doctordiscord123 · 3 months
Ooooh for requests: It's very early into their relationship and Google wants to cuddle and be all lovey dovey but the ✨genius super computer✨can't figure out how to ask So in a moment of ✨sheer brilliance✨ he kisses another ego to make Bing jealous and initiate. Truly the shoving a square peg into a round hole of problem solving all true RomComs strive for.
Google was...
What did Bing like to say?
Trying his best.
They'd only been dating a few months now, but really...hardly anything had changed about their dynamic. If anything, Bing seemed even more flustered and nervous around him, and barely seemed capable of even touching Google, let alone initiating anything romantic or heaven forbid sexual. Sure, when Google initiated, gave him a little kiss or even just praised his work, Bing responded well. But he was getting a little tired of dancing around the subject, waiting for Bing to catch up.
So he went to the internet.
And what came up as a great motivator was jealousy.
Google could do jealousy.
So he waited. Waited for his moment, biding his time, until the perfect moment. It was just him and Bing in the living room, Bing watching some reality show while Google tinkered with a small project across his lap. They weren't touching, and it made Google twitch a little with irritation. Surely he wasn't that scary to his boyfriend of all beings. But when he'd gently touched Bing's thigh, rested his hand there a moment, Bing had sparked so violently and flushed such a bright shade of orange, Google had thought he'd broken something. So, no touching.
For now.
Just his luck, the next ego to walk in had been Bim. A more ideal option than some of the others. Bim wasn't paying attention to either of them, talking on the phone and seeming to want to head straight through the living room and into the kitchen.
Google didn't plan on letting him get that far.
Standing up, he carefully moved his project and all the spare pieces to the couch, walked over, grabbed Bim by the collar, and kissed him.
Bim practically shrieked, floundering in his iron grasp, before eventually managing to pull away once Google felt sufficient time had passed. "What the fuck, Google?!" He glanced at his phone, at the now hung-up call, and swore violently. "Great, Alice is going to kill me --" He stormed off immediately, forgetting whatever he was going to do in the kitchen, and already tapping away at his phone.
Google thought it was going to work. In fact, he was smirking when he turned to look at Bing. But then he saw Bing's face...how his boyfriend looked closer to being heartbroken and in tears rather than jealous...and something inside Google twisted up, circuits tangling in knots as it finally got through his supercomputer of a brain that he might've fucked up.
"Bing, I --"
Bing didn't say a word, just stood, and walked out of the room, shoving past Google with a barely disguised sob as the tears started falling. Google grimaced, running a hand through his hair, and swore under his breath.
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inky-snowdrop · 1 year
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~ Love Is Love ~
A 2023 L.G.B.T+ Aesthetic Collection
Day 10 • Bim Trimmer is Gay!
Day 9 • Day 11
👇🏽 Pride Headcanons Below! 👇🏽
Was one of the first egos to come out to everyone in the Manor (the absolute first was Wilford... Because he can't keep a secret for shit and honestly, he doesn't give a flying fuck what anyone thinks about him)
Speaking of not giving a flying fuck, Bim would be a HUGE advocate for LGBTQ+ rights (along with women's, poc, and disability rights) and would proudly state what he believes on his gameshow. If any republican YouTuber or TikToker used him in a video and complained about how "woke" or "brainwashed" he was, Bim would 100% respond and boy howdy, it would not be a good day for that heckler. He has absolutely 0 tolerance for people who use religion to oppress others.
Bim is definitely the most outrageous during Pride Month out of all the egos. I'm talking cannons full of rainbow confetti exploding in people's faces, creating entire tuxedos and makeup looks that are absolutely DRENCHED in rainbow glitter, organizing and attending Pride events all around L.A. and at the Manor, inviting queer celebrities onto his gameshow, decorating the Manor with every single Pride flag in existence etc. etc. He definitely loops in other egos to help like The Jims, Wilford, and Yan.
Bim actually hasn't been in many relationships. There was really only Matthias, obviously, and that relationship had ended in a while bunch of heartbreak. Now, Bim is somewhat dating Google and things are going well. After the roller coaster ride that was Bim's relationship with Matthias, having such a calm and intellectual partner is very refreshing. Google balances Bim's manic energy very nicely. Plus... Bim gets 4 boyfriends for the price of 1 😈 There's a never ending supply of cuddles!
Bim is often seen as an older brother figure for some of the younger egos, especially Eric and The Jims. Being this "role model" figure, Bim is open to answer any questions, especially if they are about anything LGBTQ+. Bim is often who the other egos go to when they are questioning their identity.
If Bim had to pick a song to describe his sexuality, he'd pick: QUEEN by Todrick Hall
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deceptive-jo · 9 months
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Quick Bimgle to test out my new drawing app
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captainmooni · 2 years
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regalrain · 1 year
This is based off my Google. I included ones his extensions have said, and from au’s.
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mysticalrebelpatrol · 2 years
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i thought this was funny honestly and this is helping me get back into somewhat colored things so:
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a bonus shitpost
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ashesofangst · 2 years
Bim and google are very gay
I feel like I know who sent this, but anyway, yeah.
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fishareglorious · 5 months
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vernetto bimgles...
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icecreams0up · 1 year
I LOVE BIMGLE bimgle forever and ever
this guy gets it
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doctordiscord123 · 3 months
Can I request Bim Trimmer daydreaming over someone please? Love struck? Your choice who
Bim sighed, staring into space in his dressing room, waiting for the crew to finish setting up for his show. He wasn't entirely paying attention to the clock, they could be done by now and he wouldn't know. He was...busy.
