how do you were chill after an actual conversion and mad about this
Me: I just have principles. My god, how crazy you are
Lili: Tumblr this to or verystrxxwberry! you'll see he'll have to agree with me on something.
Me: I swear if anyone in the entire world agrees with you on this I'll kill myself
anyways, she came over to my house and we're eating Nutella while i send this to you. you are both of us favorite's Moonlight lovers content creator, but my girl lili is just messed up in the head. (just joking, someday she'll be my bridesmaid,) it's awesome to be her friend, tho.
have a nice day, mah boi, and dON'T AGREE WITH THIS ATROCITY 💀💀💀💀.
You know, my heart did a giant backflip when I saw this giant message. Still, I am very glad I am very glad I am your fav ml content creator, that increases my ego 😎 (kidding but it makes me very happy to know!)
About ML ships... well, I genuinely believe that if we are talking about Vladimir, the healthiest ones would be with Raphael and Aaron. I never thought about the chance of Vladimir with Ethan or Beliath because they aren't his type at all, then Ivan is like the rebel kid on the mansion so.. no... but Neil 💀💀 I must confess he is my least liked character because I never ❗️ know❗️ what❗️to❗️write❗️for him❗️so my mind kinda deletes his presence most of the times. Still, it would be a very toxic ship if we dared to think abour Vladimir x Neil. If Vlad is already depressed, I think Neil would only drag him lower.
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