okayisournewalways · 11 years
Will you guys please read this and message or reblog with feedback! Good or bad I wanna know if this is good for my English class! Thanks. Chapter 1 Maggie Flip. Flip. Flip. I turned the pages frantically of my dictionary, trying to find the word I was looking for. It didn't seem to be anywhere. I felt someone's eyes on the back of my head. I whipped around half expecting to see some weird stalker person following me. But nope, alls I found was Bailey Marshall. A semi-cute guy from my university writing class. He flashed me a wide smile. I waved half-heartedly in his direction. When I focused on him more I seen a note with 'Look on page 93'. I turned around not knowing what other to do then look on the page. There, was a giant square cut out of my book. 'Loutish' the word right before the word I needed. Psst. I turn around to see Bailey with the word 'Love' and its description underneath it taped to his forehead. The word I needed, was taped to Baileys head. "Oh my," I said under my breath, not wanting to intimidate Bailey. He was obviously flirting with me. He has been since the first of the semester. I didn't even bother with getting the piece of MY dictionary from him. I got up and walked out of the café. I heard a ding behind me but decided not to glance back. I already knew who it would be. "Maggie! Maggie!" Somebody called behind me. My assumption was right, it could only be one person. Bailey. He quickly caught up with me tapping me on the shoulder rapidly. "Yes?" I said whipping around to face him. "I-I just wanted to give you this." He stuttered. He handed me the piece of my missing dictionary. "Why thank you." I said loudly prancing away. Making my way home in record time. I don't know what but I felt exhilarated. Full of energy. Bloop. My phone was buzzing and bleeping at the same time. I dug around inside my purse trying to find my phone when I felt like I was on a cloud. I didn't recognize the feeling until I was on the ground. Great. My high heel had broken. My phone was still bleeping by the time I got back up.i finally found my phone which was in the front pocket of my purse. Wow, how smart am I? Dear Maggie, I really like you and was wondering if you would like to meet me at the Garden-front restraunt tomorrow night at 8. Please come. Xoxoxo -Bailey I had to read over the text a few times to understand, then soaking it all in I finally ran up three flights of stairs to my apartment. Lying on my bed, I felt full of energy from the text, I couldn't wait until tomorrow night! Chapter 2 Bailey Bloo-blee-blop. My phone chimed as I brushed my teeth. Maggie hasn't replied all night. I dropped my tooth brush into the sink and leapt for the phone sitting on my night stand. Dear Bailey, I can't wait until tonight! Mwah! Xxx -Maggie My heart was beating so fast I swore it would of broke through my chest. I had to to go to work that day but I couldn't really concentrate on what I was doing. I've already cut my finger with a knife two times. It wasn't a good day to be a chef-in-training. Maggie had texted me a few times already today saying she was really excited to go out for dinner. When my shift finally ended at 5 I practically ran the whole way home to get changed. I looked through my closet time and time again. Each time not finding anything different. That's when an idea popped into my mind. I ran to my small kitchen and ripped off the piece of paper on the fridge. It was for a nice casual suit I had sent to the dry cleaners a couple of years ago. The ticket read "We'll hold your clothing until your ready". Perfect, I thought. I ran down three flights of stairs to the lobby of the apartment building. I burst through the front doors and stood there for a minute. Pondering upon where the dry cleaners was. "Oh!" I said aloud. I looked on the card and realized the building was right in front of me. I looked up and seen a big sign saying "A&E Dry Cleaners". Well apparently love was totally blinding me. I quickly rushed to the crosswalk and hurried across the street to the small stuffy store. A bell dinged as I entered and I went up to the front desk with a sign addressing that the clerk would be back in 15 minutes. "One year and older clothing not claimed" said a sign to my left, under it was a rack of clothes. I walked over to it and started sifting through the clothes in plastic bags. The last bag I looked In held a brown tweed jacket and black casual pants. That was the bag with my clothes in it. I took the clothes out of the bag when a slip of paper fell. I bent down to pick it up and it read "B. Hilfiger". That was my name. Perfect, I was right on the appearance of the clothes I sent here a couple of years ago. The tag also said I owed the cashier $20 for