#before the angst that is a'coming
Idiot (Affectionate) ~ A Bad Samaritan Fic
Pairing: Derek Sandoval x (fem)Reader Word Count: 2868 Rating: T - canon-typical language, reference to Stephen King A/N: The adorable, fluffy early part of a relationship is hard to write, y’all. Especially first dates.
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“So...you and Derek…” Riley began after you had both placed your orders and found a table. 
“What? What about Derek and me? There isn’t a ‘me and Derek,’” you said in a rush. Except that there was, now, and you weren’t sure why you were denying it. 
“That’s my point! You’d be good together.”
“Would we?” you asked skeptically. 
A voice nagged at the back of your mind, lecturing you about how you knew that already, how of course you were good together, you were more than good, you were perfect foils. You liked bickering and bantering with him, and watching scifi together, and doing terrible impressions of people you both knew, and just talking and being near him. You weren't sure what had happened earlier, but you knew you wanted it to happen again. And that you wanted...to curl up on your couch with your knees tucked up under you and your head on his chest while his arm wrapped around you and held you close, or sit across from him at a restaurant and steal his fries, or make pancakes with him on a Sunday morning in your pajamas (never mind that you'd have to learn how first, for Derek you'd figure it out). You were sure you wanted all of those cute, romantic companionship things, with Derek. So why were you still pretending otherwise?
“Sure. He’s not my type, and he can be a little annoying sometimes, but he makes it work, in his own way.”
Your conversation was momentarily interrupted by your drinks and snacks being brought over. It was just enough time for you to come to a decision. 
“You’re really selling him,” you joked, hiding a smile behind your scone. “I’m so convinced.”
“Come on, Y/N. Give him a chance. He might surprise you.”
“Riley, listen. I appreciate what you’re trying to do here, setting me up with Derek, but you are wasting your breath...”
“Why? Give me one good reason not to go out to dinner with him.”
“He hasn’t asked me to?” you squinted your eyes and tilted your head in question. 
She sighed. “Okay, you’re right. Hypothetically though, if he did ask, and assuming you both had the night off, and—”
“Riley, can you slow down for a second?” you couldn’t help but laugh as you cut off what was likely to be quite the spiel. After all, she was a business major, and they loved their hypotheticals almost as much as lawyers.
She stopped, or at least paused, and picked up her coffee cup, looking at you expectantly.
“You’re wasting your breath not because my answer would be no, but because...well..he and I sort of...already...hooked up? About,” you checked the clock on your phone, “an hour ago.”
She choked, only just avoiding spraying her latte over you. “What?!”
“Well I mean, not hooked up, hooked up. But there was a lot of kissing, and other stuff. And not a lot of clothes. It probably maybe might have actually ended up as hooked up, hooked up if you hadn’t called,” you grimaced as you tried to explain. “But you cannot tell Sean any of this.”
“Why not?”
You chewed on your lip. “Because it just happened. And I don’t know if it was a one-off, heat-of-the-moment thing. So I don’t want him to know anything until there’s something worth knowing. If there’s something worth telling, he’ll probably end up one of the first to know anyway.”
“Okay, I might let you have that,” she smirked, leaning in. “So tell me more: What’s ‘other stuff’? How few clothes are we talking? How’d it happen? Was it good?”
Your cheeks felt hot with embarrassment as you laughed awkwardly and focused your attention on your drink as a distraction. 
“You’re never gonna believe this, dawg,” Derek said, blowing a puff of smoke up into the air. “So I was over at Y/N’s, and we were hangin out, and we started arguing, right?”
“Because that comes as a shock to anyone,” Sean answered, rolling his eyes and taking a long drag before passing the joint back.
“No, no, no, man. That’s not the surprising thing. We’re arguing and all up in each other’s face and then, out of nowhere, she kisses me!” Derek’s grin was wide and a little bit awed as he spoke, forgetting to take another hit.
There was genuine shock on Sean’s face and he seemed at a loss for words, blinking owlishly at his best friend. 
“So anyway, there I am, there we are because the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen - no offense to Riley man - is kissing me, so obviously I kissed her back. She didn't taste like I thought she would, apples or somethin, like she always smells, but I guess that's her hair or something, it was…” Derek trailed off for a second, trying to think of exactly how he wanted to describe the taste of kissing her, and then he snapped his fingers, carrying on, “candy canes. Those ones with the extra purple stripe that kinda taste like berries.”
He ignored Sean saying his name, trying to capture his attention and carried on. 
“Then, it's not just kissing. Cus she's laying back onto the bed and I'm following and now I'm on top of her and she takes her shirt off. No bra underneath so I've got the perfect view of her sweet, perky—”
“Stop!” Sean yelled, voice echoing off the concrete pillars of the parking garage. “Fucking hell Derek, that's my cousin. Practically my little sister for Christ's sake.”
 “What?” Derek frowned, confused for a moment when it finally dawned on him. “Oh shit, man, I'm sorry. I thought since you were cool with me taking a shot...I wasn't thinkin about…”
“It's fine. I only need to bleach out half my brain. I'm happy for you and Y/N, I really am, it's about time frankly, but I don't want to know.”
