#before u ask i don't think i'll publish this fic
thechosenanubis · 1 year
Maybe it's because it's exam season and my braincells are actually melting from the summer heat, but these past few days the plot bunnies have been going rampant and now i'm writing another fic while procrastinating on 'my destruction & my salvation fic and my studies, but i digress.
So these past few days i've been writing some scenes of "Nina and Eddie have a chance encounter in America, five years after S3 and plot happens" post-canon-divergence fic. And all i can think about is the Sibuna reunion chapter, and just imagining their reactions at seeing Nina again... and especially Fabian's reaction, which causes me actual physical pain.
It's in the way that Fabian immediately tries to reconnect with Nina, thinking that they can pick up where they left off, as if no time passed at all. But time did pass and they both are different people, and there's this distance between them that they both know it's there, but he tries to act as if that barrier doesn't even exist, because he missed her so much and -
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dystychiphxbia · 10 months
☆ - Gym crush!
im just in my gym rat era so i had to do this...i didnt want this to be the first fic i publish but here we are...
v small nsfw mention in sae's part
characters; kunigami, sae, rin
Kunigami Rensuke;
you meet at the gym, both relatively new to it
you learn together, always trying out new things
never ask for each other's number but still somehow end up at the gym at the same time
"what are you hitting today?" "it's leg day" "aw sucks to be you...jk i'll join you"
"need a spotter?"
he's definitely your gym crush and you always try to look extra good in front of him
trust me he's doing the same
always helps you rerack your weights!
gym bros till death do you apart
death or...blue lock.
kunigami just disappears for MONTHS and comes back like nothing happened
except now he wont even greet you
he completely ignores you when you ask him where he's been
you are motivated to show him your progress but you don't see him even glancing at you
"need a spotter" you would ask him, but he would simply say you are too weak
and looking at his weights, he's right
like damn how many plates is he squatting??
he would still save you if you failed a bench press though
"thanks...but i would've gotten it" "stop lying to urself"
maybe he warms up to you eventually...
i mean you never stopped going to the gym, it shows your resolve
and you didn't change at all, you still work as hard as ever and look so damn good while doing so.
Itoshi Rin;
he noticed how every sunday, you would run on the treadmill for at least an hour straight
how fast are u going??? he would always try to sneak a glance at your settings when he walks past
he would also do his warm ups on the treadmills, secretly cheering when only the one next to you is available
one sunday, you aren't there
he's actually...worried? you are there every single sunday, so why not now?
he's so relieved to see you there the sunday after that, maybe you were just sick
the thing is, he doesn't see you on any other days. he's hoping it's just cause you go at a different time, and not because you only go on sundays...
nah you have too much muscle for you to only go to gym once a week to run
but he wont change his workout times just for some person he sees once a week at the gym...until he does.
he starts going a bit earlier and later, hoping to catch at least a glimpse of you
it takes a while but he's finally there at the same time as you
you notice him, "i havent seen you here at this time before"
he's flustered, you've actually noticed him and are now talking to him???
"yeah, just changing things up a bit." he just wanted to see u!!
u always ask him to spot you and he just cant say no
one time you almost got crushed under the bar because he was busy admiring your face
yeah...he definitely has a crush on you!! but will he ever take it a step further...probably not. have you noticed...? of course you have, that's exactly why you always ask him.
Itoshi Sae;
this guy has been watching you squat since day 1
eyes glued to your ass, maybe it wasn't so impressive in the beginning but it definitely is now
he makes sure to always be at the gym when it's your squat day
of course you've noticed...you make sure to wear those gym pants that make your ass look so good!!
sometimes he stares for too long, suddenly realizing that he's just been sitting for 10 minutes
one day you come up to him, saying that you are gonna attempt a pr and need a spotter
jesus christ he almost choked on his drink
"sure." staying as cool as ever.
but watching your ass from so close almost stirs up a problem in his pants
"good job." he'll say to you afterwards, walking off.
you are kind of disappointed, he's always looking at you and that's all you get??
but no worries he'll be thinking of that sight for a while!!
slowly adjusts his schedule so that he's always coming on the same days as you
makes sure that only he spots you
also makes sure that no one else glances your way when you are squatting
cause you are HIS gym crush, not anyone else's
one day he finally gets the courage to actually talk to you
he's surprised when you call him by his name but then he remembers that he's basically a celebrity
you introduce yourself, and he's so close to asking you out on the spot
"i've seen you play on the tv, you are so good! i'd love to learn to play!"
he asks u to come with him to the field after your workout for lesson number one
about damn time, you think
playing football after a leg workout wasn't the easiest but maybe sae made it a bit easier for you to manage
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blamemma · 8 months
what you said about maxiel fanfics with endgame lest4ppen, yes, I agree. someone mentioned this before, but maxiel is slowly dying on ao3 while it seems to be thriving more and more on tumblr.
for me it's 50/50 because I don't mind where I'm reading, but here we have more one-shots and pieces of WIPs (which is good because it means authors don't feel the pressure to turn everything into a 50k story, so they can just post their ideas even if it's incomplete), but I personally LOVE longer stories, so I would love to read more and more about every single one of them.
and personally I just don't like lest4ppen at all. I understand the need to tag maxiel because daniel is the bad guy and the "shitty boyfriend" or whatever, but I just don't like seeing those stories 😬
will always preface asks like this by saying people can like what they like and find joy in whatever, i ain't gunna turn my nose up at anyone or anything, lestappen just doesn't make sense to meeee personally, but honestly whatever butters ur bread!!!
as someone who has dabbled here and there in this writing lark, for me there is a distinct difference in ao3 posting and tumblr posting....ao3 to me is formal, ur presenting something perfect, a fully-fledged story, a beginning a middle and an end (not in all cases but i just mean in general). most stuff i read on ao3 is fully-fledged nuanced ideas that the author has obviously spent hours of time crafting and experimenting with.
