#beyond the scnene
kaibutsushidousha · 3 years
Anyways, DRS first impressions:
The game starts you with Normal cards for all 5 protagonists, so I did my first (unbelievably lucky) run with Akamatsu. Most scnenes I got were pretty meh because, Iruma aside, the scenes relied on the other character being the other character without relying too much on Akamatsu being Akamatsu. I imagine the scenes with the other protagonist might feel similar.
A couple battle and rolls late I got my first Rare in Usami and my first Summer in Geno. Still didn't get anyone I was particularly excited to level, so I did an Usami run. Despite being a Rare, she ended up weaker because everything went so impossibly right in Normal Akamatsu's run. After that I got super lucky Impostor-Shirogane-Junko roll, so I already have three characters I'm dying to run before I touch the gacha again.
Anyways, I'll get to the point. The big surprise of the game. Both characters gave me an Iruma scene, and unbelievably enough... both Iruma scenes were actually pretty good. She's not any out-of-character, so there's a decent chance I might get garbage later, but so far were really enjoyable.
Akamatsu's "I can fix her" attitude alone already puts her Iruma scenes among the most tolerable by the default but their scene went further and beyond with the angle of "Fukawa is as verbally abusive as me so why does she get a Komaru while I'm here with no friends". And Usami's scene expands on Iruma's best canon joke, getting her so immersed in her and Monotarou's family tree that she's actually pretty kind to her "sister-in-law". It's very different, but doesn't feel like an unnatural extension of the Iruma we know. I'm genuinely thinking Hachimura writes Iruma better than Kodaka.
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nancylou444 · 7 years
@alexa-alcantara I didn’t realize (on my phone) that your post was HUGE.
And I’m so sorry it has taken me so long to respond to it, but here it is. 
Ahh TVD, it’s been a while, watched that too but didn’t bother with the books. But from what I remember that fandom has always been pretty relaxed on the whole book adaption thing, at least that was what I gathered. LOL, I guess you missed the battle over why does Elena have dark hair?. (x)
Doesn’t really help that the author is somewhat really petty about the show and its success without strictly following the books. The books are extremely Clace heavy and Malec is sidelined Yes, I’ve been informed about the author and her issues. And that is a reason why the books kind of turn me off. I read the summary of them and it is all about Clary this and Clary that. I want my Malec. 
So I personally don’t want to support that author anymore and stayed away from the Bane Chronicles BUT I’d love to hear your opinion of it once you finish! I’m curious, does the immortality issue get solved? The Bane Chronicles is just a collection of short stories and NO it doesn’t solve it. 
And I see, you encountered the “Clalec” ship..yikes. So here we have a diverse show, that unless SPN has a lot of romance going on and many possible ships, a lovely developed queer couple and some still managed to ship that one GAY character with a girl he couldn’t stand at the beginning, nevermind that Clary is very into Jace. You see, SPN isn’t alone with one completely unlogical ship. Oh yes, nice to know that every fandom has that group of idiots that love to erase canon for their ship. 
Now onto SPN, haha yes I’m indeed at the very beginning of season 9! Oh and I do get spoiled! But I don’t mind at all. Yes, a little spoiling isn’t bad. I was spoiled for Alec’s “wedding” but that didn’t stop the smile that came to my face when Alec kissed Magnus. 
I pretty much binge watched every season..until season 8. That season put a bit of a stop to my SPN enthusiasm.  Oh yes the stupidness that was season 8. We were so looking forward to Jeremy “I wrote Mystery Spot” Carver taking over and man we were shocked at the results. From OOC Sam getting dumb and not knowing that Dick would return to Purgatory and would maybe take Dean (and Cass) with him to him just giving up and shacking up with HER. 
Don’t even get me started on how much I (and a lot of us) thought she was all in Sam’s head and how disgusted we were to find out she was real. 
Oh yes, Cass being all noble and leaving Dean behind to keep him safe was a huge crock of shit. His ass should have stayed in Purgatory, even though I love Naomi, the show would have been better off without Cass’ return. There are some that don’t like Benny, but I did. He was more of a friend than Cass was and understood how important Sam was to Dean. 
Unfortunately, Castiel is still around to give J2 time off because the ptb are too stupid to kill him off and explore other characters that we want to know more about. According to them, Crowley has become ‘boring’ but not the angels. 
It’s more about them lacking the balls to deal with the minions than it is about them caring about giving the REAL FANS a better product. 
Seasons 11 and 12 are available on dvd, but I don’t know about their availability on netflix. 
And now back to ShadowHunters:
By now I prefer Show!Alec’s and Show!Magnus’ described outward appearances and characters over the book characters anyway and stick to fanfiction about missing scnenes in between or any pondering beyond the show timeline, possible endings or interesting AU’s. Since the Show!Malec is basically the only one I know or care to know, that is how I see Magnus and Alec. 
I’ve seen pics of the movie version, and “Magnus” seems okay, but “Alec” is UGLY. :p
But I am a fan of the two Malec stories in the Bane Chronicles. 
Okay, I think I got to everything, if I missed something, so sorry, but feel free to get back to me. 
I’m so sorry it took so long to get to this, but I would start and then get distracted by something else. Then forget to go back to it. 
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