#bedroom wall sonces
untaemedqueen · 7 years
Please Take Care of Us > k.th
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                                                   ~Yuna's P.o.V~
I lay on my bed with a face mask on as Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook and Jin stand in my room with all the clothes I bought today and all my pants from my closet. "This can go with this..." Jin says laying things down on the bed. This is boring to me. Watching them have enthusiasm for it is nice but I don't care enough about my clothes to make a big deal out of it. I look at Taehyung and he laughs. "Ghost Chef." He says laying down next to me. I smile slightly but because of the mask I can't really talk. Taehyung looks at me and fixes the mask before smirking. "Yuna we should get your pants tailored." Jimin says and looks over at me. My blank, non caring expression makes him burst out into laughter almost to the point of crying. Since I haven't been able to say anything I've been having to endure their useless comments like 'Noona, why did you buy these. They aren't your style.' Or 'Yuna really? I thought we were friends. My friends don't have such bad judgement.' My phone vibrates letting me know the time is up. I peel off the face mask. "YA!" I screech making everyone scared. "If you all have so much to complain about, go downstairs and I'll throw stuff into my suitcase. I don't care!" I say throwing my hands up. "Okay, okay!" Jimin says laughing. I grab my mirror and look at my face. "Fuck." I whine in English tapping my fingers onto my skin. I'm so jealous of these boys even toned, poreless skin. My pores near my nose area and forehead are open even after doing a pore tightening mask. "What the fuck bro." I say throwing my arms up in exasperation. "What?" Jin asks putting down one of my new jackets and looking at me. "This." I say pointing at my face. "It's pretty. What's wrong with it?" He asks shrugging. "My pores are bigger than craters on the moon!" I yell setting down my mirror and folding my arms. Jin sits next to me and looks at my pores. "Don't exaggerate!" He says looking closer. I cover my face with my hands. "You shouldn't have to look at this." I whine and Taehyung pulls my hands off my face. "It's because your pores are filled with stuff." He says before getting up and walking to the wall unit. He pauses before pulling off the lucky coin and I stare at him wide-eyed. "I'll be back. Wash your face." He says before walking out the bedroom door. I hop off the bed and put on a headband and go to wash your face. That was close.
I sit in the bathroom with a clean face waiting for Taehyung. He walks in and smiles down at me. "Welcome to my face shop." He says with a girly voice. I laugh and he holds a kit in his hands. "I will now put a clay mask on you." He says sitting down next to me on the white bench in my bathroom. "You are making your skin too oily. It's clogging your pores." He says opening the mud jar. He grabs the stick to apply the mud on my face. He presses it to my skin and I shiver. "It's cold." I whine. "Do you want pretty skin?" He asks pulling away from my face. I nod sullenly. "Then deal with it." He says before applying more of the mask to my face. "This has exfoliating stuff in it too. It'll help." He says with a small smile. "Yuna after this let's do a little fashion show." Jimin says peaking into the bathroom. "I don't want too!" I whine kicking my legs. "Any ARMY would love to have a fashion show for us, I'm sure." He mutters folding his arms. "Then go find one!" I say folding my arms as well. "Bad girl! How can you do this to me?!" He says in Satoori. "Ya! Who do you think you're talking to like that?!" I say back in Satoori and he claps happily. "Truly a Busan girl." He says before getting grumpy again. "Please try on the clothes we prepared!" He whines loudly. "Fine. Fine." My phone buzzes in my pajama pocket and I pull it out. An email from Bang PD flashes on my screen. "What is it?" Taehyung says setting down the clay jar and peeking at my phone. Bangtan. I look at Taehyung and shrug. He sets a timer for the mask on his phone and looks back at my phone. I open up the email and begin to read it with Taehyung over my shoulder.
