#beckett: eternally nadine's sugar baby LMAO
beckett-guerrero · 1 year
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Reyna Guerrero / 25 / Seamstress Beckett Guerrero / Old / Owner of Guerrero Travel Agency Victor Guerrero/ 23 / Self Proclaimed Professional Jester
About the Guerrero Family:
Beckett never really thought about having any kids of his own for most of his life. As soon as he was able to, he moved out of Rosewood with such a quickness it's amazing he even packed. He needed to get away, needed to find some purpose or passion, anything to make him feel like his life hadn't been all about healing from his incident inside and out. So, with Nadine's help of course, he started traveling more, reading more, discovering more music wherever he went. He spent a few months in various places, sometimes with Nadine, sometimes without but either way, it was clear that their friendship was still (and still is) the anchor that holds him no matter how far he is.
Sometimes he felt like he was running away but eventually, somewhere between Amsterdam and Greece, he started to feel..different. He'd wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and he liked himself. Genuinely liked who he saw, what he felt, who he was becoming as he started to make more friends wherever he went. And soon followed his own journey with falling in love, having crushes, learning what it was like to actually be happy. Heartbreak of course came and went but there was no denying how happy he is whenever he's not in Rosewood.
And then Reyna was brought into his life.
During an extended vacation in Brazil, Beckett starting dating a woman who he later found out was already pregnant by the time they met. The father was out of the picture and Beckett surprised even himself when he decided to stay with her and support her through her pregnancy, which turned into staying through Reyna's first year of life. Eventually, Beckett and Reyna's mother separated but decided to remain co-parents for Reyna's sake and because Beckett truly couldn't imagine his life anymore without his adopted daughter in it. As Reyna got older, Beckett officially adopted her.
Reyna has always been quiet, private and incredibly curious. Spending most of her formative years in Brazil, she's mostly spent holidays and some summers in Rosewood. Usually visiting her grandparents without Beckett. She used to stress a lot about her parents relationship and went through a phase of wondering about her birth father but overall is probably closer to Beckett than her mother. She's always been grateful for the ways he's been there for her and tried to make her life full and exciting. It's why she's always trying to tag along with him. It was along these travels that she became mostly curious about different fabrics and always trying to have the best outfit for any occasion. Her aunt Nadine gifted her a sewing machine one Christmas and the rest was history. She currently works part time for Percy Finch and part time for her father at his travel agency.
Victor, however, was born to a set of Rosewood parents who gave him up for adoption at birth. He was in foster care until he was ten when Beckett adopted him. As good as Beckett's intentions were and as nice as it was to leave Rosewood, Victor struggled a lot with the change. Where his sister excelled at most things she did, Victor was the opposite. He was much like a younger Beckett, passionless and lost, just vibing his way through classes. What he liked most was making people laugh and throughout high school he was known for either being right on point or doing a bit too much into making people laugh. He begged his father to let him go to high school in Rosewood, certain he'd make his own name for himself. And he did, but not the way he expected.
He was everybody's favorite clown and prankster and whenever he would get suspended, he'd just hop on a flight with his sister and cause havoc elsewhere and Beckett is an absolute enabler of it all. He never actually enacts any consequences, despite all the parenting advice he gets. He recognizes how important it is to let Victor figure it out on his own time but it doesn't mean he doesn't worry. Victor, however, is mostly no thoughts and all vibes.
Per Reyna's suggestion though, the Guerrero's have decided to spend the Fall and start of Winter in Rosewood, despite Beckett's disagreement. But Reyna convinced him that it would be good for Victor, for all of the, finding that being their grandparents and childhood friends gave them more of a full family experience they didn't have growing up. That and she's tired of watching Beckett pour all of himself into work as his life just floats away from him.
All connections welcome!!! Esp if someone wants to be Victor's mysterious bio fam.
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