#believe me you don't want everything you watch to be colour graded like a gif - it would be boring af
Platonic Larissa x Addams reader
Maybe she and Morticia have a strained relationship actually probably with both parents since she’s the oldest sibling. Moricia says something to reader making her upset like full sobbing that only Larissa seen so Weems goes full mama bear mode and then comforts her maybe reader slips in a few Mamas making Larissas heart swell with warmth and pride as r falls asleep on her chest.
Please and thank you, I love your work btw it’s utterly amazing
The Nevermore Mom {Larissa Weems}
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Summary: request above
Relationship: Reader x Larissa (plat) & Reader x Addams family
Warnings: light mention of disowning & talks of grades
Extra: Got slightly carried away :) & tysm
It was the first parent weekend for the Addams sisters since they arrived, and neither were looking forward to it. Wednesday because she would rather be looking for more clues and Y/N, just didn't like her parents. The two sisters stood side by side at the round about which parents were greeting their children but still no sight of their parents and younger brother, which should have been a relief but both couldn't help but be upset.
"You don't think they've forgotten about this weekend?" Wednesday asked you hopefully.
"I highly doubt so, but if they did you know Weems would make us still interact." You laughed wishing that they'd hurry up and get this over with.
"Miss Addams, where are your parents?" You turn around finding Principal Weems standing behind you and your sister with a look of concern covering her face.
"Late, like usual." Wednesday says, not copying your action.
The principal looks at your sister with a scowl, "I'll wait with the both of you then, it seems like everyone else parents have arrived." before it falls back into a comfortable silence.
"I believe that would be your parents," Weems looks at the car which had pulled up "I'll let you go, so you can talk." She says before leaving the two of you alone.
"Wednesday, Y/N, my darling children! How have you been?" Your mother asks once she steps out of the car.
"We've been wonderful mother," You attempt to smile for her, "Now please let's head in, we're already late."
"Please enjoy your stay!" Principal Weems had just finished giving her speech, though you didn't care to ask what she had asked. Watching as families moved and separated into the outcast groups, Larissa casually made her way over to your family, making sure not to alert your parents.
"My dear, you look as dark and beautiful as ever," Your mother complimented your younger sister looking her over, "Shame you couldn't wear more colours."
"Colour, it makes me want to claw my eyes out." She responded causing you to let out a laugh and bringing the attention to you.
"Y/N, You're getting perfect grades? We expect the best from you, especially since you are the oldest." Morticia asked, making your Principal's eyes snap over to the conversation.
"Yes mother, perfect grades in most of my subjects anyway." You reply knowing that she'd get angry but hopefully won't cause too much of a scene.
"What do you mean most of them?"
"I mean that I am sitting on a C for Outcast History and Botanics." You mutter in embarrassment, you were trying to study but you still seemed to fail.
"Y/N, dear. Please come with me, let's go on a walk." Not giving you a chance to protest before grabbing your arm and exiting into the entrance hall. Larissa had heard everything going on, only caring for your safety she followed behind from a safe distance.
"If you do not raise your grades by the end of the year, do not think about coming home ever again!" This made you come to a halt,
"Wednesday is doing much worse than me and you aren't telling this to her! You've always put so much pressure on me, and i've had to move school each time she was expelled." You yell, before running off to your room leaving your mother and Principal Weems whom was shocked. The moment you weren't in earshot of them, she came out from her corner,
"Morticia, I ask you to not talk to Y/N for the rest of the weekend unless she talks first." and with that Larissa makes her way after you, worried for your safety. Leaving your mother in a state of anger.
"Y/N? Dear, I heard everything. Please come out." Your Principal had called through the door and when she got no response, she let herself into your dorm, stopping when she saw your hunched figure by the window.
"Please just leave me alone."
"I don't think leaving you alone would be safe.." she sighed sitting down next to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
"You know, back when I was your age I came out to my parents as Bisexual and they disowned me on the spots," She pauses looking down at you. "It hurts doesn't it?"
"Sadly, I think it's more shock. Mom.. she usually just gets angry but this was the first time she's said that." You sniff, how you wish you could be Larissa's daughter instead of hers.
"Let me tell you something, your mother had terrible grades and only just got by." Your eyes widen at this new information, she had always bragged about her 'perfect' grades.
"Really? She always says she got perfect grades!" you laugh, wiping the tears from your eyes and leaning into her touch closing your eyes.
"Ha, well that's the biggest lie and I work at a school of teenagers." She looks down at you who was now laying down with your head in her lap, slowly dozing off to the feeling of her playing with your hair.
"I love you mom." you whisper not realising what you said but Larissa heard clearly and she couldn't but smile down at you.
"I love you to daughter."
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