the job if I ever came to pick it up. The clerk still wasn't back yet, and the timer said read that there was still ten minutes of his break left. I checked my watch and it read 6:36 p.m. If I didn't hurry I would be late, seeing as I need to go buy some groceries for the weekend. All the stores were going to be closed for the long weekend. I stuck a twenty dollar bill under the time, hidden. I scribbled a quick note saying who I was and how I picked up my clothes. I ran upstairs and dropped off my clothes in my entryway before sprinting back down the stair to go get groceries. When I finally got back it was 7:42 p.m. The lines at the Super Mart were packed. I quickly pulled on my outfit and checked myself out in the mirror. "Not bad." I said to my reflection. Chapter 3 Maggie Ever since Bailey text me last night I scrambled to find the perfect outfit for tonight. My university class ended late I nearly panicked. Glad I arranged all the clothing for the nights events I slipped on the sleek vibrant red silk dress. I found my three inch high sling backs and slipped them on my feet. Then when I checked my watch, it was ten to eight already! "Oh well. I'll just fashionably late." I muttered to myself. After I checked myself in the mirror one more time I ran out of the apartment. I was running down Madeline St. when my ankle twisted. This time my heel didn't break, but I heard an awful crack. "Ow!" I shrieked. I sat on the sidewalk for a good ten minutes crying and rocking back and forth while I held my ankle. That's when I heard clicking of heels on the concrete. I looked up to see a middle aged woman hovering over me. "Are you alright?" The lady asked. "I don't know. My ankle hurts so bad!" I said wincing. "What exactly happened?" "I was walking when my ankle twisted in my heel." I said at my thrown off heels a few feet away from me. "Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" "That would be great." I said trying to get up. That didn't work, I fell back to the ground. "I'll go get my car. It's better not to worsen the injury hon." "Thanks," She returned quickly in a blue car. She helped me up not bearing weight on my bad ankle. She drove quickly to the hospital and offered to stay with me until someone could come for me. "I think I'll be fine, thanks though. You have been a life saver." I said thrusting a $20 bill at her for the help. "Oh no problem. It was such a pleasure to help." She pushed my hand back. With that she left me in the orange plastic waiting room chair alone. "Maggie Jerome?" A man in blue scrubs called. "Um, over here. I kind of cant walk." "Macy? Could you please go get Ms. Jerome a wheelchair?" "Sure thing doc." The nurse said. "So what has happened Ms. Jerome?" "I was running down the side walk in heels and my ankle twisted. I think I heard a crack." "Oh, well here's your ride," he said presenting the wheelchair. I lifted myself into the chair as he wheeled me down to the examination room. He poked and prodded at my ankle. Me wincing the whole time. He took a few X-rays and announced that I had broken my ankle, and would have to stay the night for examination. He put a bright green cast on my foot and gave me a gown and bed to stay in during the night. All night I was sick, I kept throwing up nothing, and I had terrible headaches. I explained to the doctor that I got these headaches a lot. The next day I was let out of the hospital, with my bright green cast and crutches. It was hard to get used to using crutches at first but I couldn't give up. The doctor said I might be in this cast for over 5 months. As I was hobbling towards my apartment building it dawned on me. The date. I had forgotten all about it! I rifled through my purse trying to find my phone. Luckily it was on top. When I unlocked it, I had seventeen messages. Thirteen of which from Bailey, and four were from my mom, wondering why I hadn't called her as promised. I called my mom first. "Hello?" My moms worried voice asked. "Hey mom," "Honey, are you all right?" "I'm fine mom, sorry I didn't call last night," "Well explain yourself," "I kind of broke my ankle last night on my way to a date." "My goodness, I hope your all right! "I'm fine, don't worry about me." "Now did you get in contact with this boy?" "N-not yet," "Well don't bother being on the phone all day with me, call him! I'll come over later to check on you." "Bye, love you." "Love you too." Beep. Call ended my phone screen flashed. Next I called Bailey. "Bailey, listen I'm sorry I couldn't make it last night." "Well you better have a good reason. Meet me at the café now." He hung up and I hopped as fast as I could to the café. When I finally made it Baileys expression was stern. He still couldn't see me. I came into view in front of the