“Yeah. Yeah no problem man.”
A silence hung over them as they finished their smoke, before suddenly Derek was speaking again.
“I looked up the song while I drove here, and it turns out, she was right. I had nothin to even argue with her about.” He chuckled, the grin creeping across his face again. “I’m glad I did though.”
Several weeks went by and it seemed like things were going back to normal, as if nothing had ever happened. You got busy with school and finals, seeing Derek a lot less often and for shorter blocks, and the timing never seemed right to talk. 
One night, you were both hanging out with Sean, trying to cheer him up over the fact that Riley had cancelled on him because of some big presentation for school. While your cousin was out of the room meeting the pizza guy, an odd silence descended over you both for a moment, before Derek turned to face you on the couch. 
“What are we?” he asked.
“What do you mean?” you answered, frowning in confusion and mirroring his position. 
“We have one killer makeout, then never talk about it. I flirt, I think you’re flirtin back but it’s hard to tell. You call me sweet one second and stupid the next. I just don’t get it, Y/N, and it’s starting to drive me crazy.”
“I like you, Derek. A lot. Like, to the point it kinda scares me if I’m being honest, a lot,” you shrugged, holding your shoulders at your ears. “But...I don’t know. Is this a good idea?”
“This? You mean...us?” He frowned in confusion. 
“Is there an us already?” you sighed, voice trembling. “Yeah, I guess I mean, the possibility of an us at least.”
He reached over, taking one of your hands in his. “I don’t want to push you into anything, but I’ll be honest, girl, I can’t stop thinking about you.”
You opened your mouth to make a snarky comment in response and he shook his head, laughing lightly. 
“I mean the real you, not just kissin you or seeing your tiddies, although those were nice.”
You shot him a glare, reaching across the gap between you to slap his shoulder in annoyance. He laughed, holding up his hands in surrender.
“You’re so smart, way too smart for me. And fiesty, and hilarious, and sweet. I don’t know, you’re you. And I really like everything about you, all the little things even that make me feel like I got steam comin outta my ears like the Looney Tunes.”
“Let me take you out to dinner, or breakfast, or lunch, whenever you’re free. A date though. One date and we can talk about it, whatever’s got you feeling unsure. Please?”
He was looking at you so earnestly that you couldn’t resist saying yes, suggesting lunch on Sunday just as Sean returned. He looked between you with a raised eyebrow and a knowing smirk. You rolled your eyes, stealing the food from him, and Derek pressed play on the movie as Sean settled back into the middle seat. 
You paced anxiously up and down the length of your living room, biting on a thumb nail. You paused, debating changing your outfit for the third time. Derek had said he wanted to do the whole package for a date, so he was going to pick you up at your apartment, and drive downtown. Then you’d park and walk together to lunch. It was cute. But it left you with too much time to think while you waited for the text that said he was downstairs.
It was just Derek. Derek who’d been your friend for months now, who could make you laugh no matter what, and who looked at you like you hung the moon when he thought you didn’t notice, and who made your stomach flip. Derek who you’d been fully ready and willing to sleep with a few weeks ago. But this felt different. It was a real date. It was a tipping point, maybe the start of something, or the end. 
Your phone buzzed in your hand, making you jump. 
‘Hey, I’m here. Want me to come up?’ you read. 
If he came upstairs, you could probably convince him to forget the date and the questions and the everything else to pick up where you’d left off the last time he’d been to your place. The thought was tempting. But it was only delaying the inevitable. 
‘I’ll be down in a sec,’ you fired back instead, gathering up your keys and purse and hurrying down to meet him. 
He was standing on your front step when you got downstairs, greeting you with a surprising hug, which you were happy to return, before you both stepped back and took each other in. 
“Damn,” he said with a low whistle. “You look…damn.”
You felt your cheeks flush hotly. Your outfit wasn’t something particularly fancy, but you had tried to dress nicely for him, and to take advantage of the warm spring weather.
“You don’t look so bad yourself,” you teased, smiling broadly at him (code for he looked absolutely jaw-droppingly sexy in his own choice of dressy-casual). 
He winked at you and then swept an arm out dramatically. “Your chariot awaits. Shall we?”
“Don’t mind if I do, kind sir,” you affected a posh accent and haughty expression before giggling and practically skipping down the stairs.
The drive, as usual, turned into an impromptu concert (mostly Bon Jovi today) and for the walk to the restaurant and all of lunch, conversation flowed easily. It was comfortable enough that you almost forgot that you had hesitated to agree.
“I hate to kill the mood,” he said after most of your meal was done. “But part of today was supposed be to figuring out us.”
You sighed. There was the other shoe, finally dropping.
“You’re right, it was.”
“So why do you think this is a bad idea?” he cocked an eyebrow at you.
“Straight to the point,” you observed. “I'm surprised.”
He shrugged. “Just wanna get it done. Why dance around?”
“I don’t know. We’re friends, and I like how things are. And you and Sean are friends and if we were to try this...dating or whatever thing, and it didn’t work out I don’t want to lose us or ruin your friendship or,” you sighed. “It just seems like a lot to risk.”
