#because they're from an entire species of terrible liars and the agencies they're thwarting aren't exactly run by master planners either
sunderwight · 1 year
aziraphale and crowley are so bad at convincing anyone that they don't know where gabriel is
it's funny because even when crowley actually didn't know what was going on he still somehow gave off vibes as though he did
and it's not just that the vibes! strategically they suck at it!
at any point they could have actually let the angels or demons search the bookshop top to tip, with "Jim" standing there waving and offering snacks the entire time, and they would have actually not found anything and been forced to look elsewhere
but it never occurs to them to actually do that because THEY know that they know where gabriel is, so they just panic and fixate on keeping all the angels and demons away as much as possible, which makes it really obvious that they know something they're not sharing with the class
how are you both so bad at this?!
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