It pleases me to hear from the boys' manager that you are doing a fine job as their chef! I would like to ask a favor from you as their boss and yours as well. Whenever the boys fight they must solve their problems together as a group of 7. I would like it very much if they solve their problems as a group of 8. You have proved yourself as an ally to the boys as well as myself. Their manager has fallen ill all of a sudden today and will not be able to make the Japan trip. Please act as the boy's manager for this trip. This is a sudden request and I know it must be a shock for you. The boys trust your judgement and you care for them as friends. They will listen to you. All 8 of you will take care of each other. You will have security back up and no one will go against your word. What you say is law. Please give me a reply as soon as you can. If you do not think you can act as their manager for the time being I will understand and send another manager as soon as I can. Bang Si Hyuk
I look up at Taehyung and he looks at me. "Manager?!" He asks putting his hand on his mouth. "What makes him think I can do the job?" I ask confused. "Because we all trust you and trust your judgement like Bang PD said." "I can't do it." I say adamantly and shake my head. "I think you should and can do it." Taehyung says looking at his phone. "Why? Why should I do this when I'm only a chef and don't know how to manage anyone, let alone myself." I say to him. "It would give us freedom we have been dying for! It would just be the 8 of us! Like a real vacation!" He says happily. He really doesn't see the wrong in some things sometimes. "What if something goes wrong?! What if you get swarmed and attacked?" I ask him, "He said we'll have security!" Taehyung says pointing at my phone. "I don't think it's plausible." I say before Taehyung's phone starts to vibrate. "Wash your face and then come down to the dorm." He says handing me a face cream and then walking out. Why would I be their manager? Did Bang Si Hyuk hit his head or get a concussion or something? It doesn't even make any sense. This sure is last minute... "What am I going to do?" I mutter to myself turning on the faucet.
I open the double doors of the door and all 7 boys were seated on the long couch in their living room. I walk towards them and they clap happily. "Manager-nim! Please take care of us!" Namjoon says happily. I shake both my hands. "I can't do it." I say protesting. "Do you care about us? Want to protect us?" Yoongi asks and I sit down on a stool and nod hesitantly. "Will you look after us, like always when we go out to places?" I nod again. "How about when we get back to the hotel? Will you make sure we have our assigned rooms and be able to check us in?" I shrug and nod. "It's literally not hard. If you follow the schedule Byung Chan sends you then you should be fine. Let's just try it out once! Please!" Jin begs me reaching out for my hand. "I mean what if something goes wrong?! We are in another country with no ones help. I don't even speak Japanese! I'm scared." I say folding my hands together. "We will help you. We have been around managers for years. The routine is always the same!" Hoseok says with a smile. "Let's just try it out." Jimin says looking at me. My gut feeling of being afraid my whole life, of not being able to protect myself from the evil people I was with before is taking over. I was a rat in a blocked off hole waiting to be captured before Hyun Soo found me and took me by his side. I was poor, beaten and not even barely a proper person. I was small, insignificant in a big pond of piranhas. I wasn't even a person, not even a bug. A speck of dust was more important then I was. How can a person who couldn't compare to a speck of dust manage a group as big as the stars themselves? "Yuna?" I look at Taehyung and look back down. "You can do this. We will help you. It's only 2 weeks, not even a full month." He says before putting his hand under my chin. I look up at him. "Hwaiting! Hmm?" He asks and gives me a smile. I stand up and pace back and forth quickly before walking over to the fridge and grab a soju bottle. "Let's talk." I say putting the bottle onto the counter. It will be easier to tell my story drunk. If I tell them my story and understand why I am the way I am, will they understand while I'm so afraid.
I sit there with my face on my hands. "I'm going to tell you a story. My story. And then you'll finally know, why I am the way I am." I say tapping my fingers on my face. Jimin looks at me and tilts his head. "Nobody knows how you are apart from me." Jimin says and I sit back before taking another shot of soju. "Then tell them." I say nonchalantly. He looks at me before looking at everyone else. "She's afraid of everything and has anxiety attacks. She doesn't like feeling anything. She doesn't...know how to be a real person with emotions so she just neglects everything and tries to have a blank mind." He says before drinking some of his soju. I nod, "I'm also not good at speaking to strangers, I don't like to look people in the eyes, and I just want to work and not be noticed." I say and they all stay silent and look at me. I take another shot of soju and fold my arms.
