#biblically accurate leon lore as far as i'm concerned
vitospaghetta · 8 months
In honor of Green Day's new album coming out recently and today being Dookie's 30th anniversary, I figure this is as good a time as any to share with y'all my most self-indulgent Leon headcanon:
Leon likes/listens to Green Day.
And yes, it may be self-indulgent given the fact that GD was my all-time favorite band growing up, HOWEVER!! I have some solid logic backing this up.
Let me preface this by saying that I am, by no means, saying that Leon's a Green Day fan in any way that is more than strictly casual. Consider this a sub-headcanon, but Leon's a pretty casual guy. I don't think he's a diehard fan of anything. He's a gen-x'er, and he's a normal gen-x'er at that. He grew up during a time where if you liked anything a little bit too much (openly, anyway), you were considered a weirdo. I can take one look at his windbreaker + Definitely Not Adidas sneaker combo Capcom had him wearing at the start of RE2 Remake and tell you that this guy was a little trend-chaser. Probably wanted to be well-liked and to fit in. He was the kinda guy who dropkicked his childhood interests into the ocean the second his ass hit high school, lest he make himself even the slightest bit cringe. He's also just a very casual guy in general. Laid back. Not the type to obsess much over anything.
But his high school years are exactly why I have this headcanon. The entire foundation of it is that Leon was in high school when Dookie was released in 1994. I can say, with absolute confidence, that there is no way this man could have escaped the Green Day craze. I always say that Dookie is an amazing coming of age record, and its impact on America's youth at the time is a testament to that. Dookie brought punk rock to the mainstream in a way that was still new and exciting. It was relatable and really resonated with younger people, which made the band insanely popular. To put it into perspective, Green Day was playing gigs in basements, back yards, and small clubs prior to Dookie's release on February 1, 1994, and by December of the same year they were playing Madison Square Garden. The post-Dookie Green Day craze was real.
There's no way Leon didn't hear one of the album's singles on the radio, or at a friend's house, or in someone's car. He'd fall in love with Basket Case, buy the CD to hear the entire album, and the rest is history. A Green Day enjoyer is born.
It's also worth noting that I headcanon that Leon primarily listens to rock music -- always has -- but in-step with him being very casual about stuff, I think he's a very 'I vibe with anything that gets radio play' kinda guy. He liked songs that were popular. Ones that were brought to his attention. That's, in great part, how you discovered new music.
So, all that being said, the best way to summarize his relationship with Green Day and this whole headcanon is this:
Has he ever been a diehard fan who's seen them in concert, worn band tees, or even loves most of their discography? No.
But you know Nimrod absolutely existed in the glove compartment of his car leading up to Raccoon City just because it's the album that had "Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)" on it.
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vitospaghetta · 8 months
I have a note on my laptop reminding me what I want to post about and it's just
That Is Not A Ziptie: an educational post
meta analysis of a literal two second clip of Leon's facial expression in DI
much more profound meta analysis of the ending scene of DI
GD headcanon that stands as biblically accurate lore as far as I'm concerned
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