tumblr fic is inherently fun and blase and easier to throw out there into the ether and forget about really. tumblr fic doesn't need to follow grammatical rules or structure etc etc....it can just be a fun prompt game response or a quick lil fic that you had fun writing and wanna share with ur people?? both have purposes and both are enjoyable to write imo, just depends on what ur feeling and how much u want to expand on said idea??
when it comes to the maxiel of it all....idk how rude or pointed i can get here without getting into shit....so i'll try and word this gently....you have to keep the eco-system alive....i think comments and kudos are GREAT but honestly, if someone reblogs my fic with a fun few tags, i love that more, because in a selfish way, i might get 1 or 2 more readers from that because its going out to an even wider audience?? but its more than that!! engage with ur writers, message them on here and shout at them about their ideas, send them prompts, recommend their fic to ur friends...but i will stand by i think one of the best things you can do, if they make a fun lil post or graphic for their fic...reblog it...ur not only spreading the maxiel gospel, but ur also supporting that writer?? too many times on here i see people's fic graphics flop yet big blogs are leaving them comments on ao3 and look, EACH TO THEIR OWN and also i can sometimes be a bad reblogger dont get me wrong, but LIKE, there are some wildly talented authors on here who just need to be pushed into the limelight a little bit more??? idk if im wording this correctly, but sometimes there are fics that fall through the cracks because no one engages with them, and if ur an author who has put blood sweat and tears into that fic, ur not exactly going to be motivated to post another maxiel fic if u dont think ur going to get engagement from it (again, fic writing isn't necessarily about engagement or response, but let me tell u when i get a fun little comment or someone messages me about a fic i published, it inspires me to write more????)
maxiel is definitely alive and kicking, i follow some stunningly good maxiel authors, but at the same time, its about pushing forward those smaller writers as well and not thinking ur too cool for them???????????????
and so with that, this flufftober, kinktober, spooktober or whatever tober u are a part of, reblog the fic, talk about the fic and enjoy the fic
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jungshookz · 1 year
OH EM GEEEEEEEEE i missed u so much
literally never been happier to see a person come back on the internet before. i just wanna say that you basically raised my fanfic self and i think of you all the time when i come online. you have been one of the only people i have ever read that has such unique and personal characters. they could easily be standalone works unrelated to bts, which i think they have become for the ceemen as a lot of us move away from the group as we grow. even going back now and reading the fics they still hold strong which is amazing !
now that the pleasantries are over i sent an anonymous ask SO LONG AGO (years i think) asking you to name my new (not so new now) car for me and you didn’t!! and now whenever someone asks me what my cars name is i think of you. so i will now ask mechanic!yoongi to name her for me since he probably cares about my poor neglected car. me and u have beef cee, but i am still madly in love with you and your beautiful writing 😋
p.s. to help him out it’s a silver toyota corolla if he needs a general vibe
this is such a sweet message i literally read it ten times over and i still don't know how to respond properly because i am just so!!!!!! touched!!!! it means so much that you think that and feel that way about the stories :')) i'm busting my ass in grad school so i can make my dreams come true and publish books one day and this message made me feel so much better about my decision to pursue a writing degree <333 ahHhhHH i can't wait to post new stories for you guys i'm so excited to be writing again and interacting with everyone
ok we have beef WHATEVER i'll hand u over to mechanic!yoongi smh
"Woah, look at this handsome guy- he looks like a Jackson to me. Doesn't he look like a Jackson to you?"
"He looks like a car to me."
"You don't get it Y/N, look how strong his eyebrows are, look at expressive his eyes are... Yeah, that's a Jackson to me."
talk to my characters!
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stygiusfic · 29 days
u cant spell sword without words thats what i always say. with that in mind pls 19, 20, 22 and 23 :D
you are RIGHT and you should say it!! those five letters don't lie!! <3
19. the most interesting topic you've researched for a fic
traditionally I've been allergic to writing anything that requires extensive research. either I won't have the patience for it, or worse, I'll get sucked into the research and never actually start writing. this is why I don't do modern AUs, I prefer to write fictional settings where I can make up the rules.
i did fall down a research hole of flower language when i was writing the hanahaki fic, and that was a lot of fun! (I did waste weeks of bigbang drafting time on that, though...)
20. in what year did you publish your first fic?
trying to count the rings on my tree trunk, i see... my earliest fic posted to ao3 on my first account is dated May 2008, but I was definitely posting elsewhere online for quite a few years before that. I think the very first may have been around 2003 on a forum for my first fandom, but I've lost track of the post so idk for sure. 
22. do you ever worry about public reaction to what you're writing? how do you get past that?
let me tell you a story. I wrote that cursed skelly/zagreus fic (my proud masterpiece Hard to Port) in half a day in january of 2021 to mess with all-star hades writer thepleiades, and I was half-expecting I would be chased out of the fandom with torches and pitchforks for it, so I waited until April Fool's to post it, for plausible deniability.
then after posting it I gained 3 whole subscribers on ao3. the following day i posted a perfectly normal thanzag fic and I lost 4 subscribers
the lesson from the universe here is to always write for the sake of trolling your friends and having fun, and also that trying to predict anyone else's reactions is probably pointless. 
(it still gives me weird anxiety to post now and then, especially if it's something i worked hard on, but slowly I'm getting better at turning my brain off after I hit post. my days of vibrating out of my skin hoping my latest fic will be well-received are certainly coming to a middle. maybe even three-quarters!)
23. pick three words that describe your writing
i answered this one here so i will trade you for the next!
24. how do you recharge when you're not feeling creative?
brain's a sponge so sometimes you just have to walk away if there isn't enough water to squeeze out. I like to read and watch new media for a change of pace, and usually that helps get me out of a rut! other times I'm stuck because the story has a problem I haven't figured out how to fix yet, and when that happens I talk about it to my pet bunny and he just stares or lies down because he enjoys hearing voices. and then very often my problem is magically fixed!
