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Humans are Space Orcs, “For Cosmetic Purposes.”
Hope everyone enjoys the story and has a wonderful Tuesday.
Three shuttles skimmed across the open sand, kicking up clouds of blue dust into the shimmering heat. The Sun beat down from above through the hazy green sky. The sand shimmered in the heat and a gentle wind blew streams off the top of dunes.
“Alpha one to Bravo one, seen anything yet?”
“Negative alpha one, still searching.”
“How about you charlie.”
“Nothing yet.”
“You would think with the tracker he'd be easier to find.”
“Ts all the dust in the atmosphere interfering with the signal. Generally it should be able to pinpoint him to within ten feet, but with the dispersion, that ten foot circle has become more like ten miles.”
“Ten miles is still better than a whole galaxy.”
“Think he's alright, if he got caught in that sandstorm…..” The comms went quiet, the marines unwilling to think of what that might mean.Admiral Vir was…. Well a survivor. He had served so many things that to think a sandstorm could have taken him out was almost preposterous. He was like a fixture on the galaxy, and to loose him would be like losing the part of the universe that was human.
It was just then that the three shuttles crested over another low hill, only to see a glint of darkness against the blue sand.
“Hold on, i think we got him.”
The black sport was moving, just cresting u the next rise, walking slowly back towards civilization.
IT turned as the three shuttles rolled forward.. 
He stood against the green sky, boots planted on the blue sand. He had a scarf wrapped around his head to keep the sun out, and a delicate wind rippled the cloth. The only thing visible was his eyes.
They pulled to a stop coming to rest on the soft blue sand of the dune.
The door opened and Ramirez walked forward to greet the Admiral as he strowed over the sand and into the shuttle.
“Where’s Su-”
The Admiral brushed past him without so much as looking at him, marching to the front of the shuttle. He trailed sand as he went, the little blue particles were crusted into every inch of his visible clothing, seeming to have integrated themselves into the very fabric itself.
He paused by the pilot’s seat, looking down at the young man with an expression that could could have crystalised the blood in the young man’s veins, “You’re in my seat.” 
The young pilot quickly scrambled out of the seat and stood at near attention beside it as the admiral took his seat and strapped in, is clothes making a painful creaking sound with their heavy sand content.
“Adam wha-” “They took her.” The man said, “They took her.”
“What, who did they take…. You mean…. Sunny?”
Adam didn’t answer, but engaged the ship’s engines and lifted them off the sand. Ramirez and the young pilot were forced to stagger back and strap themselves in to the seats.
The man’s movements were quick and precise, but somehow hinted at an ever increasing violence underneath.
Adam as he had been was no longer here.
Sunny awoke with a pounding head and a sandy tongue. Her throat and breathing holes were so parched that she had trouble breathing and certainly speaking as she wheezed to life. She tried sitting up but immediately bashed her head on something hard and metal. She winced leaning against the ground and looking around,
It was dark, and difficult to see, but reaching out with her four hands she could feel the walls of a metal box end clothing her from all sides. Her heart hammered as she realized, and the air in the box seemed to grow heavier as she pressed against the sides, trying to push the box open.
When that didn’t work, she pressed her face up against a single airhole, just about eye size and sucked in some cool clean air. Her body was shaking, but she forced herself to calm down and lay back, arms lying crossed over her chest. She was going to be ok, if she could just calm down.
She took another deep breath and listened hard.
Through the box she could feel the rumbling of the ship's engines unfamiliar to her seeming ominous where the rumbling of the Omen might have been calming. And then, just above that, she thought she could hear voices. She leaned her head forward, pressing the side of her head against the hole allowing the sound to funnel down to her..
“And this stuff really has medical value.”
A snort, “Of course it doesn’t, do you think rhino horn had any benefit other than  witchdoctor shit.”
“Then what’s the point?”
“I don’t know, it's supposed to  be full of calcium or some shit. Whatever it is, its colorful and shiny, and people like to take it in pills, and then you can grind the rest up into a powder and mix it with nail polish. Supposed to last months.
“But that's all bullshit.”
“So is crystal healing and fumigating your anus, but people still do it.”
The other voice grunted in a half laugh, “Alright, alright I get your point. How much does one bottle go for.”
“If we keep scarcity up, than about 100,000”
A squeak of shock, “That much!”
“Well since diamonds are so readily available these days, they had to come up with something more interesting. Now capturing a live Drev and grinding them up into beauty products is a pretty dangerous task, so hence, the price goes up.”
Sunny sat back in her containment, wide eyed.
So it was true than.
All of the stories and rumors.
And now she was on the receiving end.
“The blue one will fetch a nice price I think. Seems healthier than the others.
