#behind thescreen
hasanakbal19 · 2 years
The Beauty Behind the Screen
The Beauty Behind the Screen
@theyou, behind thescreen Beautyresides inYOU! Justof words, coinedand woven for specificpatterned meaning,resides Inthe muse ofthe poet. Beautyis you andyours Thisday and thedays ahead. -Amami H.15.12.2019Dutse Alhaji, Abuja
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kunyekultursanat · 2 years
The Beauty Behind the Screen
The Beauty Behind the Screen
@theyou, behind thescreen Beautyresides inYOU! Justof words, coinedand woven for specificpatterned meaning,resides Inthe muse ofthe poet. Beautyis you andyours Thisday and thedays ahead. -Amami H.15.12.2019Dutse Alhaji, Abuja
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sanoiro · 7 years
Why arenät more behind thescreen news from Lucifer? did they take a break?
As far we know they are now shooting 3x09 (script) Till Death Do Us Part. 
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findandselect-blog · 8 years
5 Tips for Better Film Lighting - BTC Lab #8 has been published on Find and Select Business Reviews
New Post has been published on https://www.findandselect.com/tips/5-tips-for-better-film-lighting-btc-lab-8.html
5 Tips for Better Film Lighting - BTC Lab #8
Welcome to one more BTC Lab In this video we will examine 5 basic guidelinesof lighting very quickly -as you can get tons of advice online- and then we will producesome lighting techniques Let’s do a quick test…What is the difference between.
this, this, this and this The scene is the same only the lighting is changing! Before even starting let's see a shot that we tried to shoot with only existing lightingin the room Niko Niko.
Υes baby I think that we have to go for the car one day Yes, we can go Whenever you want.
Yes baby And something else What? I am wondering.
Tell me The light here.
What's wrong with it? It is flat.
like this relationship! What is "flat"? I don't understand you.
Now, let's see some tips on how you can change or even improve the above lighting let's start with Tip number one Use of hard vs soft light Αs you notice, hard light casts shadows,soft light tends to cast shadows that wrap the subject Hardness or softness are determined by two things: size & distance Sun or camera flashes are hard lights.
Lights through the windows or sun throughclouds produce softer light The smaller your light is the harder it is…thebigger the softer the light is Also the further is from the object the harderit is…the closer the softer it is In cinematography we use soft lights whenwe want to "hide" the source of the lighting Here, for example we are using a soft lightto imitate the natural light of the room As the light has not the same direction asthe "original" light in the room it will somehow look awkward if there are shadows casted in another direction than the natural light and hard lights when there's is actually asource in the scene which we want to emphasize Here we put a small light in front of thescreen Let's go on with the Tip number 2: Diffused light: the use of diffusers is not the same as soft light Diffused light reduces the bright spots butdoes not make the light necessarily softer… Now a lot of diffusers tend to also increasethe size of the source, in which case the light may become softer too, like for example this softbox Now, check this shot without diffused lightand this one is with diffused light Diffused lights with soft edges are used forromantic, non confrontational shots like this one Notice the softboxes that we used and stronglights that cast very blurry shadows Look at this romantic shot here So, you will tell me? Are you sure? Of course Magda, tell me.
Ok then.
Sometimes when I walk outside I am thinking that all these that are happening here and all these you do to me Don't let me go forward What are you saying Magda?Is it long time now? Yes, it has been long but you don't get it! You don't remember that I was coming back and I looked devastated But you never notice nothing serious How is your hair like this?What are you wearing? What have you discussed at work? I thought we were doing something together Yes we WERE doing something "together" but this was long time ago So.
I wish you to find what you are looking for because it's not me You can find that girl that she will dye her hair the color you like The one for you because I am not that one And remember Remember how chaoticI was looking like when I was coming here How did my body looked like exhausted Remember that! Tip number 3: Angles of lighting We use the angles to create and define shapeand depth of our objects and/or their shadows.
You can basically rotate around two axisthe first one from top to bottom.
Front lighting coming from the front meansthat there are no shadows in the face.
The further up you go, the bigger the shadowsour light casts In general the more shadows you cast the lessfamiliar the character becomes The more left and right you go the more theshadows define the shape Let's now see a thriller shot and notice thelights The lights are placed to the side of the actors and low The actors now become less "familiar" andfeel threatened with – what is called- "low key lighting" Please look at this shot Niko.
I think we are surrounded Silence -Niko-Magda – What we do?- We wait to see what they will choose -What do you mean?-Ehh.
door or window Bring the gun Get also your gun Go at the door and wait.
And turn off the light And if I turn of the light how we will show the intensity of the scene? Now lets go to Tip number 4 You can combine all of the above inwhat we will call "Lighting Set Up" Although you can use one single light sourcein a scene, more lights are often used in what we call 2 and 3 point lighting The most common way to achieve proper three-pointlighting like this one is by using three different spot lights in the scene Setting up each light the correct way willallow the subject to be illuminated without deep shadows.
The subject will also be seen properly in the camera view The first and most important light is thekey light Like the name suggests, this light is vitalwhen establishing the overall lighting for the scene It should have the most intensity out of thethree lights and should highlight the form and dimension of the subject.
The key light is typically set up to the rightof the camera at a 45 degree angle Once the key light has been properly set up,then the fill light should be created The fill light’s purpose is to fill in thedeep shadows with less intensity The fill light is usually set up oppositeof the key light The last spot light used is the rim light-sometimes referred to as the back light This has the least illumination effects tothe subject because it is typically placed directly behind the subject, And it is facing the camera The rim light's purpose is to add a very slightglow to the back of the subject If you were to hide the key and fill light,you would see that the subject is darkened all around, except a small light around theedges If you light them all up this is the result Tip number 5 Last but the most important tip You can find tons of equipment out there: led, tungsten, fluorescent lights that each one of them has different features and characteristics Each one of them breaks into smaller categories and qualities, soft boxes, reflectorsdiffusers and all kinds of accessories Keep in mind one thing: good lighting can be simple and you really don’t need a lot ofmoney In this link you can find an excellent video of a professional taking the challenge to light each and every scene with only one light! What we really want to show here is that filmmaking doesn't need a lot of money.
It needs a story and creativity Now in the end we will leave you with a filmnoir look Setting all the above at a noir style youwill see three point lighting scene, you see also some shaping of the lights Notice that the key and fill lights are placedvery high to create shadows, they are also shaped this way so you can see the lights only atthe eyes of the actors a cliche film noir look A rim light is also lighting the actors edge which glows a bit Niko I feel that they are very close to us What do you mean? Today while I was walking I felt that someone was following me don't forget that our city is occupied And now? I think he followed me What? He followed me.
Fuck! What we can do now? The lights What with the lights? Dim down the lights so details won't be seen Like this only we will be able to see the our faces But the lights are as you say.
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Source: Youtube
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