(wip ask meme)
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uriekukistan · 8 days
Rin, I hope your day is going well!!! ✨️
For the writer ask game...
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
hi kiya :3 my day's been pretty good, thank you, and thank you for the ask :D
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
usually i use song titles or lyrics :) its a bit of a cheat bc i hate coming up w titles (dreading the day i want to maybe potentially publish my hidden original fic for this reason) but music has a huge influence on my writing, like i usually have a song that inspires me for a certain fic, or one i looped the entire time i wrote it so...that usually comes before/during writing.
on the rare occasion that i don't do that it's definitely a hassle to come up with a title. sometimes i'll pull a line from the story or name a significant object...always the last thing i do before publishing kfkghjkf
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
hmmm my most fav part is just. the act of creating. that sounds so cliche i think but its genuinely so much fun and so fulfilling :)
my least fav part is proofreading :') whatever satisfaction or pride i felt when i originally Wrote The Thing goes completely out the window...usually by the time i get around to publish i don't even like it anymore :') its so dumb and annoying
thank u again for the ask :D have a good day/night!!
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yagamisdiary · 20 days
Hi Amara, the angel that you are <3
I don't think I've ever sent in an ask to you before, which is a crime considering how long I've been keeping up with your stories. But I just wanted to fawn over you and your writing for a bit. So this ask might be a bit of a longer one. (Hope that's okay)
I've been in a reading slump for the past few months and haven't been keeping up with my favorite fics, including Eldia 😓. But I just recently got back into reading and catching up again. And wow, I forgot how much I was missing out on.
I'm halfway through 'Somewhere Only We Know' (saving the smut for later 🤭) and I'm still blown away by how far your fic has come. I've been keeping up with it for the past couple of years. When I started reading Eldia, it only had 5 chapters published. But now we're at 34 and it's so close to being finished :(
As happy as I am to see such a good story come to a close, there's no doubt that it's still bittersweet. I know I'll re-read it again eventually, but it'll never be the same as the first time reading it. All the ups and downs, plot twists, every emotion, and so much more this story has surprised me with. It's something that will stick with me.
Eldia has been a constant for me for so long, and I feel so lucky to be experiencing it. It's hard to put into words how real this story has felt to me at times, and how comforting it's been. (Even if it's brought me absolute heartbreak sometimes lol.) It truly does feel like home. I'll be sad to see it end.
So thank you so so much, Amara. For giving us Eldia, the masterpiece that it is. I know it's not always easy for ff writers, giving us works like this for free at the cost of your own energy, motivation, and creativity. But I truly do hope you know your work will never go unappreciated. It's been amazing keeping up with your works, and some of your personal life here on your blog.
Thank you again for everything you've given us, and I really do hope you're doing amazing. You deserve the world & more, love <33
wow thank you so much :’) i’m glad you love it! i’m stuck on the part where u said there was only 5 chapters published when u started 😭 it’s so insane how much time has passed and it doesn’t feel like it at all!
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rollercoasterwords · 10 months
hi i would like to rant to u if thats okay because i saw ur rant u wrote like 6 days ago and it just kinda made me think so i hope u don't mind.
i love writing. i always have and when im writing i always get excited, except then i started posting on the internet. at first i got some attention which actually pushed me to write more and then i wrote this fanfic that blew up and got a lot of attention which dont get me wrong was GREAT like im proud of it, but it also changed my perception of writing
all of a sudden this silly little thing i wrote was now something people were talking about with their friends and reccomending and that was great but it made me feel different about my own work. it changed how i percieved writing, and more often than not i catch myself writing for them, not for me.
recently i started writing this fic that made me giggle and kick my feet while writing it. i wrote it SO fast because i could not get enough of it, and then i started publishing and it didn't get much attention. i've had other fics that didnt get attention before and it was like meh, but after the work i wrote that blew up, it felt like my fics NEEDED to become popular to be good, which is like,,, shit
and whenever i posted a chapter of my new fic or talked about it, i'd get comments on my fic asking about my popular one, if i'll make a second one ect.
it made me lose interest in my story because i'd gotton hooked on others approval and i didn't want to write something they weren't interested in, because then they wouldn't read it and it would all be for nothing.
i forgot the original reason i started writing. for me. and its been so hard to try and just get back into that headspace of writing for me and not others because of the attention i'd gotton from my previous stories.like how i felt now that i had a fair few followers i owed them stories THEY wanted to read.
i'm not sure how to get back into writing for myself, because i don't want to delete my works or stop posting, because i do enjoy it when people say nice things and help my motivation, but at the same time it also makes me feel like i have to write what they want and not what i want, because if i write it and they dont like it ive failed
anyway thats my little rant, i dont know if u even understand what im talking about but it was nice to get off my chest
thank you <3
no i feel u i can def relate 2 a lot of that experience! it can be a weird experience 2 have a fic go viral & it is definitely not always entirely positive. honestly think the only reason i've escaped a lot of the harassment + hate i've seen directed towards other people who have had fics go viral is that my fic that went viral was a rewrite of someone else's story, so most of the discourse remains centered around the original story + writer which honestly. feels like i managed 2 dodge a bullet lmao
but i can def relate 2 the sudden pressure of abruptly finding urself in a situation where tons of people are reading something u were just casually writing 4 fun, and suddenly feeling like u need 2 meet certain demands or live up 2 expectations. honestly feeling this pressure to keep up w those expectations led to some burnout 4 me last fall/winter, which is why i stopped posting for a few months. and like obviously i can't say what would be most helpful 4 u--that's something u kinda have 2 figure out 4 urself--but i do know that for myself + for some other writer friends who i've talked to, taking a break from posting can be really helpful in like...reframing ur mindset. i think getting some distance from the constant expectations + demands + feedback can help sort of clear the air and strips away both that pressure + that attention + sort of makes it easier 2 focus on writing just to write for urself. 4 me it helped me figure out that while i do love sharing my writing + getting nice comments + messages + talking 2 people abt it etc, that's just icing on the cake, and writing still brings me a lot of joy even without any attention. and once i was able to like...center that attitude + ground my writing in personal enjoyment rather than the online attention economy, it made me feel steadier abt coming back + posting again, and also helped get rid of some of the anxiety of meeting people's expectations, bc i realized that at the end of the day i genuinely don't really care if someone dislikes my story so much that they need to stop reading it; in fact, i think it's better for everyone involved if someone who feels like they're not getting what they want from my story goes and looks for what they want somewhere else! it's not a failure on my part to sufficiently like...entertain an audience or provide a product, because that's not what i'm trying to do in the first place, y'know? and i think that shift in mindset helped a lot, and continues to help when i start 2 feel that pressure again from posting my writing online. it's counterintuitive at first bc i think we're all sort of conditioned to think there's no point to making art unless you're making it for an audience, but once u realize that The Audience is not the be all end all of creating art, i think it makes the process of creation a lot more freeing + fun.