“Take her out of the cage, make sure she’s gassed good before you try. Drev are worse than humans when it comes to captivity. They’ll do anything to break your neck.”
Sunny heard footsteps approaching across the floor and scrambled inside the box kicking and clawing at the lid desperately trying to get out.
“She’s lively!”
She heard a sharp, cachunk as something was attached to the outside of the box, followed by a sharp hiss. Almost instantly she felt her body go limp and she flopped back against the metal unable to move as the lind was pried open and light assailed her eyes.
A grinning human stared down at her from above, bright blue eyes and dark black hair.
The smile was the kind of malicious smile humans get when they mock you.
“Hello little scarab, are you ready to make us lots of money.”
They weren’t covering their faces, and that is when Sunny knew that they didn’t plan to let her go. The man leaned down, hooking some chains under and against her arms before motioning to someone outside her view.
There was a whirring, and the chains were raised, her with them.
Her carapace scraped against the box.
“Hey, don’t damage the merchandise!”
“Sorry boss.”
She was stopped, hanging vertically as the two men stepped forward and began to examine her, tapping against her carapace.
One of them tapped a nail against the front of her thigh, “Looks like someone’s already taken a piece, look, she's missing some in through here.”
“A pity, but the back will do well enough
“Take off a little from her shoulder, grind it up and see how it looks.”
Sunny rotated slowly on the chains as the men moved to get their tools, and as she did her eyes fell on something… something she didn’t want to see, something so horrible she wished she could look away, but only managed to close her eyes, moaning in horror and fear.
That was her fate.
The three shuttles touched down on the Pirab docking station and when the doors open, admiral vir stepped into the sun sand grinding against his skin. The marines followed behind him, scrambling like rats as he made his way across the tarmac to where the Tesraki docking master was talking to a set of Rundi guards.
The admiral completely bypassed the guards stepping up to tower over the Tesraki.
“Where are they!” he demanded 
The Tesraki backed away his hands raised.
“Where are who.”
“The smugglers, where are they. I know they were heading to this docking station. They would have come in during or right after the sandstorm.”
“I assure you. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
The marines yelped and lunged forward as the admiral reached down and grabbed the Tesraki by the throat, hauling him into the air, “You are impeding a GA investigation. Now tell me again WHERE THEY WENT!” Rtamirez grabbed his hand, and pried it off as the Tesraki fell back to the ground choking and mewling.
“I don’t know.” He stammered out, “I don't know. They came in early this morning and left on their ship. I can give you the tag numbers and their general heading, but that’s all, I swear.”
Adam snarled, and the tesraki squealed scrambling to pull up the information on his holopad.
The marines looked on in shock and concern.
Adam held up a hand silencing Ramirez.
“here , here, just take it.” The Tesraki pushed the holopad into the human’s hands and then scrambled the pack. Adam stared at it for a few moments as the information uplinked to his own implants, and then tossed the holopad onto the sand where it sent up a could of dust. He then turned and marched back towards the shuttle with the marines running after him.
“Admiral.” Maverick tried this time, but he ignored her entirely, stepping ont othe ship and focing himself towards the font of the bockpit.”
He was so angry his hands were almost shaking, and only moving, only action could keep him from his fear… the fear that she was dead…. Or worse.
As soon as he stopped moving he knew the tears would come, knew the fear would paralyse him, so he kept his mind focused and forward on one single goal.
He had to rescue Sunny.
He had to.
There were no other options.
Sunny screamed in agony as the whirling blade ground through a piece of her carapace. 
If she could have moved she would have kicked and struggled against them, but it was no use. The blade whirred to a stop and she panted in pain and fear.
One of the men pulled back taking the chip of her carapace and handing it over to the other man, who brought it across the room to where a large machine stood.
He dropped the piece in through the top, and she listened to the grinding sound as the carapace was ground into dust, all while her eyes were fixed on the horrible sight to her front.
Drev, Drev hanging in chains, in various states of tortured.
The one on the right looked almost whole, but the one on the far left…. She couldn’t even look.
She hissed in quiet disgust and fear at the carapace-less Drev hanging listless and broken against the chains, every last inch of him stolen from what he once had been. 
That was going t obe her
That was her fate.
And now she couldn't move, couldn’t fight.
Please, Adam….someone…. help.
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imagine-lcorp · 7 years
Mustang Ride (Part II)
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Maybe like they arrive at a major get together, including Sam Arias and maybe Eliza, like for Alex's birthday. Only for an attempt on either Kara, from a major enemy or on Lena and Kara and reader expose themselves to Sam and the other unknowing members of the Super friends.
