#blah blah i know it's worldbuilding and showing the results of the war
mafuyuh · 1 year
a feast for crows is so far my least favorite book in the asoiaf series
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carcinized · 3 years
okay now i’m actually like. worldbuilding and i wanna talk about my banger life-after-death limbo system that combines dsmp canon, greek mythology, egyptian mythology, and a tiny helluva boss easter egg. and of course original ideas too. idk i just love creating life-after-death systems so this came fast to me ansjjs
this is all for my dsmp pantheon au btw
so everyone has their own personalized limbo. but who decides what kind of limbo someone deserves, and who designs it and keeps souls there and whatever else?
first we gotta go with a crash course in some lore, then a history lesson of this fictional world.
the original two judges of the dead were technoblade and tubbo. technoblade because he can hear the voices of the vengeful dead in his head & is the god of dying wishes (among other things). tubbo because he is the god of two-sided, tricky situations as well as necessary lies and unnecessary truths.
however, tubbo skipped nearly every trial because, in his opinion, they’re all either boring or just plain horrible and he doesn’t enjoy either, so why would he go?
technoblade also dislikes the trials because the voices in his head go wild during them; however, he is more responsible than tubbo (though he often still rules leniently in halfhearted hopes that a nicer limbo will persuade the dead to be kinder and not push their horrible wills onto his own).
finally, everyone agrees that tubbo shouldn’t have to go to every meeting. they leave technoblade alone in most and he only sends the truly hard cases to tubbo, and those truly hard cases are rare.
also: note that sam, the god of fair punishments and kept promises, often shows up uninvited to the trials. he is the warden of limbo and likes to see the entire process through, and while he technically isn’t allowed at the trails, neither technoblade nor tubbo care enough to actually keep him out (especially once tubbo is gone. techno is almost glad for some of the responsibility being off of his shoulders).
after a soul is judged, their fate is turned over to dream, who designs their personal limbo. being god of the mind, he's perfectly suited for creating personal heavens/hells. bbh builds dream's design and delivers the souls to it, and sam keeps them there (limbo warden go brrr).
anyways so big war happens blah blah blah whole myth about technoblade and dream and wilbur soot that's a story for another time
but that war results in technoblade not being trusted as the "main" judge of the dead so everyone votes that niki should judge by his side to make sure he isn't too harsh (ironic considering he's the lenient one and she's surprisingly hard on people)
also, dream is stripped of his job and put into his own personal limbo (no other prison could hold a god. ironically, he designed his own limbo. not sure why anyone thought that was a good idea amirite? am i implying something here idk but it's an IDEA)
anyways so in the present of the au (if there even is a present; but what i currently consider the present, anyways, when you die, you're brought before the blood god and the goddess of the seas. they judge you with the god of fair punishments lurking illegally in the corner. and if you're really hard to judge, you go to see the god of two-sided situations.
anyways, between those four, your fate is decided, and your limbo is turned over to badboyhalo, who designs it, builds it, and carries your soul to it.
once your soul is in your limbo, sam guards it and keeps it there.
sometimes mumza will visit and bring gifts for souls to make life more pleasant. (sam actually caught on to this one and never told anyone; he listens to what their life was like during trials and sneaks them things he thinks they'll like based off that. he hasn't told anyone, since he's the god of fair punishments, but maybe the punishments weren't fair, right? anyways mumza knows but sam has no idea she knows).
then you stay there!! unless you're ranboo or wilbur who both have hella complicated death myths that i will explain in a later post ahahah
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