anyway hope u are able 2 navigate the weirdness that can come with sharing ur writing online + find a way 2 write that brings u the most joy!!
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Girl say it louder FOR THE ONES AT THE BACK!! Azul is not a crybaby and his confidence is NOT faked C'MON!!!
Funny thing, someone told me they'd never seen an azul stan such as me who adored him sm, BUT I'M SORRY YOU NEED TO BE GETTING A CROWN FOR THIS, I am literally an amateur in front of you.
Also, I read that anon ask of yours where you both admitted to almost crying with azul, and now I feel kinda pathetic to say it hyped me up and I was disappointed it ended so quickly 💀 (also I didn't even realize he was crying until I logged onto tumblr wtf) it was more like "he's crying? is he? OMG AZUL IS CRYING?!?! LESSGO LMAO THIS IS INTERESTING" mind you I ADORE azul and I did even before book 1, but I just have this tendency to insult my favourite characters 💀 love-hate relationships <3
SPEAKING OF AZUL, I USED THAT BITCH IN MY ENGLISH DESCRIPTIVE WRITING IN MY EXAM. Yeah I used his personality, and mostro lounge's interior, and an angry client and some contracts bs💀 except I switched the tweels for a blue eyed woman u h. I ALSO NAMED THE AZUL CHARACTER JONES TF 😭 and he also had azuls glasses AND I WANTED TO ADD MORE BUT my English teacher isn't a boomer and there is a HIGH chance she'd played or HEARD of twst, so I didn't wanna embarrass myself. Now I hope azul charms my paper and I get a good grade sksjsjsj
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[Reply to this reblog!]
I am so sorry this is so late HAHAHA BUT FKDFKNSDFKLSDF THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT and trust me, this may not be the last time I'll talk about this because who knows, something might inspire me to make a third post. But I won't try to bog this blog down either.
Anyway, onto the main anon, kjfsdnfkjdskjnjksdnjkdskf a lot of people have said that to me as well xDD I think I've gotten a couple of anon asks about it. I can't help but be loud about Azul here, he's my joy and light. But hey, loudness doesn't equate to how much one adores someone, I'm sure you adore Azul a lot as well (and please bug me about it so we can scream together, I need more Zuzu stannies)
As for the anon ask, ok I can't find it right now HDFKFJKSFKSD but noo don't worry too much about it. I know some Azul stans who also reacted the same way xD first impressions are first impressions, after all, plus not everyone will react the same way. Like ,, I love Riddle, but I was laughing when he cried the first time because the sounds sounded funny 💀 What matters more is understanding and the willingness to understand what's happening, why a character acted the way they did, and how they are as a person in general.
LMAOOOO good job anon, hope you got the grade you wanted. I've also used Azul in so many of my school outputs 💀💀💀 like, I used him once in a 17k word fic that I submitted in class HAHAHHAHAAHAHAHHAHA I never got my grade for it but hey . it was worth it. I have a novel now that I could potentially publish if I just revise and edit.
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bandtrees · 4 months
yaaay, thank you caro! fanfic writer emoji ask!
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels? - (not... quite the answer to this question but i don't think my writing style applies here so i'll just pick specific examples i like xP) i love interpersonal tension so much, i love writing all brands of it, from active arguments to awkward conversations to everything inbetween :'D but if i had to pick favorite "sad conversation"s, i love the serizawa scene at the end of act 1 of tttaac, i remember, as i wrote that part, considering it a mini few-act-tragedy all on its own, the awkward hesitance with mob, the texts from tome, the bits where he's alone with reigen and ritsu... very very fun. i love writing characters who have history and a lot of weight to when they interact with eachother, and you can tell in tttaac xD (on that note: the garage scene in tttaac, the argument between dimple and mob, was one of the first scenes fig and i ever came up with for this fic, one we wanted to write from the very beginning. not only is dimple fig's favorite character and mob mine, but we both love their relationship so much, it's very important to us both (both in a 'well written and beautiful character dynamic in a piece of fiction' way and a 'show of our friendship too' way) and a biiig crux of this fic. we loved destroying eachother emotionally with tttaac but especially with everything about dimple and mob - i wrote the garage scene and then fig got back at me by adding the videos. sniffles sadly)
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh? - OH BOY. i love injecting little bits of silly into my mp100 fics in particular, because the show itself is very silly and it doesn't really feel like mp100 anymore if its not. in crowfic, sammi and i went back and forth figuring out increasingly sillier ways to describe teru's wig, and we also wanted banter between ritsu and mogami to feel appropriately lighthearted to show mogami wedging his fingers in. i also have to express. one of my favorite running gags in my and sammi's fics that i will never shut up about because i think it's entirely too funny. and i express it because i encourage everyone reading this to continue the bit: the baby episode the baby episode began as a joke in tttaac, a one-off line in the social media segment here (fun fact about this scene, the usernames are all pulled from usernames in various social media cutaways in canon):
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this was, out of universe, inspired by the fact that, to get a feel for "how subreddits for big longrunning reality tv talk shows talk", i went on the dr phil subreddit and found the only posts on it recently were a bot crossposting videos from the dr phil youtube channel and one guy asking about, quote, "the infantilism episode"
and i cracked myself up at my own joke. i don't know why i was so tickled by the string of words "supernatural detective baby episode", but i was. tttaac is a very heavy and miserable fic so we find spots of humor wherever we can, and i was just... so amused by the mental image of someone reading this fic and thinking, "what the fuck is the baby episode of supernatural detective" but of course our in-universe commenter does not elaborate. they know about the baby episode. this is a long-running subreddit for a show they're all superfans of, everyone knows about the baby episode. but you, the reader, seeing only a glimpse into these people's lives, do not. the conversation moves on. the fic moves on. the times a change. you cannot ask u/YUJIHAIZINOO what they mean by "the baby episode".