A/N: Hi guys! I hope you’re doing well in life. Here I bring you a part  two for Mustang Ride, thanks to @veteranwerewolf95 who wanted me to continue with the story and gave me the idea for this part. It has become a series, so wait for the next part, soon I hope.  Kudos to her <3 also check her blog!! Remember that request are open, you can hit it guys and tell me your ideas for new imagines. I have a few now in my list and I’m gonna be working on them. I hope you enjoy this one and please tell me what you think!!
Lena Luthor x Shapeshifter!Reader//Word Count: 1,869
Series: Part I - Part II - Part III  - Part IV - Part V
"This has gone too far." You mumbled with your hands covering your face.
"Don't you like it?" Lena teased and smiled as she wrapped her arms around you.
"You're a dork." You lowered your hands and laughed.
There were many reasons to love Lena Luthor. She was strong, independent, kind, loyal, compassionate, smart, stunning, a badass, and she was so, so much more. She never ceased to amaze you. Everything she was, and everything she did, you considered it divine. Looking at the black '68 Mustang convertible in her parking spot made you reaffirm your belief that she was a marvel out of this world.
"What? It's a classic." She said while walking towards the driver's door. It was a nice car, you had to admit. "Now, get in."
"Are you driving?" You raised an eyebrow at her. You walked towards the trunk to put your bag in.
"Mmm, this is my Mustang so..." There was a playful look in her eyes. "Yes, I'm gonna ride it." She turned the key and started the car with a big roar.
"There she goes." You smiled and rolled your eyes while walking towards the passenger's door. You imagined that Lena and J'onn could have a good conversation. Considering he also droved a '52 convertible that technically was a spaceship.
Saturday was Alex's birthday and you were going to Midvale to celebrate. Their mother, Eliza, had convinced them to take, at least, the weekend off for the party. So, Kara invited all the Superfriends, including Sam and Ruby, during the last game night. You were more than happy to be going and spend the weekend there. However, it was like a two hour trip from National City to Midvale, and Lena had offered Sam to carpool. It was still Friday when you drove to her house and picked them up. Sam and Ruby were as excited to spend the weekend outside the city.
You arrived at Eliza's house late afternoon. You saw J'onn's car and three motorcycles in the driveway and guessed the Superfriends had arrived early. Kara walked out of the house and welcomed you, leading you inside. As you guessed, the Superfriends were there. James and the birthday girl, Alex, were chatting in the living room. Maggie and J'onn were helping Eliza in the kitchen, and Winn was trying to set up the TV for the karaoke.
After you say hello, Sam and Lena went to catch up with the rest at the living room. Ruby was excited to talk with Alex about a science project for her class, and you went to the kitchen to help with the dinner and cake. Eliza was thrilled to meet you, Kara had told her about your shapeshifting abilities, and she found it fascinating, considering you were not an alien like J'onn.
It was a wonderful evening to celebrate Alex's birthday. Family and friends were there, the food in the oven was delicious, you were sure, and everyone was having a good time. Before dinner, Kara put everyone to sing duets with the karaoke but, of course, she and Ruby stole the spotlight. An hour later, you were helping Eliza set the table and the Superfriends were taking their seats, ready to eat.
However, while you were sitting the doorbell rang, making everyone look at each other in confusion. As far as you knew, none of you were expecting any more guests. It was probably a neighbor calling or a door-to-door salesman, nothing to worry about, so you offered yourself to go open the door.
"Oh, shut." It was the only thing you could say, before your eyes went wide open and a strong hand caught you by the neck, as you opened the door. This was unfortunately something to worry about.
Everyone at the table suddenly stood up, looking with eyes wide open, furrowed eyebrows, or covering their mouths in surprise. Out of the corner of your eyes, you could see your friends preparing themselves to defend you.
"(Y/N)." You heard Lena gasp.
"One move and I break your friend's neck." Rasped Hank Henshaw, taking slow steps inside the house. The pressure in your neck seemed to increase with every step you had to take back.
You tried to turn around to see your friends. Alex, Kara, James and J'onn were in agent-superhero mode, if their clenched jaws and tensed poses were any indication. Winn was practically petrified, looking back and forth between you and Henshaw, waiting for something to happen. Maggie and Eliza were near Sam, who was holding Ruby behind her, trying to protect her. You couldn't see Ruby, but you knew she should be scared. Then you saw Lena, taking a step forward, ready to face her mother's minion.
"What do you want Henshaw?" J'onn demanded to know. Kara had to grab Lena by the arm.
"I'm here from Ms. Luthor..." He looked at your friends with his robotic eye turning a little brighter. "And she's coming with me." At that, you transformed into the biggest animal you could think of.