table. His expression immediately changed. "What happened? You weren't like this two days ago. Did this happen last night?" He said chattering nervously. "I'm fine, yes it happened last night. I twisted my ankle. They kept me over night and I didn't get a chance to call you. Chapter 4 Bailey As soon as she told me her story about being at the hospital last night, my heart softened, and I forgave her. Soon after Maggie had gotten there, Bailey offered to walk with her back to her. She said yes and he painfully watched her as she swung her legs beneath her. "So here we are," Maggie said. "Um, are you sure?" Bailey asked. This was his building. "Ya, why?" "This is my building." "What room are you?" "234" "That's why I never knew you lived here. I live in 589." "Would you like me to stay with you for awhile?" "Sure," I walked Maggie to the elevator and punched in floor number five. Maggie entered the shaft before me, and then the doors closed. The elevator dinged that we were on the 5th floor. Maggie got out of the elevator and I followed her. She fumbled in her purse nearly falling over trying to find her keys. "Here, let me." I offered. I took her purse off her arm, I heard the jingle of keys and pulled them out and jammed them into the lock and heard a click. The door creaked as it opened. "Welcome home!" I said spreading my arms wide. Maggie found her seat in a comfy chair and propped her leg up on the footstool. In ten minutes Maggie was out like a light. It was almost 12:30 p.m so I decided to make a nice lunch for Maggie when she woke up. I dug around in her cupboards and found some pasta and put a pot of water on the stove. I found so parmesan cheese to sprinkle into the pasta. It was his grandmas recipe. The water began to slowly boil and I poured the pasta in. The pasta slowly began cooking and I lightly sprinkled some cheese in. All of a sudden a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. All their weight bearing on me. A little giggle sounded out of the back of Maggie's throat. "It smells good. Way better then the hospitals food." Maggie said. She hopped over to the island and sat waiting for me to serve her. I finished making the pasta and served up two plates of yummy smelling spiral pasta. He gave one plate and fork to Maggie and kept one set for myself. I spooned some pasta onto our plates, and sat next to Maggie. We ate the rest of our meal in silence. And sat and watched tv for the rest of the afternoon. It was around nine o'clock in the night when I got up to leave. "Well, I'm going to head out." I said. "Wait!" Maggie cried. "Yes," I said patiently. "Please stay, I don't want to be alone." "Alright. I guess I could stay a little longer." I walked over to the chair I was sitting on earlier and plopped down. We watched tv for a while longer, Maggie laughing at some comedy funnies on the tv. Maggie started wincing and looked as if she was going to cry. "Is it your ankle?" I asked worriedly. "Nah, that's fine, it's my head. I get these really bad headaches. Almost like my heads going to explode." "Oh, that's not good." By then, she was already dozed off on the couch. I carefully wrapped my arms under her back, and her knees. Gently lifting her up, I carried her across the living room to her bedroom. I laid her head on the pillow and propped up her bad leg under a pillow and pulled a blanket up to her chin. I shut off the light and closed the door a crack. I found a notepad and pen and wrote a note saying I would check in on her in the morning and that I was going home for the night. I taped the note to the bedroom door and left. I quickly but quietly ran down two flights of stairs to my floor. When I approached my room there was someone sitting beside the door. As I came up to him he stood. "My name is Mr. Rogers. I'm here to ask you a question." "And that question would be?" I asked impatiently. "Do you know anything about how Ms. Jerome's broken ankle?" "No, I do not." "Well I was just wondering because I'm Maggie's father." "I can assure you quite fine. But please don't go up. IYou'll wake her, I just laid her down." And with that Mr. Rogers left. I rifled through my pockets and felt for the cool metal of my house key. I finally found it and open the door with a creak. I turned on the living room light and entered the bedroom. I don't bother turning on my bedroom light because alls I'm doing is crawling into bed. I felt my way around my dresser to my bed. My body fell into a plush wonderland. I watched the light in the living room flicker. Ever since I was a little kid I was afraid of complete darkness. So I just leave the light on. I felt my eyelids getting heavier, finally the fell closed. I was slipped away by sleep.
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