"I was born in Busan and lived with dad and my grandmother until I was 8. When my grandmother and dad died in a fire, my korean family sent me to live with my mother. She didn't want to take care of me so she just let me stay in the house by myself and I wouldn't really ever see her. I started to hang out with the wrong people in New York for food sonce my mother wouldn't really provide anything for me and they ended up selling me to a whore house when I was 10 and I would cook for them and do other things I don't really want to talk about. So I grew up there and would get beat if I ever looked people in their eyes." I take another shot of soju not looking at the guys, if I look at them I might not be able to continue my story. "Lots of older men used to crowd around me and I get anxiety if I'm in a large group of people and feel like I can't breathe. When I would say I didn't want to sleep with people I would get locked in a closet until I would say I would have sex with these old men. I stayed their until I was 15. Since I was cooking for people all the time I started working for free at a bakery in New York. They would let me bake and wouldn't bother me but since I was gone from home that whole time and my mother never looked for I slept on the street or in the train station. I ended up after a while working at a culinary school and went to work with a pastry chef who got me a lot of awards if I slept with him. He and the other chefs would beat me if I did anything wrong. I tried covering up all my scars with tattoos." I say lifting up my sleeves. "One day Hyun Soo oppa came into the shop when he saw them hitting me for curdling a pastry cream. Ever since then, I've been with oppa. Until now." I say finally and pouring more soju with a shaking hand. "I don't want to be the way I am. Afraid of people and not being confident but that's the person my life shaped me into." I say before downing the soju. I sit their quietly and fold my arms together. The room is really quiet. I finally look up at the guys and they're just sitting there with sullen expressions. "I'm sorry." Taehyung is the first to say. I shake my head. "It's not your fault." I say shrugging. "I'm sorry we couldn't meet you earlier." Yoongi says with balled up fists. "So, how can I protect you all and care for you all, when I could never do that for myself?" I ask looking around. "We will change that." Hoseok says confidently and I look at him. "You deserve so much in the world. We will give it to you." Jin says before drinking his soju. "I didn't tell you this to pity me. I just wanted you to know my story and why I am the way I am." I say before clearing my throat. "If you don't like the way you are noona, let's change it. Let's make you into the person you wanna be." Jungkook says sitting up and looking into my eyes. "We'll help you become the person you want to be." Namjoon says confidently before drinking. I am so lucky to have these boys in my life. Not even because they are the famous BTS but because all 7 of them are good people with individually great personalities. They're all genuine people with genuine feelings. Even if they are as high as the clouds, they can stand on the ground next to me. "Let these next two weeks be the start to something new." Hoseok says pouring us all more soju. "Are you ready to be the person you want to be?" Yoongi asks raising his glass. I nod slightly and tilt my head. "To the new Yuna." Namjoon says and we clink glasses. To the new me.
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phamios · 4 years
Vintage gooseneck wall light iron black lampshade E27 110V 220V wall lamp Edison bulb sonces for decor goose neck luminarias
Vintage gooseneck wall light iron black lampshade E27 110V 220V wall lamp Edison bulb sonces for decor goose neck luminarias
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Materials: Metal
Input voltage: AC 110-240V 50/60Hz
Light Source: Incandescent bulb, Energy Saving lamp or LED bulb
Bulb Type: 1pcs E27 Bulb
Bulb Include or Not: Bulb not included
Application: Living Room, Dining Room,Kitchen, Bedroom,Office,Store,Restaurant,Lobby etc
