#blue sees red and he's like '!!!! I'VE GOTTA TELL HIM ABOUT ALL MY NEW POKÉMON' before remembering they're supposed to be
mountmortar · 4 months
another line of blue's where he's being genuinely helpful to red because he physically cannot help himself is in the s.s. anne getting the cut HM: "I heard there was a CUT master on board. But, he was just a seasick, old man! But, Cut itself is really useful! You should go see him! Smell ya!" and i also think it's really funny how in the beginning of the game he tells red that he's gonna tell daisy to not lend him a town map and then red goes to daisy anyway and she gives him a town map with absolutely no mention of blue having told her otherwise (not even to say it in an exasperated older sister way, like "oh blue was being annoying and told me not to give you one but don't mind him. here's your map!") so i legitimately think he didn't actually tell her that. he was just being a little shit. of course daisy's gonna give him a fucking map. the entirety of rby is just blue repeatedly almost defaulting to treating red like he usually does (aka friendly. because they've been friends since they were little) before remembering "oh right i hate him now because he's taking all of gramps' attention" and covering it up with "nyeh nyeh you suck i'm awesome" behavior. it's so fucking funny
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