Henshaw certainly didn't expect being punched in the face by a polar bear. He was still holding you when you transformed and he turned to see you with a confused frown. You seized the opportunity to try to push him back, tearing part of his face and chest with your claws. Next, you turned into rhino and rammed him outside the house, breaking the door frame. You would have to apologize to Eliza later for that. Unfortunately, you remembered Henshaw had super strength as he grabbed you by the horn and threw you over his head. The impact leaving you a little dazed.
When you focused back to Henshaw, you realized Kara and J'onn were outside too, greeting him with clenched fist. This should have been an easy fight, two against one were good numbers, but Henshaw really knew how to fight. J'onn was launched to the front yard with in a single movement and Kara was throwing punches that he managed to dodge or block. Alex and James were at the door watching the fight, surely planning how to help.
You got on your feet and ran towards them, an idea popping in your head. With a jump you landed on Henshaw's back as a python and wrapped yourself around his neck and arms, as tightly as possible. You managed to immobilize him, enough for Kara, and J'onn to return, and hit him in the guts. You considered it payback for almost choking you. However, he started to untangle himself, grabbing and stretching you with his bare hands.
You couldn't risk being teared apart by his bare hands so you had to let go and Henshaw tossed you again to the side. The fight continued with Kara and J'onn blowing punches at him. You could hear the three of them complaining and grunting at every blow. So you returned to the fight, back as a polar bear. Henshaw heard you growl and turned his head, his angry expression telling you he had had enough of your animal shenanigans.
Henshaw had the nerve to grab J'onn by the neck and use him as a bowling ball against Kara before going for a bear hug with you. He wrapped her arms around you, lifting and squeezing your torso until the pain made you scream. You had to turn back to normal and fell to the ground. Henshaw was ready to finish you when a blast threw him away. Alex was in the driveway, pointing her alien gun at him.  
After that, the fight ended pretty much quickly. Kara and J'onn recovered fast enough to deliver a couple of power punches more, making Henshaw finally withdraw. Kara wanted to chase after him but J'onn convinced her not to. It was already night time and he had easily disappeared, they couldn't risk going into a bigger trap.
"(Y/N)!" You heard Lena scream as she passed Alex and James at the door. You were still in the ground, grunting and holding your sides, it hurt like hell and you were breathing with some difficulty. Kara and J'onn also rushed towards you.
"Let's get inside. (Y/N) will need some medical attention." Ordered J'onn. Kara had to carry you inside with Lena following close behind.
Kara left you in her room upstairs, with Alex and Eliza to check your injuries. James and Winn were improvising a new front door while the rest of the girls were in the living room, distracting Ruby. At first, she had been scared of the whole situation but, after realizing she was surrounded by literal superheroes, it triggered her excitement.
"You'll have to rest for at least seven weeks." Eliza handed you a few painkillers and a glass of water.
"Alright, got it." You grimaced as you took the pills.
"That means no shapeshifting for a while, (Y/N)." Alex raised an eyebrow.
"This means I’ll have to take the bus to work, ugh." You grunted.
"I'm gonna call Lena, be right back." Alex ruffled your hair and left the room.
"How's (Y/N)?" J'onn asked once she saw Alex walk down the stairs. Lena turned immediately, fidgeting with her hands. She had seen you struggle with your breathing and she hoped it wasn't anything serious.
"With four broken ribs but fine." She said while walking towards the group. "You can go upstairs now, if you want, Lena."
"Thank you." That's all Lena said before rushing upstairs.
Eliza had made some recommendations and reminded you again not to use your abilities, until they were sure you were completely recovered. You thanked her and also apologized for the broken door. She just laughed and assured you it was fine, you had saved them after all. Then, Lena showed up at the door and she left the room to give you some privacy. You smiled when you saw Lena and raised your hand towards her.
"How are you feeling?" She asked and took your hand in hers.
"Good, with some pain but I'm okay. I had it worst in Roulette's ring." You squeezed her hand reassuringly. It was definitely not the worst injury you ever had. "How's everyone?"
She sat near you, in Kara's bed, and told you how everyone was doing so far after the attack. James and Winn were still working on the improvised door. J'onn and Kara were still talking about Henshaw, and Maggie and Alex were talking with Sam and Ruby, trying to answer their questions without revealing anything too confidential.
"Ruby is a little bit too excited now that she knows her aunts and uncles are superheroes." Lena chuckled.
"I bet." You smiled, knowing Ruby would want to know everything about the Superfriends.
"So, what did Eliza tell you?"
"Just that I need to rest and have a few checkups, to see if I'm healing correctly. Also, I can't transform for, like, seven weeks at least. Meaning… I would need a ride to work." You raised an eyebrow at her.
"Alright." Lena smiled and kissed you. "Just not my Mustang."
"Hey, I saved your life." You tried to protest. "Twice."
"Mmm, I guess we can carpool." Then she kissed you. It was going to be an interesting weekend.
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