i don't remember how this part came to be, but as time went on, the baby episode became an injoke with my friends, and when sammi and i wrote ch4 of crowfic (which was published before tttaac but written long after the baby episode bit), we (sammi, specifically, who wrote this part,) decided to continue the gag. a piece of our cinematic universe
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now, this creates a world of implications. for starters, tttaac takes place in 2022-2023, and crowfic takes place in 2012. the baby episode has now been also described as "weird", existing in 2012, and, most importantly, potentially being lost media.
i don't know why this stupid gag has affected us so much but it has. and i beseech everyone reading this who writes mob psycho fanfiction: somehow, someway, please insert the supernatural detective baby episode into your text. please reference it in some manner no matter how small. i want the bit to go on. i need it to grow, like a wound. i want to eventually convince people reading mob psycho fanfiction that this is a canon event they just forgot about.
the rules to the supernatural detective baby episode go as follows: you cannot describe its contents in any way, shape, or form, you can only allude to its existence and optionally that it is, quote, "weird". it may or may not be lost media, as it's possible reigen is misremembering. it exists in 2012 and is likely even older than that.
Now go forth. Spread the Supernatural Detective baby episode wide and far.
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braceletofteeth · 1 year
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favourite followers✨️🎶
tagged by @leporschespam 🥰 Thanks!! <3
(I had to go and take a look at the Most Played on my music player, then I took note from the ones I know I actually listen a lot)
Me and My Husband by Mitski
A few months ago I was taking a quiz, as you do, and, in one of those infamous song lyrics questions, there it was. That's not where I found the song, though! (it happened long before that). I'm telling you about this specific moment because, in the quiz, it was classified as a song about codependency, and when I read that I was like “Yeah. Pfff. Alright.”, you know, incredulous, but then... I started thinking about all the ships I relate to it... And, as you can imagine, I went from oh to oh very quick.
Use Me (Original ver.) by PVRIS
The new version with a rap part is good too. Not very necessary, but good.
PVRIS is one of those rare bands I vibe with many songs, instead of just few and far in between.
Sad Girl by Lana del Rey
I used to think the lyrics said 'He's got the fire, and he talks with flames'. It sounded really cool in my head.
Choreomania (Live At Madison Square Gardens) by Florence + The Machine
The studio version is ok BUT THE LIVE VERSION IS EVERYTHING. I love dancing and being dramatic to the sound of Florence songs.
Also, I was today years old when I finally learned how to spell the title of this one (and what it actually means) 🤡
Baby Came Home by The Neighbourhood
What I like the most about this song is that it's tranquil, relaxed; beach vibes, even. Till you get to the bridge, and then you can't help but scream at the top of your lungs.
That's also a Moonjo/Jongwoo song!! I go completely feral every time someone edits them with it.
+ Bonus! New song I've had on repeat lately:
Bells in Santa Fe by Halsey
The first time I heard it was in the new season of YOU, but back then I didn't care enough to go looking for it myself. However, everything worked out just fine, because a week later I found it again—in the playlist of a KinnPorsche fic, of all things.
The reason why I'm listening to it so much at the moment is, Idk, maybe because I'm under stress, and the chorus feels like a daily affirmation/mantra thing...?
Halsey: All of this is temporary.
Me: Yeah I sure fucking hope so lol
I'm supposed to tag 10 of my favorite followers, so, let me see... I'll tag some blogs I see in my notes often, but I may not have interacted with directly yet:
@arson-is-lit @wholesometoad34 @notsocharmy @anamaycrystal @technicallyausername @phant0m-l0rd @knifeyrat @thealmightyawesomegay-blog @blue-ladoo @mayablackwolf
I haven't spoken to most of you before. I don't know if you like games, or to be tagged in said games, and, to be honest, one by one, I feel like this invitation will most likely be politely refused, for one reason or another. Doesn't matter. I may never know what kind of music you're into, but I know about other stuff that you like. And you know about stuff that I like, too.
Both to know and to be known feel nice, and good enough. Thank you for being around. 💚
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reidsaurora · 2 years
So, this is goodbye...
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Yes, you assumed correctly. I'm leaving.
I have been seriously dreading making this post... and even now, typing it up, I still don't know exactly what it is I wanna say or how to say it.
I'm not leaving permanently so don't get too excited (sarcasm, ik u guys love me 😉). This is more of an "I'll see you later!" type of post.
Wait, so why are you leaving?
So, some of you may have noticed, I haven't posted for two Fridays in a row. That is because, I have been struggling with some extreme burnout.