“Sean and I are way too close to let a girl come between us, even if that girl is you.” He smirked teasingly at you.
“Well that makes me feel a little better,” you rolled your eyes, but there was a sincerity to your words that he definitely picked up on. “What if you’re wrong, and we start dating, and it makes things awkward between you and Sean? What if it doesn’t but we break up and then Sean has to pick between his cousin and his best friend? What if we start dating and it doesn’t work out and we lose each other? Because you’re one my best friends, Derek, and I can’t even imagine what life would actually be like without you in it, but it’s a scary thought. What if—”
He reached across the table to rest his hand on top of the fingers you were drumming anxiously on the table. 
“Forget what ifs for a second.”
You looked at him skeptically.
“Just work with me. No thinking about the future. If just right now mattered, how would you feel? What would you do?”
“I don’t know. I’d feel...happy? I’d tell you that I’m having a really good time hanging out with you again, and I missed it when I got busy with finals. I’d tell you that color looks really good on you. And that you have chocolate from your pancakes on your lip, but...I think you should leave it there and let me get it…” you were blushing furiously, cheeks practically on fire, and you fought the urge to look down at the table. 
He laughed, the sound filling your chest with warmth and effervescence. With a wink, he shifted his chair around the table until his knee bumped into yours. 
“Go on then,” he murmured, angling even closer. “Live in just this moment.”
You breath caught in your throat, heart racing.
“Or should I do it for you?” 
Your tongue darted out to wet your lips and his eyes traced its path. 
“Derek…” your voice was barely above a breath. 
And then you were both leaning in, and his hand was braced on the back of your chair, and yours was on the back of his neck. Your lips were on his and his were on yours, and for a second, time and his breath and your heart all stopped. You slid your tongue across his lip and then sucked on it lightly, removing the chocolate stain as promised and making him groan softly. His hand left the chair to curl around your back, trying to angle you closer without pulling you off your chair. 
Someone cleared their throat behind you, shattering the moment and making you leap apart. The freckle-faced young waiter stood awkwardly, shifting from foot to foot.
“You...uh...I was asked to come over and tell you that…” he stammered, blushing furiously. 
“We’re disturbing the other customers and should keep the PDA for later?” you asked sheepishly, not unfamiliar with the feeling of having to deliver such messages to couples on dates. 
He nodded rapidly before turning tail and practically fleeing back to the kitchens. You couldn’t help giggling, especially when you saw the pouting look on Derek’s face. After a moment, he grinned and joined in with your laughter, until you earned another stern look from some of the older folks in the little restaurant around you. 
“Maybe we should go?” you suggested, struggling to contain yourself. “I don’t think they like us much.”
“Probably,” he answered, quickly waving down someone to bring your check. 
As you walked out together, you impulsively stepped closer. You were just passing through the door and into the afternoon sunshine when you laid your head on Derek’s shoulder, making him stiffen for a moment, before he shifted his stance to make it more comfortable for the both of you, looping an arm around your waist.
“So,” he said as you wandered like that down the sidewalk in no particular direction.
“What’s this mean then?”
“It means that I like you, a lot. And I like this...us...thing. And I’m still scared, but I want to give it a shot?”
“Okay.” You could practically hear the grin in his voice as his arm tightened to pull you closer.
“And if you ever break my heart, I’ll break your foot.”
“Why my foot?” he laughed.
“Because it’s easy-ish. And it makes it harder for you to leave.”
“Ah, I see. Going a little Annie Wilkes on me?”
“You’ve seen Misery?”
“No. But I liked the book.”
You tilted your head to look more fully at him, gaping. 
“What? Am I not allowed to be a Stephen King fan?”
“You never cease to surprise me, Derek Sandoval.”
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ryehouses · 2 years
[insert TikTok sound here] how could you do this to me. question mark? i decided to read the new ast chapter before class, and i was late for class (my own fault) and i’m DISTRAUGHT. when din thought “din’s boba” i had to put my phone down for a bit and scream inside my head. everything was ramping up, we got the riduur reveal (I’M NOT OVER IT) and then BAM! angst central. emotionally, i’m destroyed. i’m not gonna lie, it feels like this may not be something din and boba can recover from. AND i’m terrified for din, because it now feels like his allies are dwindling. i would not put it past bo-katan to strike against him now after finding out he’s dar’manda. oh din, my poor little meow meow. i really hope there’s justice for the riduur reveal because din and boba deserve a chance to be flustered over each other. omg also i asked about the katie maria poem “i wanted to ask” a while ago and IT’S AL COMING TOGETHER NOW! i’m very excited to see what’s gonna happen, but i’m torn apart as well.
Hello hello! Thanks for stopping by!
Yeah, this chapter was a bit of a punch in the mouth, lol. It is also not the best time for Din to be having fraught arguments with his staunchest allies, you're right, because that Mando Summit is a'coming!
These sorts of things never happen at the most convenient times, though. But yeah, that Katie Maria poem was in direct reference to this current and coming set of chapters 😅
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