#blasting out words like i'm Barry from hidey hide's whooper
maaradag · 9 months
massive, rambly spoilers for the new WILTY christmas episode underneath
First thoughts after finishing: oboy, both Lee and David going THROUGH it. Bet Rob was feeling all good safe in his host chair.
The guests were Victoria Coren Mitchell (whee!), Naga Munchetty, Alex Brooker and Melvyn Hayes. I'll admit I had to look everybody's names up except VCM.
Alex Brooker's lie has been available as a clip on the BBC website for a couple of days now, so nothing new there. Delighted by the fact that Victoria's (unbroken?) streak of guessing correctly on this show continues
So for me the show proper started with Victoria's card, which oh my god, holy shit, this was worth the wait.
David looks like he wants to sink into the floor, but for me, as Lee says: "If it helps in any way, I'm absolutely loving it."
I mean this is golden. Victoria starts trying to explain David's underwear philosophy, before turning to David and checking if she's not you know, revealing too much information on national television. David who has already spent the last few minutes looking like this is his worst nightmare, reassures her that no worries, "this is dreadful". All the while Lee is clapping his hands delightedly.
(BONUS Sweet moment!. Naga patting David on the shoulder, in an attempt at reassurement, cringing too hard to be very reassuring)
I don't know who Melvyn Hayes is (I'm not British, so my bad I guess) but his small comments here and there really brought it up a notch. Could have been annoying but it was really funny.
Other nice quotes from this round:
Victoria (to David, having revealed much about his underwear habits): I'm so sorry. (Then she laughs a bit more)
David: thE biBLe AnD fifTy SHadEs oF grAy
Melvin Hayes: I'm excited! (everybody cracks up)
This was FINALLY the resolution of Lee's quest to find out what David wears underneath his clothes.
(If only I still wrote fanfiction, and if only I could ever manage to write RPF this would segment would surely inspire me. Just putting that out into the universe before going back to hiding beneath the covers)
Have some pictures of David going through it:
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BONUS: Lee being a smug bastard
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The Melvin Hayes story did very little for me, as previously mentioned, no clue who he was before this, and the people he mentions are people I've heard about before but also know very little. Glad everyone seems so delighted by it though.
To contrast the previous picture have a happy picture of David and Victoria being pleased by Melvin Hayes story
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THIS IS MY (Feat. a Celebrity Guest whoohooo)
Yet another person I don't know who is, but Patti seemed famous and Lee was all over her which turned out to be quite funny.
Victoria's sounded familiar by any rate, like I heard it before. Delightful story anyhow, her delivery of "better still, you can be in it." killed me.
Naga with the slow reveal of it being Lee that they hadn't recognized. Wonderful! Lovely! No notes. It's great that the story wasn't true because then the digs at Lee, and the Jimmy whatshiface of it all just became the marks of a good liar
(looked it up, the guy's Jimmy Nail. An English singer-songwriter apperenly, according to google).
David used his versatile tool to make decent stomach growls. Colour me impresssed.
Last round is a classic Lee round, in which he gets an herculean task and we watch him try to reel it in. (Alex B turns out to be quite the generous laughter which is great.)
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Tag yourself I'm Alex, losing it.
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