When I started this account back in January, I was posting every day. Then I started to feel the effects of that, and I was posting every day except for Sunday. That did not last very long either and I eventually only posted on Tuesdays and Fridays (my designated days for Sam and Spencer). And now I'm here, only posting on Fridays because even twice a week was too much for me.
This is not at all what I wanted. I thought I was strong enough to get through this period and I thought I was going to be able to post weekly Spencer fics alongside SYGB. However, with the stress of constantly writing something for this account and prepping for college, I haven't even had time to step back and focus on the reason I started writing in the first place: to make the books and scripts that I needed when I was younger.
Therefore, for me to get back to making content for you guys, I think it would be best for me to take a break from posting on here and work on content that I am proud of and actually look forward to posting for you guys.
So... what about SYGB?
I have to be honest with you guys, SYGB isn't doing as well as I expected. It's one of those projects that I put my heart and soul into... and then it (for a lack of a better word) flopped. I'm sure my fellow writers will understand what I mean when I say that it's disheartening when you work on something that you love but it seems as though no one else loves it.
That being said, during this break, I am considering re-writing SYGB to make it something I am 100% proud to post and to make it something that I don't feel obligated to post—something that I absolutely can't wait to share with you guys!
So, how long will you be gone for?
To be honest, I don't know. Part of me wants to promise that I'll be back in a month or in two months or however long it'll take me to get my feet planted into college life. Part of me wants to promise that it'll be a short period of time.
However, with the current state of my mental health, I know that these will be empty promises.
However, I know that I'm not going to leave forever. This account and my fanfiction are things that are constantly on my mind. I think even in 10 years or maybe even in 20 years or however long it takes me to publish my books and/or become a screenwriter, I'll still look back to these days and recognize my roots as a writer.
That being said, I do have many works in progress that I look forward to posting... when the time is right. There are a couple writing contests that I am going to try my hardest to join before the deadline is up. There are multiple wips that I know you guys will love when they are absolutely perfect (in my mind's eye anyway).
So, I suppose my answer is... am I really leaving at all?
To make a long story short, I am still very much going to be on this app. I don't think I'll ever fully leave Tumblr. I still really love reading fics and checking in on my friends and making content for you guys.
That being said, I am going to end this with promises to continue posting, just not right now. My posts will be more sporadic, no more posting schedule unless I get back to a mental state where it will be OK for me.
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I want to thank each and every single person who has supported me on this journey. One person I'd like to shout out in particular is @theghouligan. She's the person who encouraged me to start posting my fanfiction and she was the first person to support me taking this break (you can ask her, taking this break is not a spur of the moment decision).
If you've read this far, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, I love you and I appreciate you.
You guys probably know where this is going, but as I always say:
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general taglist: @1234-angelika @amythedoctor @lowsodiumfreaks67 @drayshadow @alexxavicry @nomajdetective @mrspeacem1nusone @cordyandbilliehavemyheart @kbakery @leigh70 @the-lucky-ones311 @mercuryvapours @danzalladaggers @darkloverfox @sammyrenae68 @cherrycandle @asgardprincess97 @gh0stgurl @esposadomd @randomwriter1021 @eddieharrington @lunar-affection @paintlavillered @jensensgirl @givemeth @lavhoes @rhyanishere @gal-obsessed-with-marvel @danielle143 @marsmallow433 @rexorangecouny @handsupforamiracle @criminalmindsandmarvel @mente-sindescanso @reveriemgg @spencer-reids-adventures @ah-blossom @encyclo-reid-ia @reidselle
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7central · 6 months
Ooh I’d love to know:
15. Do you have any unwritten scene that you think about a lot?
16. Is there any written scene that you think about a lot?
21. Is there any unwritten fic that you don't know if you ever will write?
ahh thank you! <3 giving u a big hug in my mind
15. yes! at the moment, it's a scene coming soon ish in the Texas fic! It's going to be (minor spoiler) Lupe playing with Jess' hair in an unexpected moment, and in a way that's kinda odd. I like the idea because it is a moment of physical affection and closeness, but it's not the typical tenderness that is usually in a romance. Lupe is goofy and I'll die on that hill. I think it will be sweet and a little silly, and I'm looking forward to writing it!
16. in terms of my published stuff, I don't think there's anything in particular I think of more than others, but maybe the 'transitive head' (idk what to call it??) scene in the October chapter of I've nowhere to be. I sometimes randomly remember that I came up with that premise and am a little surprised at myself. It's a little bizarre, I like how it turned out!
unpublished, there is a partial draft I have that's just fun and sexy bar shenanigans, inspired by a lady gaga song <3. but I don't know if I'll ever finish/publish it because I have a hard time writing within the 1943 season (even short little things) since I started writing the post-season angle (only 2 fics into my ao3 career lol). I think it's because Lupe's injury and coach/team position and frequent bar visits are all big and very relevant points that I find difficult to honor at the same time as dedicating a fic to a non-canon romance. I usually write Lupe POV and I don't wanna brush over all that (even though obviously she carries these things with her post-season)! I feel like I lose grip on the characterization to not get into all that, but at the same time need to narrow the focus to write something that's any good. there is just too much stuff in the canon for me to balance it all! I really commend the writers who manage it so well.
I also have a 1944 fun in the locker room fic that's honestly just baseball uniform based smut, which I think about posting pretty often. maybe! really the only reason I haven't is because I don't think I write sex very well lmao
21. YES! I would like to write something about Lupe teaching Esti how to use her camera (and instantly regretting it). I have some ideas for it! Just not sure how I'd go about it. Possibly both Lu & Esti POVs. Jess is obviously there too. Because of the reasons I mentioned before and Esti's ostracization from the rest of the team, it'd probably be set in 1944. I'm not sure if I'll ever get to it though, or if I'll take these ideas into the final chapter of just peachy instead. the last chapter of that is going to be Esti (eventually), and I have 3 different drafts of it and they all feel wrong lol. hence why it's not finished yet. I love Esti sm but she's hard to write, because we get so little of her in the show and even her background interactions are sparse :( I want to do her justice!! so I refuse to post something I'm not satisfied with
thank you!!! <3 <3 <3
fics ask game!