Busy thinking about how pretty Google was.
Google, with his pretty hair and pretty face. Bim liked how he was never afraid to give his opinion, nor did he fear making himself heard. He loved how smart Google was, loved how passionate he was about his work, his machines, his little creations. Loved how Google's eyes would literally light up when he asked about them. God, he could listen to Google talk for hours...
Of course, Bim loved Google's violent streak, too.
Bim's finger idly drew hearts across his dressing room makeup counter as Bim stared at his own reflection, not really seeing, as he thought of Google. Google, face splattered with someone's blood as he slowly chipped away at his secondary objective. Google, who wasn't afraid to literally shock him and the others into line if he wanted to. Google, a walking machine built for the mass murder of humankind. Google, who was built to look so pretty while he did... Bim sometimes wondered if he counted in the numbers of that objective. After all, he wasn't entirely human, not like some of the others. His sharp teeth and purple eyes spoke to that.
He wondered what Google's face would look like, after he kissed him. Would he be shocked, surprised? Lips parted in confusion, a rare expression? Or would he be smug, that damnable pretty smirk on his face as they parted? Or would it be something else entirely, an expression Bim couldn't fathom until he'd seen it?
There was a knock on his dressing room door. "Bim?" Alice, his manager, called from the other side. "Bim, they're ready for you."
Bim shook his head, and actually focused on his reflection. He was blushing quite badly, something he hoped would simply be brushed off as the heat from the lights on set. When he stepped out of the dressing room, however, Alice raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything, just led him through the studio to the set.
Bim flashed his winning smile as he walked on set to the sound of his usual intro music, running on autopilot with his thoughts still filled with nothing but Google.
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callmegkiddo · 2 years
I'ma go talk to uncle bing.
Hehehe Bimgle ♡
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a2sbkgp · 5 days
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cedarpointofficial · 16 days
bimgle pussy
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regalrain · 2 years
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A commission I got from the very talented @the-moon-pal of my version of Google (Alvis) and @doctordiscord123 's Bim Trimmer!!!
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wilfywarfy · 2 years
Googleplier doodle cuz I'm sleep deprived
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(Click for better quality)
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lostcybertronian · 3 years
4 and 20 with Bim/Google please
Tags: @tiny-yan-an @darkstache-iplier @cookieface678 @bing-iplier @storm337 @sketchy-scribs-n-doods @pixelenchanter @itsjustkyss @darkiplurrr @demon-dark-666 @moonysmayhem @xpouii @projectwkm @sororia04s @purple-anxiety-blog @rabbitsartcorner @tried-my-best @endangered-cryptid @swag-droid @skatle-skootle-demon-noodle
Prompt 4/20: “Can I listen to your heart?” / “What does my heart sound like?”
“I strongly advise you go to the doctor.” Blue said this as he applied antibiotic ointment to the burns on Bim’s hands. He said it without looking up. Without making eye contact. He didn’t need to make eye contact to know Bim was avoiding his gaze, training it instead on his ruined hands, which were faintly shaking. He seemed moments away from passing out, right there in his armchair.
Bim scoffed. “I’ll be fine. It’ll heal. I needed a little help, that’s all.”
Blue eyed the third-degree burns wrapping around Bim’s hands and wrists; what skin was left was shiny and inflamed, while the wounds themselves oozed hot, raw pain. They were already healing, and there likely wouldn’t even be a scar to mottle his pretty hands; the benefit of being a bit to the left of human.
Still, he continued tending to the burns. Bim watched him in silence. A slight pink tinging his cheeks and nose. Blue’s scans told him it was likely from the blast of heat that came from having an object spontaneously combust in his hands.
“I must listen to your heart,” he said, after some time, “and analyze the damage done by smoke inhalation.”
He held out one hand, and Bim obediently presented his neck, tilting his chin up and to the side so Blue could press two fingers there, using his medical software-- he didn’t have much, but the company who’d made him had been thorough in his design and wanted him to be able to serve in all capacities-- to measure the show host’s heartbeat and blood pressure. His vitals and other biological statistics flickered in front of his vision, as well as his hormone levels from the blood still staining his fingertips.
“What does my heartbeat sound like?” Bim asked as the android studied the data, eyes narrowed and lips pressed into a hard line.
“Elevated, though this is expected.” Came the response. “Your levels of oxytocin and serotonin are higher than average, not something typically associated with third-degree burns, even though they are healing supernaturally quickly.”
He glanced at Bim, who immediately flushed a deeper shade of red and averted his gaze.
Ah. It clicked suddenly. Blue immediately withdrew, noting the subtle shift toward disappointment in Bim’s expression.
“You possess-” he started, right as Bim blurted, “Go on a date with me?”
“No.” Blue said it hard. Firm. Harsh. He got up, retreating toward the door. His feet sunk into the carpet and his fans whirred far too loud, forcing out particles of air that, in his distress, he found himself analyzing.
Oxygen. Nitrogen. Carbon. Dust and skin flakes. Things he didn’t need to consume or even notice because he wasn’t human and he did not feel as they did.
“Blue-” Bim’s face crumpled, and he looked down at his hands, still healing but still wrecked. He didn’t say anything else as Blue spun and left the room
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