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New Southern Living Showcase Home Morning Star Builder’s 2017 Southern Living Showcase Home is located in the first Tiger Wood’s designed golf course community, Bluejack National, in Montgomery, TX. The Southern Living House Plan, Elberton Way, was modified for optimal Texas living in the Houston market and to take advantage of the views of the second fairway of the golf course. The enhancements of this popular Southern Living plan make for a truly unique, custom home. This home incorporates many of today’s popular design trends, including the service kitchen (also known as, a catering kitchen or super pantry), an attached guest casita, a spacious outdoor living area, and of course, shiplap! Lots of shiplap! From top to bottom, this home speaks to all that is “Southern Living”. New Southern Living Showcase Home Isn’t this home extraordinary? The tour is every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm through October 29th 2017! You can click here for more information! Siding Paint Color: Sherwin Williams SW 7551 Greek Villa. Shutters: Sherwin Williams SW 6257 Gibraltar. Home Specs: Main House: 5,130 sq. ft. Casita: 687 sq. ft. Total Living: 5,817 sq. ft. Covered Porches – 1,138 sq. ft. Garage(s) 1,078 sq. ft. Pinnable Sources Exterior Stone: Echo Ridge – Old Country Fieldstone. Garage Sconces: Hubbartion Forge Mason Outdoor Sconce Porch Lanterns: Georgetown Electric Lantern with down rod (sold separately here) Porch Flooring: Azek Timbertech – Tigerwood Foyer This foyer is full of incredible ideas. The dark hardwood floors beautifully contrast against the crisp white shiplap walls. Shiplap paint color is Sherwin Williams SW 7757 Reflective White. Foyer Lighting is Varacruz. Pin the Sources Hardwood flooring throughout the house is Earthwerks – Plantation Lakeport Hickory Cornelius Contracting (similar can be found here). Living Room I love the energy of this living room! Aren’t these chairs gorgeous? Interiors are by Chairma Design Group, Houston, TX. Ceiling Treatment: Box Beam Pin the Sources Ceiling paint color is a light grey by Sherwin Williams, Passive SW 7064. Sonces: Currey & Co. Beckmore. Kitchen This kitchen is full of happiness and sunshine! You can’t help but feel happy in this space! Cabinets: Wellborn – Full Overlay, Maple, Shaker Door. Kitchen Island Dimension: 84” x 48 ½” Island Paint Color Benjamin Moore Yellow Paint Color: “Benjamin Moore Sunshine”. Cabinet Hardware: Drawer Pulls – Amerock – BP53010 cup – antique silver. Pulls – Jeffrey Alexander – antique silver. Kitchen Faucet: DXV DD35402300110 Victorian Pull Down Kitchen Faucet (similar faucet can be found here). Cabinet Paint Color Sherwin Williams White Kitchen Cabinet Paint Color: “Sherwin Williams Reflective White SW 7757”. Backsplash: Arabesque- White Materials Marketing, Retro Classic- Lily Thorntree. Countertops: Soapstone- Barroca by Pomogranit (Perimeter), Quartzite Leather Montblanc by Pomogranit (Island). Kitchen & Dining Room The kitchen opens to this spacious dining area. Modern Farmhouse Influences While elegant, this kitchen feels warm and inviting. I truly love the mix of elements found in this space. Similar dining table can be found here. Pot Filler (Above Range): can be found here. Pin the Sources Range: Thermador. Farmhouse Sink: DXV Farmhouse sink (similar here). Lighting: Innovations Lighting Salem Wall Mount. Dishwasher: Thermador Topaz Dishwasher. Dining Room Similar metal benches can be found here. Lighting Lighting is Hubbardton Forge Otto Sphere 5 Light Pendant. This is statement lighting looks like! Layout The dining area opens to a “service kitchen” on the right. Table Decor The table decor is kept simple yet elegant. Navy placemat can be found here. Similar raffia placemat can be found here. Pin the Sources Shiplap paint color is SW 7757. Service Kitchen Cabinet paint color is “Sherwin Williams Foggy Day SW 6255”. Pin the Sources Refrigerator: Bosh Lighting: Innovations. Wallpaper: Thibaut Texture Resource Bankun Raffia Fog. Conversation Room This inviting room is located just off the foyer. Paint Color Paint color is Sherwin Williams SW 7615 Sea Serpent. Pin the Sources Lighting is Hubbardton Forge Double Cirque Chandelier. Powder Room A moody wallpaper and brass accents bring a luxurious feel to this powder room. Pin the Sources Wallpaper: Thibaut Greenwood Venus Dark Turquoise. Lighting: Kichler 42203NBR. Brass Console Sink: DXV DD21411030427 Oak Hill Console Legs. Wine Room Gorgeous wine room with navy