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softhairedhotch · 7 months
HAHAHAHA NO WORRIES PLS TAKE UR TIME TO ANSWER MY ASKS!!!! hope u are had a good sleep n are taking care of urself 🫶🫶 and AWWW THANK U pleaseeeee i wish i really did actually Write Write 😪 i just have a very active imagination n too many thoughts...
BUTTT i have to admit.. i did come up with a male oc last time.. may have dumped many thoughts about him n aaron... the premise is that oc joined the BAU and somewhere along the line, aaron and him became FWBs 🤭🤭 n they text A LOT which forms the basis of their friendship n closeness.
i think some of these scenarios r SOOO FUNNY EMBARRASSING bc there's so many ways where i picture them getting close calls and ALMOST getting caught. like they're both super intelligent n responsible men but the moment they're insanely horny... their brains fly out the window 😭😭... but i'd say it'll be AGES before i ever publish something concrete bc i need to brush up my Descriptive writing skills first LMFAOOO (bc i'm more of an academic writer which just focuses on getting to the point so my vocabulary is like. Horrible.) but lmk if u ever wna hear any of them bc i'll be more than happy to share HEHEHE .
maybe one day i'd just come off anon n create an account to actually talk Talk to u but I'm Shy 😪👉👈 LMFAOOOOOO SORRY this is SOOOO funny thinking abt how i literally said the most god awful filthiest things abt aaron n im yapping abt being embarrassed
I WANNA ANSWER YOUR ASKS IMMEDIATELY OUGH THEY'RE JUST SO GOOOOOD!! curse stupid silly tumblr app formatting asks so that i can't read it when i'm tryna answer </3 and GOD I GETCHA, that's how i used to be and sometimes get with some characters/fandoms but with aaron i just gotta WRITE !! i have way too many ideas though so i only get the short one-shots out and not the stuff i really wanna write, like the multi-chapter fics n angst and stuff with my ocs </3 i'm praying i can sometime soon
YESYESYEYESYESYESYSEY I LOOOOOOOOVE MALE OC'S HOLY FUCK PLEAE PLEASE PLESAEEEE LEMME KNOW ANYTJHING AND EVERYTHING ABOUT YOUR OCS!! like i live off of oc's, ESPECIALLY MALE OC'S oh my god i have SO MANY and so many plans for aaron x male oc fics. i have some mostly written but ending them is HARD.
i looove the idea of FWBs hehe that's sooo good. like they get stressed on a case and end up fuckin somehow (even better if it's the classic one bed trope) and oop it just becomes a habit hehe :') LMAOOO I LOVE THAT THO, THEM CONSTANTLY ALMOST GETTING CAUGHT BC THE MOMENT THEY'RE HORNY THEY BECOME DUMB NEEDY MEN LMFAOOO. i can imagine them just being silly n super casually walking to each others rooms at the hotel and like dave sees aaron walking toward's oc's room one night and is just like "you sure that's your room, aaron? 🤨" and aaron is just like "oh... right... yeah... wrong room" and walks back to his own room in embarrassment LMFAOOOO. dave cockblocked him fr BUT YES PLEASE TELL ME ALL OF YOUR THOUGHTS I WANNA HEAR THEM FOREVER AHHH ANYTHING ABOUT AARON N OC'S WOULD MAKE ME SO HAPPY
omgomgomg if you did that i would DIE i'd be SOOOOO EXCITED SDKHFKSDFJ but don't feel pressured to !!!! like i understand that you're shy hehe (me too!!!) but just know i would LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE to talk to you!! but i do love talking to you over anon too, so do whatever you feel comfortable with <3 feel free to carry on sending the filthiest asks, it makes my day lol (and feel free to talk about literally anything you want as well, i'd love to get to know you!!)
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
KISMET- Austin Butler x reader - PART 3
Warnings: talks of car accident, hospital, injuries, etc. Will eventually contain smut, just not yet!
Here’s part 2
I’ve never written a fic before so please feel free to leave feedback and ideas! Love u!
"You know what? I'm so sorry, please don't feel pressured to tell me" I said quickly to deflect from what I thought was major stalker vibes.
Here I am. Always putting my foot in my damn mouth.
He gave me a smirk and lightly shook his head. "No, no. It's okay. I'm here on a short break. I'll have about two weeks at home before it's back to a full schedule."  He seemed a little more comfortable now, his body language was softer. And I took that as a sign that I didn't completely creep him out. Thank god.
"So you're from LA, but you're just visiting?" He asked me, seemingly with a genuine curiosity. Like he wasn't just making small talk to be kind.
"Yeah, I'm not sure how long I'll be in town. But I moved to New York City about 6 months ago for work. It's really different but I kind of love how wild it is." I tried to not sound as silly as I felt. Surely he's traveled everywhere and New York was not the wildest place he's been.
"And what do you do for work?" He asked, once again so genuinely that I felt like I could tell him anything. His blue eyes sparkled with curiosity. I wondered if my simple life seemed interesting to him because of his stardom. He probably doesn't get to do mundane things often. I wondered if he misses the simple things in life or if he was used to it now after being in the throws of acting for so long.
"Oh, um. I do marketing for a publishing house. Get the book titles out there, get people excited. It's a lot of fun actually" I smiled thinking about how achieved I felt to land a job in one of the bigger publishing houses in New York fresh out of college. "Are you excited to be taking a break, or do you love working?" I asked, once again trying not to seem like I was prying in to anything he didn't want to share.
His tongue lightly hit his bottom lip before he slowly drew part of his bottom lip in. It seemed that was something he did when he was nervous. Biting his lip. And I really hoped I wasn't making him that nervous with my questions.
