reversalsun · 7 years
D&D Club Officer: So what are you guys going to major in?
Sam: Respecting Women
Katrina: Batman
Jan: Minecraft
Maddie: Fuckin' Weed
Kai: W
Sarah: Criminal Justice and Psychology
Hugo: I’m terrified I’ll lock myself into an interest I’ll no longer be passionate about in a few years like all the other areas of study I’ve pursued over my life
James: Minecraft as well
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watchfulimplememe · 7 years
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5vyVq0WNyQ como se consume el cardo mariano - como se consume el cardo mariano - el cardo mariano te puede ayudar a la diabetes. Cómo y cuándo usar el Cardo mariano Web Cómo usar el cardo mariano para el hígado graso El cardo mariano, un buen remedio natural para la esteatosis Las PROPIEDADES Y BENEFICIOS del CARDO MARIANO Un completo listado de artículos relacionados con cardo mariano como se toma para enseñarte que está siendo lo más top ventas en Conozca La Casa de las Hierbas nuestro herbolario ubicado en Zaragoza Otras propiedades del cardo mariano son: Hepatoprotector: por sus funciones digestivas protege el funcionamiento hepático para que sirve el cardo mariano | como tomar el cardo para higado y vesicula biliar. Las semillas de cardo mariano contiene un grupo de tres compuestos, silibinina, silidianina y silicristin, que se conocen colectivamente como silimarina Como Hacer Infusion De Cardo Mariano El Cardo Mariano Es Muy Bueno Para El Cerebro un remedio natural eficaz basado en una infusión con semillas de cardo mariano que te ayudará a combatir los problemas de hígado y a mantener sano este órgano... eso sí ten muy presente que el cardo mariano es solo una ayuda natural pero que debes llevar un tratamiento adecuado establecido por tu médico que incluirá una alimentación baja en grasas y sin alcohol entre otros requisitos... en estudios realizados en animales se demostró que el cardo mariano promueve el incremento del glutatión en un 35% en el estómago el hígado y los intestinos. el cardo mariano también se le conoce como cardo lechal mariana cardo cabrero cardo borriquero cardancho escarciles penca o cardo pinto y su nombre científico es silybum marianum marian thistle abrepuño agaloya alcachofa alcachofa de burro alcarcil borriquero alcauciles argolla arzolla bedegar cardancha cardancho cardanchos cardenca cardencha cardeña cardincha cardinchas cardincho cardito borrico cardito borriquero cardo cardo alcachofero cardo alpistero cardo blanco cardo borde cardo borrico cardo borricuno cardo borriquero cardo borriqueño cardo burral cardo burrero cardo burreño cardo cabrero cardo capotero cardo capotudo cardo de maría cardo de santa maría cardo de argolla cardo de asno cardo de borrico cardo de burro cardo de la alcachofa cardo de la castaña cardo de maría cardo lechal cardo lechar cardo lechero cardo manchado cardo maria cardo mariano cardo marinapo cardo meriano cardo pelotero cardo picón cardo pinto cardo platero cardo santo cardo zapero cardoncha cardos cardos alcachoferos cardos borriqueros cardosanto carduncho cartamo marino cárcamo cártamo mariano escarciles escardancha hedegar lechero mariana molinillo penca pescaico pincho burrero pincho vulanero silybo... como posso tomar o cardo mariano?..
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reversalsun · 7 years
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Shitty Meme Edits of My 16/17 D&D Characters 
First up is the fan favorite, Cadaba. She was designed to be a wrestling joke and it was assumed she would die first, seeing as she never had a weapon to begin with and only fights by punching and grappling. The sweet illiterate dear one over the party’s hearts by being one of the most useful members, constantly immobilizing enemies and using her sheer strength and acrobatic prowess to the best of her abilities.
Next is High Priest/Cleric Jinx, who was nearly sacrificed by a cult and just really doesn't want to be here. He is most notable for attempting mid evil magical brain surgery and acheiving “mixed results.” Thats a lie, he’s better known for being “Daddy Jinx” and for the term “420 praise it.”
Finally we have Gillian “Gilly” Glaves, a friendly bard who appeared in a one shot campaign and played a major role in uncovering a guild leader’s secret involvement with a cult. This was done, of course, through seduction. He also served as an excellent excuse to play roughly 3 hours of accordion music during a session.
No one asked for this but thats too bad, you have to deal with these terrible jokes anyway.
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reversalsun · 7 years
Little boys don't survive old school dungeons.
My DM, criticizing my character
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reversalsun · 7 years
@skateurgency said:
Okay but you know? Cadaba might be a waste.
I should be spending money on the hero we need,
Bartleby Bonifer 
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reversalsun · 8 years
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Jinx as The Hierophant Tarot card, based on my current D&D character
Jinx, a Tiefling, was taken to a monastery of Correlon at a young age to combat fears of his infernal heritage taking over. He became the high priest, but the aforementioned monastery was attacked and burned to the ground - with all it’s occupants inside. Jinx only survived to be a sacrifice by the cult responsible, but was saved by the main party.
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reversalsun · 8 years
Tonight’s D&D session was such a stressful mess..
3 people died, and 1 more is assumed to be dead but wasn’t around for the session. One person had her first character die, then had the character she made mid session die at the end. 
The Jinx pain was real though, and the effects tonight had on him make me really wanna explore his character more.. I’m very scared of my beloved tiefling high priest biting the dust though.
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