ceiling. Navy ceiling paint color is “Sherwin Williams Sea Serpent SW 7615”. Countertop is Granite. Pin the Sources Lighting is Varaluz Facet Pendant. Laundry Room Sherwin Williams Grey Paint Color: “Sherwin Williams Gris SW 7659”. Lighting: Kichler Lucien 9Lt Chandelier. Farmhouse Sconce: Kichler. Flooring Flooring is a combination of black and white hex tile. Pin the Sources Washer & Dryer: LG. Study Light grey paint color by Sherwin Williams: “Sherwin Williams Passive SW 7064”. Pin the Sources Ceiling Fan: Matthews Atlas Irene. Playroom Paint color is SW Passive. Pin the Sources Shiplap Window Seat Nook: SW 7757 Pink Bedroom Window Seat This girl’s bedroom features sloped ceiling, window-seat and built-ins. Paint Color Light Pink Paint Color: “Sherwin Williams SW 6295 Demure”. Pin the Sources Lighting: Currey & Co. Pink Bathroom Countertop is Montblanc Quartzite. Pin the Sources Faucet: American Standard. Sink: American Standard Studio Undermount Sink. Lighting: Currey & Co. Mint Bedroom This bedroom is perfect for a teen girl. The color and decor are perfect! Paint Color Paint color is “Sherwin Williams Blue Horizon SW 6497”. Pin the Sources Ceiling fan is Kichler Monte Carlo. Mint Bathroom Faucet: American Standard. Sink: American Standard Studio Undermount Sink. Countertop is Montblanc Quartzite – one of my favorites! Pin the Sources Lighting: Starfire Radial Wave Reflector Wall Sconce | Barn Light Electric. Wallpaper: Wallquest – Butterfly. Bunk Room This fun bunk room features built-in bunk beds, desk area and reclaimed shiplap! Steps Bunk beds feature a built-in ladder with wide steps. Steps Creative built-in stairs with storage drawers. Paint Color Paint Color: “Sherwin Williams Favorite Jeans SW 9147”. Pin the Sources Lighting: Stone Lighting. Bunk Room Bathroom This boy’s bathroom is full of inspiration! I am loving the blue and white striped tile wainscoting and the farmhouse elements. Lighting: Varaluz Lofty. Pin the Sources Blue Tile: Maiolica Roca Tile – 4×10 Blue Steel. White Tile: Maiolica Roca Tile – 4×10 White. Teal Master Bedroom Paint Color Paint Color is Sherwin Williams Drizzle SW 6479. Pin the Sources Lighting: Framburg. Master Bathroom Paint Color Cabinet Paint Color: “Sherwin Williams SW 9051 Aquaverde.” Wall color is “Sherwin Williams Silver Strand”. Lighting: Varaluz. Pin the Sources Floor tile is Calcutta marble by Arizona Tile. Screened-in Porch Screened-in back porch with swing facing the outdoor fireplace and view of pool and golf course. How dream is that?! Builder: Morning Star Builders. Photos: Brian Austin. See another project done by them on Home Bunch: Transitional Modern Farmhouse Kitchen Design. Posts of the Week @SweetShadyLane: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @my100yearoldhome: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @MyGeorgiaHouse: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. Bungalow Renovation Ideas. New Construction Modern Farmhouse Design Ideas. Trending on Pinterest: Hamptons-Inspired Home with Coastal Colors. Trending on Home Bunch: Open-Concept Family Home Design Ideas. Interior Design Ideas – The latest on home decor and paint colors. You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives. Popular Paint Color Posts: The Best Benjamin Moore Paint Colors 2016 Paint Color Ideas for your Home Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Pictures Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Ideas Inspiring Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color and Color Palette New 2015 Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Design Ideas: Paint Color Interior Ideas: Paint Color More Paint Color Ideas How wonderful it is to have you here today! Things are great around here. We are busy with the kids activities and I have being cooking a lot lately. I am really taking care of my nutrition and discovering that yummy food can also be very healthy! Life is good! We’ll talk again tomorrow! with Love, Luciane from HomeBunch.com Interior Design Services within Your Budget Come Follow me on Come Follow me on Get Home Bunch Posts Via Email Contact Luciane “For your shopping convenience, this post might contain links to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase so thank you for your support!”
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