Wow he really is just a regular human. Down to earth. So nice. SO cute.
"Both actually." He said with a chuckle. "I love what I do, but sometimes I get really in my head and it's nice to take a step back and breathe. If that makes any sense?"
It made perfect sense. When you love to do something so much that you start to overthink it. I get that way too sometimes. Even in my much more mundane life.
"Yeah that makes a lot of sense. You seem to really put a lot of care and hard work in to everything you do. It shows. I'm glad you're getting some breathing room though." I said. His eyes lit up. With the most genuine smile he said "thank you, Stella. That means a lot."
Why did that make me melt a little bit? Thank god I sat next to someone that helps me feel this calm when all I want to do is scream.
"You're welcome." I whispered with a smile.
We sat in a pretty comfortable silence. It couldn't have been more than a minute or two. I didn't want to bother him if he wanted to fly in peace like he mentioned. I was about to lean down to my bag to grab my headphones again when the attendant came back to see if we wanted any breakfast.
"Oh, I didn't realize you had breakfast" I said to him, checking his name tag. "Do you have a fruit bowl, Tony?"
"Yes ma'am. Anything else?
"No, thank you though" I smiled.
"And for you sir?" Tony said, making eye contact with Austin.
"Coffee cake for me please. And one coffee. Three cream, one sugar please Tony." Austin said in a way that made me feel like he truly saw anyone and everyone for their humanity. Tony wasn't just a flight attendant to him. I was amazed by his level of respect and compassion. "Thank you." He said as Tony went to take other people's orders.
"Oh you're a dessert for breakfast kind of guy are you?" I asked playfully.
"Well yeah, I like to start my day off with something I love. Sometimes it's an omelette and sometimes it's coffee cake. My mom and I used to make coffee cake together. It's always been a favorite" he trailed off a little. A hint of nostalgia and sadness in his voice. But there was also a lot of joy in there too; Remembering such a precious memory. I had heard that his mom had passed and I felt thankful that he shared such a sweet core memory with me. A stranger.
"Mmmmm. I'll have to remember that next time order breakfast. You've made a good point" I nudged his arm , letting him win this whole 'dessert for breakfast' thing. I thought it was really sweet.
Tony quickly brought our breakfasts over to us. My fruit was in a glass bowl. First class really was something else. I couldn't believe that people do this regularly. The chairs were so comfortable.
I realized once Tony set down my food that I had absolutely no appetite. How could I eat in a time like this? The wifi on the plane never actually turned on. The pilot came on the speaker to tell us that it was out of commission. I couldn't even check to see how dad or Jude were doing. Or my mom. And although I was happy to have this really sweet and genuine distraction for the long flight, I couldn't help but feel guilty for enjoying it. But if I sat and thought about it, I would probably have a panic attack. And god, I would have been so embarrassed.
"Are you okay?" Austin asked, snapping me back in to reality. I must have zoned out. I wondered for how long. He was about halfway through his coffee cake.
"Oh, yeah. I just realized I'm not even hungry yet. Do you want any of the fruit?" I picked up the bowl and offered it to him.
Who the hell offers someone their entire bowl of food the first time they meet. Jesus Stella. Keep it together.
"Maybe in a while if you really aren't hungry. I don't want to take your breakfast." He let a little laugh slip out when he answered. He definitely thought I was as weird as I am. No doubt about it. "So," he said, looking right at me. "What is bringing you home indefinitely? You said you don't know how long you'll be in town"
I was surprised that he even remembered that I said that.
So not only is he so genuine, but he's also a great listener.
Then I realized I had to answer his question. He was still looking right at me. And he must have saw the sudden shift in the way I was feeling.
"It's okay if you don't want to share. I know you don't like to fly so I was hoping to distract you the whole time by forcing you to talk to me" he said with a small laugh and a wink.
I'm soup. Literal soup. HE WINKED AT ME.
"Funny" I laughed probably a little harder than I should have. I was so nervous now. I didn't want to emotionally dump something so heavy on this man who was just trying to relax on a flight. So I had to phrase it as lightly as I could. Which was a joke. There was no light way to put it. "Um, my dad and brother were in a pretty bad car accident last night. So I'm on my way to see them" I nearly whispered, trying not to cry as I remembered the panic in my mom's voice on the phone this morning.
He scanned my face, and I could tell he was thinking of what the hell to say to  a stranger that just told him something so big. So hard.
I shouldn't have said anything at all. This whole flight. And we have 2 hours left.
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diana-fortyseven · 11 months
16, 25 and 29?
16. At what point in the process do you come up with titles?
This can happen at any time (or not at all lol)! Sometimes I have the title in mind before I start writing, sometimes I get the idea in the middle of writing a paragraph, and sometimes I sit there ready to publish and think "F U C K" because I realise I still need a title and I can't come up with anything good.
That's how titles like Gourd Intentions and 47 Shades of Burnwood happened. I am very sorry about that.
25. Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing?
Yes, haha. When I Would Lose Myself in (Every Single One of) You and its sequels made me really, really sad because I couldn't stop thinking about the cruel situation Edwards I put Diana and 47 in. :(
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic.
This one is from an AU I started two-ish years ago and then abandoned because the whole idea felt stupid. I don't think I'll ever finish it, buuut... we'll see. There's always April 1st and my Crack Treated Seriously tradition, I guess.
On her desk she keeps an oil lamp and a coffee mug, empty and clean, and to his surprise, an old photo of him. He blushes as he reaches out for it, touching it with shivering fingers. He’s been at headquarters that day, visiting her in her office. 47 remembers how she laughed when she took that photo, proof that he existed, and how they shared a lunch of salty snacks and Dr Popp from the vending machine. Another time, long gone. She has kept that photo, decided to take it with her when she had to leave so much behind. It flatters him.
Thank you for your ask! :D
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